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Cutler Bashing


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To all you Cutler bashers,


Get a grip. The man tore his MCL and couldn't play. He got us to the NFC Championship after getting his ass kicked week in and week out. Cutler did not let us down. The only reason you are questioning his toughness is because whoever tell the FOX booth the status of injured players said his return was questionable. If they would have said he was out, there would be not a single discussion on the issue. FOX screwed the pooch by not fulfilling their media responsibility by replaying the injury. The man was hurt. If he could play, I have no doubt he would have been in there. You act like he didn't WANT to play. That is bullshit and you should be ashamed of yourself. He tore his damn MCL which you can't plant your front foot when passing. If anything, he gave us more of a chance by knowing his limitations and what he could not do and how detrimental it would have been for his team. If he played with the knee in the condition it's in, it would have hurt us more. So if you want to continue to bash Cutler, you spit on all the accomplishments of this year.





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To all you Cutler bashers,


Get a grip. The man tore his MCL and couldn't play. He got us to the NFC Championship after getting his ass kicked week in and week out. Cutler did not let us down. The only reason you are questioning his toughness is because whoever tell the FOX booth the status of injured players said his return was questionable. If they would have said he was out, there would be not a single discussion on the issue. FOX screwed the pooch by not fulfilling their media responsibility by replaying the injury. The man was hurt. If he could play, I have no doubt he would have been in there. You act like he didn't WANT to play. That is bullshit and you should be ashamed of yourself. He tore his damn MCL which you can't plant your front foot when passing. If anything, he gave us more of a chance by knowing his limitations and what he could not do and how detrimental it would have been for his team. If he played with the knee in the condition it's in, it would have hurt us more. So if you want to continue to bash Cutler, you spit on all the accomplishments of this year.


Bashing Cutler has nothing to do with accomplishments this year. The accomplishments were on defense. The offense sucked.

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Cutler bashng is so retarded it is not even funny! He gets his brains bashed in every week playing behind one the of the worst olines and he is going to quit in the BIGGEST GAME of his career. How does that make any sense??????? Why take the beating week in and week out and quit now????



Figure it out people. I having torn my ACL, LCL, LCL Capsule and Hamstring tendon know that you can tear a ligament and walk on it right after it happens. Your knee goes into shock and everything compensates for the torn ligament.



Lets hope he has not hosed his knee up enough to affect next year.

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Well, I haven't been bashing as I was waiting to hear the verdict on the knee. Still, without getting into bashing, here are my thoughts on what I saw:


1. Fox probably didn't know what play he got injured on as Jay stayed in afterwards for a number of series.

2. I don't have any issue with Jay on the field, he's tough. I don't like the mope look he goes with on the sidelines. This isn't even specific to yesterday, he does it all the time. In my eyes, that doesn't inspire confidence. Similar to the Wanny "hand through the hair" deal he used to do. Jay needs to learn a little better projection. Heck, in that regard, maybe Tom was right, perhaps learning a little acting skills via commercial appearances would help him learn that skill.

3. The line is slightly better than horrible, that's an indictment of Angelo, a positive about Tice and an excuse for Jay. It isn't easy to look confident when you're on your ass that frequently.

4. The Bears needed to get him off the field when they knew he couldn't come back in. Or at a minimum, they should've told the Fox sideline gal that he was done. Most of the fan anger came from the appearance of his being a pussy, not reality which was basically the opposite.

5. He had a terrible game before he was hurt. I can't explain it. Why does a guy like Hanie come in and have success against the same D? Probably because they were playing prevent some and probably because Martz called more rollout stuff which he should've used earlier with Jay too. If you want to bash Cutler, I think his play is a better reason than his lack of coming back into the game.


No matter what, this game was there to be had. Bears fans everywhere are hurt by what occured and when you're the QB, the head coach or the GM, you damn well better expect to hear it. Whether it's fair or not, people are looking for leadership to step up and once again, the top dogs on this team failed, in various ways, to produce.

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Why do we need another thread about the same thing? I'm over and done with this already, sick of talking about it. Everyone will have there own opinions with neither side being right or wrong. Jay is the only one who truly knows if he could have played or not, what people are bashing him for is the mentality that he brings upon himself where it looked like he didn't care. Whether that's the right or wrong way to approach it is a different discussion in itself.

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Bashing Cutler has nothing to do with accomplishments this year. The accomplishments were on defense. The offense sucked.

Yeah, the defense allowed 19 points to Buffalo, 26 to Philadelphia, 34 to the Jets, 20 to Dallas, 24 to Seattle (playoffs), and 20 to Detroit (2nd time). He did this all with me, my neighbor, MadLith, jason, and my grandma blocking, and Connor and Barack Obama as his #2 and #3 WR's. But yeah, Cutler had no accomplishments. Good call.

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