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Marvin Austin


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I know there's a thread for workouts attended by the Bears but this one impacts the first round and I think merits it's own place.


Lovie in attendance and Marinelli running the workouts. Watching the NFL Network it seems there's a lot of consensus that Austin has worked his way back into the first round. If that's true we have to start thinking he could end up on our roster. I've read where he was supposed to be a top 5 talent before the suspension. Now the flip side of having another guy enter the first round talent wise is that it makes it more likely an offensive player we like falls to us too.


Naturally the coaches watched Greg Little workout too. I didn't hear of anything in the way he would have really helped himself so he remains a late 2 to 3rd Rd selection.

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I know there's a thread for workouts attended by the Bears but this one impacts the first round and I think merits it's own place.


Lovie in attendance and Marinelli running the workouts. Watching the NFL Network it seems there's a lot of consensus that Austin has worked his way back into the first round. If that's true we have to start thinking he could end up on our roster. I've read where he was supposed to be a top 5 talent before the suspension. Now the flip side of having another guy enter the first round talent wise is that it makes it more likely an offensive player we like falls to us too.


Naturally the coaches watched Greg Little workout too. I didn't hear of anything in the way he would have really helped himself so he remains a late 2 to 3rd Rd selection.


I think Austin's a definite possibility but I'm skeptical about him going in the 1st round. Again, it seems like there's about 20 first round talen players and then 21-60 get kind of mixed together. I could EASILY seeing us trading down.


Based on Angelo's history, he likes to take a safe pick in round #1 or trade down. In round #2, all bets are off. Austin seems like an ideal round #2 guy.

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I think Austin's a definite possibility but I'm skeptical about him going in the 1st round. Again, it seems like there's about 20 first round talen players and then 21-60 get kind of mixed together. I could EASILY seeing us trading down.


Based on Angelo's history, he likes to take a safe pick in round #1 or trade down. In round #2, all bets are off. Austin seems like an ideal round #2 guy.



I get the same impression about the talent level in those picks. There are going to be some players that fall out of the top 20 that teams really want. You see guys like Carimi going anywhere from mid-teens to late first, among other Oline prospects. QBs are going to shape the late 1st and early 2nd Rd too because a lot of teams need QBs, three of them will go in Rd 1 but then when it comes to guys like Ponder and Mallett, plus Dalton is getting talked up more too. There's a big drop off after those guys so I expect some movement in the late first to get one or two of them.


However, our needs are very acute on Oline and DT and if our guy is there when we pick, just grab him. I think there's a chance of a very good player at one of those positions being there. We can't afford to lose the right fit for our biggest needs in order to get a similar talent-level player somewhere else on the field.



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I get the same impression about the talent level in those picks. There are going to be some players that fall out of the top 20 that teams really want. You see guys like Carimi going anywhere from mid-teens to late first, among other Oline prospects. QBs are going to shape the late 1st and early 2nd Rd too because a lot of teams need QBs, three of them will go in Rd 1 but then when it comes to guys like Ponder and Mallett, plus Dalton is getting talked up more too. There's a big drop off after those guys so I expect some movement in the late first to get one or two of them.


However, our needs are very acute on Oline and DT and if our guy is there when we pick, just grab him. I think there's a chance of a very good player at one of those positions being there. We can't afford to lose the right fit for our biggest needs in order to get a similar talent-level player somewhere else on the field.

I think if OT Carmi, Solder, or OG Pouncey are there at our pick they we take them. If one of them are available and Luiget DT or Paea DT are there also, then who will we pick? If both DTs or OLs are at that pick we want, which way will we go in the first round? OL because we have a better chance that a Nevis DT or McClain DT wll be there in the second? Or a DT and hope that a D. Love OT or Ijalana OT will be there in the second? I havent figured out if we get what we want in the first, which way we will go.

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As much as I'd like to see our defense return to bad-ass status if those options are there then I say we have to protect our franchise QB. Without Cutler we aren't going anywhere. Solder seems like more of project than I'd like but apparently has all the athleticism you want in an OT. He might end up the only OT on our roster who can protect a 7-step drop. But then what will we get out of the running game behind him?

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I think if OT Carmi, Solder, or OG Pouncey are there at our pick they we take them.




If one of them are available and Luiget DT or Paea DT are there also, then who will we pick?


Is Paea that good? It just seems like he falls into the category with Jurrell Casey, Christian Ballard, Terrell McClain and Marvin Austin. With the exception of Austin's potential, there doesn't seem to be a big gap between any of these guys. There's a good chance one of those guys will be there when the Bears pick at #62.


IMO we jump on Luiget if he's available.


If both DTs or OLs are at that pick we want, which way will we go in the first round? OL because we have a better chance that a Nevis DT or McClain DT wll be there in the second? Or a DT and hope that a D. Love OT or Ijalana OT will be there in the second? I havent figured out if we get what we want in the first, which way we will go.


My guess is DT because that's the greater need. I think we're much happier with a combination of Chris Williams and J Webb starting as our offensive tackles, opposed to Melton and Adams (assuming he's resigned) starting at DT.



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I think if OT Carmi, Solder, or OG Pouncey are there at our pick they we take them.




If one of them are available and Luiget DT or Paea DT are there also, then who will we pick?


Is Paea that good? It just seems like he falls into the category with Jurrell Casey, Christian Ballard, Terrell McClain and Marvin Austin. With the exception of Austin's potential, there doesn't seem to be a big gap between any of these guys. There's a good chance one of those guys will be there when the Bears pick at #62.


IMO we jump on Luiget if he's available.


If both DTs or OLs are at that pick we want, which way will we go in the first round? OL because we have a better chance that a Nevis DT or McClain DT wll be there in the second? Or a DT and hope that a D. Love OT or Ijalana OT will be there in the second? I havent figured out if we get what we want in the first, which way we will go.


My guess is DT because that's the greater need. I think we're much happier with a combination of Chris Williams and J Webb starting as our offensive tackles, opposed to Melton and Adams (assuming he's resigned) starting at DT.I think that if one of the top 4 LT prospects are there at 29 we have to take him. A Nevis , Austin, or McClain will be there in the second round, and fill our need at DT. For everything Ive read Carmi is iffy as a LT prospect and Sherrod can be that. We can get a RT prospect in the second if one of the top 4 LTs arent there. I rate them as Smith, Castonzo, Solder and Sherrod as the LT prospects.


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