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Lovie Smith receives 2 year extension through 2013.


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No surprise. We all knew it was coming.


It's interesting that PFT spun it with the potential of letting him go...




I still stand by my thought that it wasn't needed right now. But at least this extention isn't ridiculously long if he tanks.



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But at least this extention isn't ridiculously long if he tanks.


three years isn't that long? that is about the amount of time a new coach coming into the nfl gets to accomplish something before he is fired if he fails. this also gives a mandate for the worst GM in football memory to stick around for another 3 years and pile drive this franchise into the ground with a lack of talent. oh, and don't worry teddy boy, the outstanding job you have done as our president means your job is safe too.


as you say it's not that surprising. that concludes us from entering into the hunt for a quality veteran coach. so once again we don't have to worry about paying out the big bucks for a cowher or fisher type as they will already be gone and if the lovie boat sinks we can hire some nobody for peanuts yet again.


our reward for incompetence and mediocrity shines a light on the business/sports world for all to see that this mom and pop franchise is run and governed by greedy fools.



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What a flat out joke! Now what happens if we go 5-11 next year and miss the playoffs and everybody is calling for Lovie's head again? O wait... We can't fire him because we JUST SIGNED HIM TO AN EXTENSION! Makes absolutely no sense to extend him now when he had an entire year left on his deal. The Bears are idiots.

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Yeah maybe a few have forgotten that the Bears were ONE GAME from returning to the Super Bowl. All this whining about wanting a Cowhe or Fisher doesn't make any sense. Percentage wise how have those two compared? How far off is this team from getting back to the big game? A lot closer than if you were to dismantle and rebuild. As the article points out Lovie is the third winnigest coach in Bears history behind Halas and Ditka. Considering the Bears extensive history, thats pretty damn good. Those of you wanting to cheer for Cowher or Fisher need to figure out which team they are MAYBE going to coach...take your "man crushes" and cheer them on. Lovie's here for another few years like it... Or not.

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Cowher's got one thing neither Smith nor Fisher have. A ring. That's why people want Cowher. That, and he almost always had his teams deep into the playoffs. Last year was gret, but I still have memory of the few before.


We have him, and again like last year, I hope he grows as a coach. THe move overall makes sense from how the management works. He and Angelo are now connected at the hip. So, if a purge happens, it'll be the whole kitten kaboodle.




Yeah maybe a few have forgotten that the Bears were ONE GAME from returning to the Super Bowl. All this whining about wanting a Cowhe or Fisher doesn't make any sense. Percentage wise how have those two compared? How far off is this team from getting back to the big game? A lot closer than if you were to dismantle and rebuild. As the article points out Lovie is the third winnigest coach in Bears history behind Halas and Ditka. Considering the Bears extensive history, thats pretty damn good. Those of you wanting to cheer for Cowher or Fisher need to figure out which team they are MAYBE going to coach...take your "man crushes" and cheer them on. Lovie's here for another few years like it... Or not.


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What a flat out joke! Now what happens if we go 5-11 next year and miss the playoffs and everybody is calling for Lovie's head again? O wait... We can't fire him because we JUST SIGNED HIM TO AN EXTENSION! Makes absolutely no sense to extend him now when he had an entire year left on his deal. The Bears are idiots.



AMEN!!! One good year, mainly due to a forced assistant coaching regime change, and we have Lovie for longer? Should have at least given him another year to prove himself, I am sure that no teams were waiting to snatch him up....

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Yeah maybe a few have forgotten that the Bears were ONE GAME from returning to the Super Bowl. All this whining about wanting a Cowhe or Fisher doesn't make any sense. Percentage wise how have those two compared? How far off is this team from getting back to the big game? A lot closer than if you were to dismantle and rebuild. As the article points out Lovie is the third winnigest coach in Bears history behind Halas and Ditka. Considering the Bears extensive history, thats pretty damn good. Those of you wanting to cheer for Cowher or Fisher need to figure out which team they are MAYBE going to coach...take your "man crushes" and cheer them on. Lovie's here for another few years like it... Or not.


Maybe so but after Halas & Ditka the quality of coaching isn't exactly HOF worthy


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Looks like a mixed bag here. I am on the side that thinks this was an unnecessary move. Sure, it was predictable and expected, but unnecessary.


As I said before, this reeks of the Jauron years (edited: accidentally typed Wanny). Bad coaching that had nearly everyone against him, calling for his head, and then POOF!, a great year. Contract extension followed, and we know how the rest played out.


