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QB coach wants to work with Cutler


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So George Whitfield, the QB coach, has said that he'd like to work with Cutler, going so far as to call him "arguably the most naturally gifted quarterback on the planet, maybe the most gifted since Elway." He thinks he could work with Cutler on mechanics and consistency and take his game to another level.


For those of you who don't know Whitfield, he's Cam Newton's QB tutor right now, but don't judge him just by Newton. He also worked with Ben Roethlisberger during his suspension, and Roethlisberger came right back into the league playing some of his best football. Roethlisberger is a very similar player to Jay in a lot of ways - in the past he's tended to rely on his great mobility and arm strength, improvise a lot, and hold onto the ball until he sees something develop rather than throw with anticipation. If Whitfield could get the best out of Roethlisberger, he might have success working with a similar QB in Cutler.


Mike Martz threw some cold water on the idea, and with good reason. His position is basically that developing the Bears' QBs is his job, not anybody else's. That said, if there's a lockout then Martz won't be allowed to meet with Cutler, nor will any other coach from the Bears. If that happens, Cutler might want to keep Whitfield's number handy.

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So George Whitfield, the QB coach, has said that he'd like to work with Cutler, going so far as to call him "arguably the most naturally gifted quarterback on the planet, maybe the most gifted since Elway." He thinks he could work with Cutler on mechanics and consistency and take his game to another level.


For those of you who don't know Whitfield, he's Cam Newton's QB tutor right now, but don't judge him just by Newton. He also worked with Ben Roethlisberger during his suspension, and Roethlisberger came right back into the league playing some of his best football. Roethlisberger is a very similar player to Jay in a lot of ways - in the past he's tended to rely on his great mobility and arm strength, improvise a lot, and hold onto the ball until he sees something develop rather than throw with anticipation. If Whitfield could get the best out of Roethlisberger, he might have success working with a similar QB in Cutler.


Mike Martz threw some cold water on the idea, and with good reason. His position is basically that developing the Bears' QBs is his job, not anybody else's. That said, if there's a lockout then Martz won't be allowed to meet with Cutler, nor will any other coach from the Bears. If that happens, Cutler might want to keep Whitfield's number handy.

You have to figure the players union should have something in place to allow player's to workout and if there is a lockout Martz won't have a say as to what Cutler can do.

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Cutler would never do this. It just doesn't seem like he'd go out of his way to work on his mechanics. He's going to be 28 or 29 next year. He's likely going to never be mechanically sound.


Yeah, that's a concern. Tom Brady has worked with the same QB tutor since he was like 15, but Tom Brady never had outstanding physical gifts, so he probably understood that he wasn't going to be able to cut it unless he had flawless mechanics. Cutler's made it this far covering for his sloppy footwork with God-given talent...he doesn't have the same incentive to improve his fundamentals. Which is a shame, because he really could be something else if he had Brady's consistency and sound mechanics.


Still, he doesn't have to be a perfectionist like Brady, but I hope that he'll at least put in some work with a QB coach in the event of an offseason lockout. I'd hate to see what'd happen if he showed up in September having gone eight whole months without working on the basics.

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