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Jay Cutler had tears in his eyes when told other players ripped him

Posted by Michael David Smith on January 24, 2011, 8:45 AM EST

Several NFL players took to Twitter on Sunday to rip Bears quarterback Jay Cutler, questioning his toughness for leaving the NFC Championship Game with a knee injury.


A story written after the game by Jim Trotter of Sports Illustrated will do nothing to change that perception of Cutler.


Although Trotter’s portrayal of Cutler is sympathetic — the headline is “Don’t question Cutler’s toughness” — Trotter offers a detail that is sure to add fuel to the fire for those who believe Cutler just isn’t tough enough to be a great NFL player.


“It cut him so deeply that tears welled in his eyes at his locker room stall,” Trotter writes of Cutler’s response to being told other players had criticized him.


Trotter continues: “Cutler appeared genuinely hurt when asked about the comments, saying: ‘No comment on that.’ He then turned his back to reporters, fiddled with some things on a shelf and bit his lip as tears welled.”


Whether you’re a kid getting picked on in school or an NFL player, if people think you’re a wimp, there’s no better way to confirm that perception than to cry about it. Those players who ripped Cutler on Sunday aren’t going to change their minds today when they hear that he had tears in his eyes.


That’s not to say they’re right. For the record, Cutler has missed exactly one game since he first became a starter as a rookie in Denver, and that one game came when doctors wouldn’t clear him after suffering a concussion this season. One missed game in a career that has seen Cutler get sacked 138 times does not make him a wimp.


But Cutler has a long way to go to rebuild his reputation. And crying in his locker isn’t the way to do that.



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And crying in his locker isn’t the way to do that.


And acting like a mope on the field/sidelines isn't going to help that perception either. Someone in another thread said you could question Cutler's attitude but you shouldn't question his toughness. I think those things are the same in this case. It's called mental toughness. And no, that doesn't have anything to do with his willingness to talk to the press or do commercials as Tom said the other day. It has to do with him showing leadership out there on the damn field.


I don't know how injured he was so I'm not going to join the other thread and bash him. Not yet. But it did look to me like he quit and worse yet, it looked to me like he didn't care. And that was before he got injured. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and the timid approach this team, the whole team other than our linebackers, took to the game was totally unacceptable to me. That's a reflection on Cutler, Smith and Martz more than anyone else. And Jerry Angelo. Hey Jerry, thanks for bringing in the "great" Todd Collins so we could waste ten precious minutes of gametime on this worthless hasbeen. And thanks for putting together an offensive line of spare parts even though it's been a glaring problem for something like three years.


Whether Cutler has the guts to be this team's QB has yet to be determined. But he shouldn't have to pick his ass off the field more often than any other QB in the league for us to find out. Jerry needs to find someone to help this guy improve and that means bringing in some O Line and WR help this year. But JA will probably draft 3 D Linemen again in the first 4 rounds like he does every season. And like most other years, they'll all wash out.

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Good post....


He was injured, but the perception and how the team handled it was poor.


I pretty much agree with all your assessments.


And acting like a mope on the field/sidelines isn't going to help that perception either. Someone in another thread said you could question Cutler's attitude but you shouldn't question his toughness. I think those things are the same in this case. It's called mental toughness. And no, that doesn't have anything to do with his willingness to talk to the press or do commercials as Tom said the other day. It has to do with him showing leadership out there on the damn field.


I don't know how injured he was so I'm not going to join the other thread and bash him. Not yet. But it did look to me like he quit and worse yet, it looked to me like he didn't care. And that was before he got injured. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and the timid approach this team, the whole team other than our linebackers, took to the game was totally unacceptable to me. That's a reflection on Cutler, Smith and Martz more than anyone else. And Jerry Angelo. Hey Jerry, thanks for bringing in the "great" Todd Collins so we could waste ten precious minutes of gametime on this worthless hasbeen. And thanks for putting together an offensive line of spare parts even though it's been a glaring problem for something like three years.


Whether Cutler has the guts to be this team's QB has yet to be determined. But he shouldn't have to pick his ass off the field more often than any other QB in the league for us to find out. Jerry needs to find someone to help this guy improve and that means bringing in some O Line and WR help this year. But JA will probably draft 3 D Linemen again in the first 4 rounds like he does every season. And like most other years, they'll all wash out.


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Sean Jensen and Zach Zaidman BOTH said they never saw him cry. Sounds like a slow media day even though the Super Bowl match-up is in place.


BTW- Cracker: are you really questioning his mental toughness? The dude threw 26 picks last year in Chicago and came back this year with 10 less and put his team in the NFC title game. I could argue he's the most mentally tough QB in football. What other QB has gone through the adversity Cutler has? Even Marshall Faulk said he'd take Cutler over Rodgers, Sanchez, and Roethlisberger because of his mental toughness.

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Yep could not agree more. The guy never goes and causes any trouble like marshall, Holmes, rothlesburger and Lewis, but he gets more press and hammered for more stuff then any of them. It wrong absolutely wrong, then to suggest his manhood in question is pure hatred. I dont get it and never will.

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Cowherd and his QB buddy Trent Dildo were comparing Rothlisbers broken nose to and how he was getting it repostioned and gauzed to stiop the bleeding and then he was back in on the next series. How is that a relevant analogy to a sprained/ torn MCL? Last I check you do not need your nose to throw passes. Unreal.


Another analyst I loathed is Hassleback another turd who did nothting in the nfl and is free to criticise Cutler's shortcomings and perceptions.


Sean Jensen and Zach Zaidman BOTH said they never saw him cry. Sounds like a slow media day even though the Super Bowl match-up is in place.


BTW- Cracker: are you really questioning his mental toughness? The dude threw 26 picks last year in Chicago and came back this year with 10 less and put his team in the NFC title game. I could argue he's the most mentally tough QB in football. What other QB has gone through the adversity Cutler has? Even Marshall Faulk said he'd take Cutler over Rodgers, Sanchez, and Roethlisberger because of his mental toughness.

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Cowherd and his QB buddy Trent Dildo were comparing Rothlisbers broken nose to and how he was getting it repostioned and gauzed to stiop the bleeding and then he was back in on the next series. How is that a relevant analogy to a sprained/ torn MCL? Last I check you do not need your nose to throw passes. Unreal.


Another analyst I loathed is Hassleback another turd who did nothting in the nfl and is free to criticise Cutler's shortcomings and perceptions.

There are not 3 analysts (Well two, 1 being a nobody in Cowherd) that I hate more than those guys. However I did listen to Trent Dilfer on the radio this morning and I had agreed with him on just about everything he said surprisingly, Silvy was being the idiot. Didn't get a chance to hear what the other two said but frankly I don't care. The more I keep hearing everyone's take on the situation the more I side with Cutler. I'm just sick of it already.

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Cowherd and his QB buddy Trent Dildo were comparing Rothlisbers broken nose to and how he was getting it repostioned and gauzed to stiop the bleeding and then he was back in on the next series. How is that a relevant analogy to a sprained/ torn MCL? Last I check you do not need your nose to throw passes. Unreal.


Another analyst I loathed is Hassleback another turd who did nothting in the nfl and is free to criticise Cutler's shortcomings and perceptions.

If anything you can compare his nose to the 3 stitches Cutler needed to close a gash on his chin in the Minny game, but to compare it to a MCL tear...WTF?

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