Let's hope it's not a repeat.



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Cowher's got one thing neither Smith nor Fisher have. A ring. That's why people want Cowher. That, and he almost always had his teams deep into the playoffs. Last year was gret, but I still have memory of the few before.


We have him, and again like last year, I hope he grows as a coach. THe move overall makes sense from how the management works. He and Angelo are now connected at the hip. So, if a purge happens, it'll be the whole kitten kaboodle.

The only reason Cowher has a ring is because the Rooney family is so damn loyal is sickening. Take a look at years 6, 7, and 8 for cowher. Those were all really bad years and in todays game he would have been fired. I like Cowher but most people using there brains would have known Cowher nor Fish werent coming here to begin with. Even if all coaches were fired after this year. This Offense is a work in progress and needs continuity, and this Defense, although its aging is very good and does have some youth on. This draft is good for Oline and Dline and instead of some people on here I am hoping JA finally hits it big time in the draft especially if he consults Tice for Oline in the 1st rd. Also another good thing about this extension is that it ties Lovie and JA together. Therefore both could be gone at the end of the 2013 season.

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Maybe so but after Halas & Ditka the quality of coaching isn't exactly HOF worthy


Well to be fair Ditka is not HOF for being a coach. And 63-49 (Lovie's record) is not bad. It includes three NFC North championships, one visit to the Super Bowl and ALMOST a second. This and the team is on the cusp of going back.


Much better record than Wanndstat... By far.

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The only reason Cowher has a ring is because the Rooney family is so damn loyal is sickening. Take a look at years 6, 7, and 8 for cowher. Those were all really bad years and in todays game he would have been fired. I like Cowher but most people using there brains would have known Cowher nor Fish werent coming here to begin with. Even if all coaches were fired after this year. This Offense is a work in progress and needs continuity, and this Defense, although its aging is very good and does have some youth on. This draft is good for Oline and Dline and instead of some people on here I am hoping JA finally hits it big time in the draft especially if he consults Tice for Oline in the 1st rd. Also another good thing about this extension is that it ties Lovie and JA together. Therefore both could be gone at the end of the 2013 season.


Amen brother!!!!


And credit is needed where it's earned. Who was it that worked in bringing the first true franchsise QB in Cutler to QB starved Chicago? Who was it that brought that #1 gem (Peppers) in last years FA crop to Chicago? Jerry Angelo. He is the one that is in the position to make those decisions and convince ownership why they need to spend the coin. All said, pretty good accomplishments in my book.


As you pointed out, the continuity of what Lovie and his staff offer is unmeasurable and important in getting to that next level.

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Although it still remains to be seen if the amount given up for Cutler made it worth it (which is fine, I'm patient and hopeful), I gotta agree on Peppers and not enough credit has been given on this one...unless we just lucked into him wanting to come here. It's been since our Super Bowl squad since I've known what it's like to have a truly dominant DE. Angelo landed him, and contrary to the occasional negative Nancy article, he has lived up to expectations, and very importantly, solidifies a position, allowing us to target other needs and it seems has made a better player out of Israel on the opposite end. He's even a positive influence in terms of character on the field, which apparently wasn't always 100% true. Even though he was expensive, after year 1 it seems to be a grade A effort to pick him up.


I'm holding out hope that regardless of whether they deserve extensions, JA/Lovie are learning from their mistakes and sharpening their tools. Bill Belicheck wasn't a success in Cleveland. Hypothetically, it would be irritating to see Lovie win Super Bowls with some other team and years later write about how much he learned from his first coaching experience with the Bears. I know that's getting very hypothetical.

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Although it still remains to be seen if the amount given up for Cutler made it worth it (which is fine, I'm patient and hopeful), I gotta agree on Peppers and not enough credit has been given on this one...unless we just lucked into him wanting to come here. It's been since our Super Bowl squad since I've known what it's like to have a truly dominant DE. Angelo landed him, and contrary to the occasional negative Nancy article, he has lived up to expectations, and very importantly, solidifies a position, allowing us to target other needs and it seems has made a better player out of Israel on the opposite end. He's even a positive influence in terms of character on the field, which apparently wasn't always 100% true. Even though he was expensive, after year 1 it seems to be a grade A effort to pick him up.


