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Larry Fitzgerald available for the right price


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First: I think it safe to say that those that jumped to the conclusion that Cutler was "pussing out" have now realized that they were wrong. If not openly, with themselves. Even watching replays, and paired with the comments Kreutz made, you could see that Cutler's leg was bothering him. Take his weird looking attempt at riding the stationary bike as an example, he could barely rotate the pedals without difficulty. Anyhow....


Secondly: The more I think about it, as much as I would like to have someone like Fitz with the Bears, I just don't see it happening. I agree that the Cards are going to simply want too much. Besides, looking back at the NFC Championship game, what was the one thing that broke down and caused the game to be lost? The "D" stepped up after floundering for a quarter or two. And that was against Rodgers and his heralded passing attack. So...me thinks the "D" is pretty sound at the moment. Was it Cutler??? Nope....see above for why. Pretty clear that it was the o-line which led to Cutler getting hurt. Although the line did improve greatly since the bye adding one or even two key players could make a world of difference.


I have heard the O-lineman name out of Atlanta that was mentioned earlier as a good possiblility and recently read that Baltimore Tackle Jared Gaither was another strong contender that could be had for considerably less. Problem being that he is Tackle and I think the Bears need a Guard more than anything at the moment. Like Fitz, Mankins is gonna cost too much and he's too old. K. Williams needs to relocate back to his LT position as he is out of position at LG. Maybe after the last few years he's got a better handle.


DING DING DING!!! I just don't see how everyone in the world doesn't see this. The Bears should come out of FA and the draft with no less than 3 very good players/prospects that should challenge for 1 Guard position and both Tackle positions. Of course, I'd also like to see a Center drafted mid/late to be ready in a few years when Olin gracefully bows out.


I can't believe, however, that you think OG is a greater need than OT. I'd take Garza's corpse over Omiyale, any day.

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DING DING DING!!! I just don't see how everyone in the world doesn't see this. The Bears should come out of FA and the draft with no less than 3 very good players/prospects that should challenge for 1 Guard position and both Tackle positions. Of course, I'd also like to see a Center drafted mid/late to be ready in a few years when Olin gracefully bows out.


I can't believe, however, that you think OG is a greater need than OT. I'd take Garza's corpse over Omiyale, any day.

OT isa definite need. Right now Webb is the only guy that looks to have any upside. I just don't see Williams panning out as a starter at LT and he is not the answer at LG, either.

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First: I think it safe to say that those that jumped to the conclusion that Cutler was "pussing out" have now realized that they were wrong. If not openly, with themselves. Even watching replays, and paired with the comments Kreutz made, you could see that Cutler's leg was bothering him. Take his weird looking attempt at riding the stationary bike as an example, he could barely rotate the pedals without difficulty. Anyhow....


Secondly: The more I think about it, as much as I would like to have someone like Fitz with the Bears, I just don't see it happening. I agree that the Cards are going to simply want too much. Besides, looking back at the NFC Championship game, what was the one thing that broke down and caused the game to be lost? The "D" stepped up after floundering for a quarter or two. And that was against Rodgers and his heralded passing attack. So...me thinks the "D" is pretty sound at the moment. Was it Cutler??? Nope....see above for why. Pretty clear that it was the o-line which led to Cutler getting hurt. Although the line did improve greatly since the bye adding one or even two key players could make a world of difference.


I have heard the O-lineman name out of Atlanta that was mentioned earlier as a good possiblility and recently read that Baltimore Tackle Jared Gaither was another strong contender that could be had for considerably less. Problem being that he is Tackle and I think the Bears need a Guard more than anything at the moment. Like Fitz, Mankins is gonna cost too much and he's too old. K. Williams needs to relocate back to his LT position as he is out of position at LG. Maybe after the last few years he's got a better handle.



Not all who have wondered whether Cutler "pussed out" have realized they were wrong, I can assure you. Most may have gone quiet on this board but that does not mean that many are waiting, like me, to see what the future holds, after an incident which calls into question the fortitude of our QB. Personally, I hope time will prove me wrong... I could go on and on with alternative views and reasons but all know what they are and can decide for themselves. Keep in mind many get bored with defending what are very reasonable positions with obvious idiots who seem to have unending time to post on this and other boards....


I think we need a stud O linesman or two more than Fitz, and we can't have both. But, if we had to give up a bunch to get him, I would not be saddened.

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The Cardinals have solicited Fitzgerald's opinion on which quarterback the team should trade for or sign, according to league sources.


Fitzgerald's first recommendation was Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Kevin Kolb, for whom the Eagles are expected to entertain trade offers. Fitzgerald also brought up Baltimore Ravens backup quarterback Marc Bulger, whose contract is up this offseason.


What's also notable about Arizona asking Fitzgerald for his opinion is that the Cardinals know they have to keep their wide receiver happy. Fitzgerald is entering the last year of his contract and if the Cardinals don't have a viable quarterback, their Pro Bowl wide receiver might be less likely to re-sign.


But if Arizona shores up its quarterback position, it likely will shore up the fact that it can keep Fitzgerald long term.

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