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Maybe I'm in a minority here, but the longer this CBA dispute goes on, the more disinterested I'm becoming in the upcoming season. I'm sure I'll change my tune once a deal is in place and everything gears up. But in a casual poll among my NFL fan friends, we're all kind of liking and enjoying the time off from thinking about the NFL. This doesn't bode well for the league. I'm sure we'll all come back to it. But will we do so with as much passion as we've had for the last decade? I don't think so. I could be wrong, and we all fall off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings once it starts up. But, I really do think this time off has given us all far too much time to ponder other activities and pasttimes. And tack in the continued wussification of the NFL (much for the better regarding safety albiet, but it's still getting diluted), and the thought of getting less entrenched in it seems far easier than before.


Seriosuly, fu^% all involved in this BS, including the owners, management, players, lawyers, politicians and anyone else I forgot to add to this malignant list. We fans are being taken for granted once again. Much to our own doing as a whole. But, it's still fan cruelty.


Just my 2 cents of venting...


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Maybe I'm in a minority here, but the longer this CBA dispute goes on, the more disinterested I'm becoming in the upcoming season. I'm sure I'll change my tune once a deal is in place and everything gears up. But in a casual poll among my NFL fan friends, we're all kind of liking and enjoying the time off from thinking about the NFL. This doesn't bode well for the league. I'm sure we'll all come back to it. But will we do so with as much passion as we've had for the last decade? I don't think so. I could be wrong, and we all fall off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings once it starts up. But, I really do think this time off has given us all far too much time to ponder other activities and pasttimes. And tack in the continued wussification of the NFL (much for the better regarding safety albiet, but it's still getting diluted), and the thought of getting less entrenched in it seems far easier than before.


Seriosuly, fu^% all involved in this BS, including the owners, management, players, lawyers, politicians and anyone else I forgot to add to this malignant list. We fans are being taken for granted once again. Much to our own doing as a whole. But, it's still fan cruelty.


Just my 2 cents of venting...

As of right now, nothing seems different. Its a hibernation time with the draft a month away. It will change for me starting in June, when there is no activity and the weathers nice, and I can get distracted with music and food and hopefully the White Sox are on a roll.

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Mad, I would have to agree with you on the loss of interest. But mine maybe to other reasons, One, I have totaly lost all respect for the players during this issue. Two, I am of the belief that there will be no season this year. So saying that, I guess I am on island as far as that goes, but if proven wrong I will gladly watch again, but my feelings for the players are gonna take sometime to get back in order. It just leaves a real bad taste in my mouth.

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I don't think you're off-base thinking there just may be no season. The involvement of courts and potentially politicians bodes poorly. One of my big fears is that the courts will blow the whole thing up and say each team is it's own business...thus eliminating the draft and putting the Jerry Jonses and Danny Snyders of the world as the teams who get all the talent (much like baseball) and crete their own tv/commerce deals. Oddly, for football, communism within it's nucleus of capitalism seems to work beautifully for the intergirty of the game. I could see that blowing up...


I too blame the players. But, I also blame the owners. All this simply sours my usual joy and escapsim of pro ball.




Mad, I would have to agree with you on the loss of interest. But mine maybe to other reasons, One, I have totaly lost all respect for the players during this issue. Two, I am of the belief that there will be no season this year. So saying that, I guess I am on island as far as that goes, but if proven wrong I will gladly watch again, but my feelings for the players are gonna take sometime to get back in order. It just leaves a real bad taste in my mouth.


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Rose has indeed been a pleasure to follow! Go Bulls!


Can't say the same for anything related to soccer! (Sorry, it's just not my bag. I get it, but I'm just not that interested in it other than when the world cup comes around.)


Did someone say Futbol? Go Sting...er I mean Fire!!!


How about them Bulls? Derrick Rose for NBA MVP!!


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