I'm holding out hope that regardless of whether they deserve extensions, JA/Lovie are learning from their mistakes and sharpening their tools. Bill Belicheck wasn't a success in Cleveland. Hypothetically, it would be irritating to see Lovie win Super Bowls with some other team and years later write about how much he learned from his first coaching experience with the Bears. I know that's getting very hypothetical.


Judging from the fact that they have refused to address the OL despite glaring flaws for several years, I won't hold my breath on them making a Belicheckian turnaround based upon what they "learned." And judging from what Lovie constantly preaches, I don't honestly believe he believes that learning trumps his system. He seems more apt to believe that it's all about player execution than potential system flaws that he can learn to overcome.

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It's not all that. Let's not forget for 6 seasons before that, he sent them to the playoffs. Didn't miss a single year. (I think you meant years 7-8-9). Thos were bad years. He may have been let go by numerous teams. However, the 6 previous years of strong showings seemed to generate enough goodwill. Smith got the same leway this past year, and without similar strong showings in pervious years.


I'm 100% certain we'll never get Cowher. Timing and money will dictate that. But just becasue it's probably not going to happen, doesn't meant I don't want it to. And did you think we were going to get Peppers? Cutler? Sometimes, we get surprised...




The only reason Cowher has a ring is because the Rooney family is so damn loyal is sickening. Take a look at years 6, 7, and 8 for cowher. Those were all really bad years and in todays game he would have been fired. I like Cowher but most people using there brains would have known Cowher nor Fish werent coming here to begin with. Even if all coaches were fired after this year. This Offense is a work in progress and needs continuity, and this Defense, although its aging is very good and does have some youth on. This draft is good for Oline and Dline and instead of some people on here I am hoping JA finally hits it big time in the draft especially if he consults Tice for Oline in the 1st rd. Also another good thing about this extension is that it ties Lovie and JA together. Therefore both could be gone at the end of the 2013 season.


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Yeah maybe a few have forgotten that the Bears were ONE GAME from returning to the Super Bowl.


yea, and maybe more than a few have forgotten it took us FOUR years after a superbowl loss and a complete non-injury season to even GET in the playoffs where we beat one team, the mighty 7-9 seahawks, to even get a chance to lose the nfc title game.


just for the record, do you know how many teams over the last THIRTY YEARS never made the playoffs once in three years after a superbowl appearance? three.


1) the 1998 atlanta falcons under HC reeves

2) the 2002 oakland raiders (who have sucked ever since 2002 with the knucklehead owner/gm al davis running the show) under callahan, turner, shell, kiffin, kiffen/cable, cable.

3) drum roll..... the 2006 chicago bears under lovie smith, jerry angelo and ted phillips.


that said, one playoff game every 4 years is enough for you to be happy with our system of deadbeats running this franchise?


All this whining about wanting a Cowhe or Fisher doesn't make any sense. Percentage wise how have those two compared? How far off is this team from getting back to the big game? A lot closer than if you were to dismantle and rebuild.


whining? is that what looking at the possibilities of improving our franchise to become a top competitor is, is whining? the mccaskey's must really love fans like you who just pay the money and shut up.


"percentage wise" is how you want to evaluate and compare coaches and players? by reading stats off of a page of numbers is the only way you know how to decide whether someone can coach or play football? me, i like to use my own eyes and throw in some brain usage to go along with what is in print.


cowher and fisher can both coach players because i have seen them both do it.


there was a fantastic turnover of players in pitt in which they let numerous good players go in free agency yet continued to put quality players on the field to replace them. this doesn't even include the large number of assistant coaches he put together over the years due to attrition.


the same can be said for fisher in tenn. he has had many players lost to free agency and poor drafts from his gm yet he continues to get the MOST out of whatever players he is forced to field.


can you say that about lovie? who has he made better? how has his game time decisions improved? how about his assistant coaching choices? how many coaches have been fired by him/angie yet the core of the problems that caused them to be fired never goes away.


how far off is this team from getting back to the big game? i don't know, you tell me. with a completely healthy team we beat 3 teams this last season with winning records. the packers, who beat us 2 out of 3 times last year including knocking us out of the playoffs and are favorites to win the division THIS year, the eagles, and the jets.


so where is this great improvement for next season coming from? who have we drafted that is waiting on our roster to step in and improve what we saw last season? oh that's right, we don't have ANY previous draft picks that could step in and start on any other team in the nfl but ours. is free agency again our solution or is it that you now for some reason have faith that our GM will draft even average players now that can play other positions besides special teams?


sorry bub but that ain't whining, that's reality!!!


As the article points out Lovie is the third winingest coach in Bears history behind Halas and Ditka. Considering the Bears extensive history, thats pretty damn good.


hmmmm.... let's look at the modern era of football, like the FORTY FIVE YEARS the superbowl has been in existence, and we have one superbowl ring and one loss. yea, that's "pretty damn good".


Those of you wanting to cheer for Cowher or Fisher need to figure out which team they are MAYBE going to coach...take your "man crushes" and cheer them on. Lovie's here for another few years like it... Or not.


"man crushes"? is that some kind of alaska thing or is that just nonsense babble from someone suffering from cabin fever and not having had a date without 4 legs for the last 5 months?

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The only reason Cowher has a ring is because the Rooney family is so damn loyal is sickening. Take a look at years 6, 7, and 8 for cowher. Those were all really bad years and in todays game he would have been fired. I like Cowher but most people using there brains would have known Cowher nor Fish werent coming here to begin with. Even if all coaches were fired after this year. This Offense is a work in progress and needs continuity, and this Defense, although its aging is very good and does have some youth on. This draft is good for Oline and Dline and instead of some people on here I am hoping JA finally hits it big time in the draft especially if he consults Tice for Oline in the 1st rd. Also another good thing about this extension is that it ties Lovie and JA together. Therefore both could be gone at the end of the 2013 season.


cowher in 15 years made the playoffs in 10 of those years. cowher had THREE losing seasons in FIFTEEN YEARS and one superbowl ring!!!

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Not sure what to tell you "Lucky". Other than the fact that you are obviously a classy person with your hyperbole and assumptions. But what you suggest, through all your missives, is that this team RIGHT now, should rebuild rather than continue with what is in place. How many major changes are needed? Oline? And that is about it. What else needs replacing? RB - nope, QB - nope, WR - not redone just helped or added to, LB - nope, Dline - not really (at least not completely), safety - nope, CB - need to think to the future in the draft. But really, you're smart and "watch with your own eyes" where else is the overhaul needed?


And by the way my wife is two-legged and has been the many years we have been married, thank you very much for your concern.

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Not sure what to tell you "Lucky". Other than the fact that you are obviously a classy person with your hyperbole and assumptions.


exaggerations and assumptions? whatever.


But what you suggest, through all your missives, is that this team RIGHT now, should rebuild rather than continue with what is in place. How many major changes are needed? Oline? And that is about it. What else needs replacing? RB - nope, QB - nope, WR - not redone just helped or added to, LB - nope, Dline - not really (at least not completely), safety - nope, CB - need to think to the future in the draft. But really, you're smart and "watch with your own eyes" where else is the overhaul needed?


i don't know where you come up with us being set for quality starting players.


the point is we NEED rebuilding. you couldn't build a team strickly through free agency in the past (george allen tried it) and you certainly can't build one to last in these days of the salary cap. i posted this in a previous post and i certainly don't see anything since that has changed...


CB - none are very good. peanut is aging and quite frankly hasn't been a good CB for some time (although he would have been an excellent safety). that means we need 2. is there any depth on this roster you could say is good enough to start for any real good team in the nfl?


S - d. manning is consistantly average at best. wright? an unknown at this time, c. harris?.


safety, especially free safety, is a very important key when running the defense we currently do. we need at LEAST one very good one and maybe even a very good strong safety to boot.


LB - all three starters are 30 + years old. who on this roster is qualified to be a starter behind them?


DL - both DE's are 30+. one DT, adams, is 30+. tommy harris is done. so what depth is there currently on our roster to replace any of them as sure starters?


OL - kreutz is 33. who else is worth anything on this starting roster? maybe c. williams in the future? at what position? we need in essence 2 tackles, 1 guard and a center.


FB - mamu is over 30


that comes out to 14 key starters who are aging or suck who need to be replaced within the next 1-4 years.


i want to emphisize this... 14 key STARTERS who will need to be replaced over the next 1 to 4 years due to AGE and/or quality. this is also assuming that our wide receiver corp will even be worth a dam and we don't have to replace some or all of them too. unless we draft 'quality' starters in every round for two years straight we are going to be in one hell of a mess in the near future and not unlike when wanny left 11 years ago.

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Still Dont see it Lucky, If I was as concerned as you I would quit watching. Rebuilding Is needed when there is no talent. Building is needed when you have talent and want to add pieces for depth as well improvements for the team. Get over it please and lets mo0ve on and hope there is a next season.

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