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Rashard Mendenhall


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"i mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but i will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy"


realy not an awful lot wrong with that statement in my opinion. I'm sure he's not the only one who was uneasy at the scenes of cheering & chanting

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  flea said:
"i mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but i will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy"


realy not an awful lot wrong with that statement in my opinion. I'm sure he's not the only one who was uneasy at the scenes of cheering & chanting


First of all, the quote above is a viral misattribution to MLK Jr.'s. Second, read the entire article posted above. Here's a taste of Mendenhall's stupidity to whet the apetite:


“What kind of person celebrates death? It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side...’’


Either Mendenhall is colossally ignorant, or...well, there really isn't a second option.

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  jason said:
First of all, the quote above is a viral misattribution to MLK Jr.'s. Second, read the entire article posted above. Here's a taste of Mendenhall's stupidity to whet the apetite:


“What kind of person celebrates death? It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side...’’


Either Mendenhall is colossally ignorant, or...well, there really isn't a second option.


yes idiotic, cost him his job? no.


Will affect any endorsements no doubt

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If he would have stopped there, he would probably be praised. But, he kept going...and foot went into mouth.





  flea said:
"i mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but i will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy"


realy not an awful lot wrong with that statement in my opinion. I'm sure he's not the only one who was uneasy at the scenes of cheering & chanting


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He should not be allowed to wear the #34. He is a complete ass bag. He deleted the one tweet that he should have kept to himself, verifying that he put his foot in his mouth. I wonder if his agent told him to do it? Im shocked at how dumb he is. Maybe i shouldnt be, he did agree with Adrian Peterson that the NFl is like modern day slavery. He keeps showing the world how moronic he is. It sucks because he is from Chicago and I like rooting for Chicago guys!



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How do I view Mendehall's views? I believe that they are religiously based which makes any comments negative or positive about them a "Slippery Slope" and could open up a hot bead of issues that are totally unrelated to the Bears and this section of the board. I personally think he should have kept his comments to himself but realize that all that goes down in the military protecting are freedom allows young immature guys like Mendenhall to make stupid comments. This is the same sensitivity the White House is going through about releasing the photos of Bin Laden's corpse. I think this thread should be moved but this isn't going to be my call on this hot button issue.

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Moving the thread makes sense to me...


It's not Bears related.




  lemonej said:
How do I view Mendehall's views? I believe that they are religiously based which makes any comments negative or positive about them a "Slippery Slope" and could open up a hot bead of issues that are totally unrelated to the Bears and this section of the board. I personally think he should have kept his comments to himself but realize that all that goes down in the military protecting are freedom allows young immature guys like Mendenhall to make stupid comments. This is the same sensitivity the White House is going through about releasing the photos of Bin Laden's corpse. I think this thread should be moved but this isn't going to be my call on this hot button issue.


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I don't really mind what Mendenhall said. Scholars and experts on the situation since 9/11 have said that it is possible that the US government were the ones at fault for the attacks. Supposedly, the towers had explosions before the planes hit and there is proof of it. I'm not an expert on it, and I disagree with these experts who argue the US was at fault for this. I have trouble thinking my own government would kill thousands of people.


I do, however, have a problem with WHO SAID IT. Mendenhall needs to know that he's under a microscope being the RB for the Steelers and people are going to critique every questionable tweet that he tweets.


Chris Harris, a Bear, said something of the same. He said he won't celebrate the killing of bin Laden because he's a Christian and the bible says you don't rejoice when the enemy dies, or something along those lines.


My point is, if I said what he said, nobody would care. Mendenhall just needs to watch what he types or get off of Twitter.

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Just to the Chris Harris comment. If that's all he said, then there is zero wrong with that. Mendenhall went well beyond saying just that. And he got the grief accordingly.


  BrianBear said:
I don't really mind what Mendenhall said. Scholars and experts on the situation since 9/11 have said that it is possible that the US government were the ones at fault for the attacks. Supposedly, the towers had explosions before the planes hit and there is proof of it. I'm not an expert on it, and I disagree with these experts who argue the US was at fault for this. I have trouble thinking my own government would kill thousands of people.


I do, however, have a problem with WHO SAID IT. Mendenhall needs to know that he's under a microscope being the RB for the Steelers and people are going to critique every questionable tweet that he tweets.


Chris Harris, a Bear, said something of the same. He said he won't celebrate the killing of bin Laden because he's a Christian and the bible says you don't rejoice when the enemy dies, or something along those lines.


My point is, if I said what he said, nobody would care. Mendenhall just needs to watch what he types or get off of Twitter.


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  BrianBear said:
I don't really mind what Mendenhall said. Scholars and experts on the situation since 9/11 have said that it is possible that the US government were the ones at fault for the attacks. Supposedly, the towers had explosions before the planes hit and there is proof of it. I'm not an expert on it, and I disagree with these experts who argue the US was at fault for this. I have trouble thinking my own government would kill thousands of people.

Really, no, there were no explosions before the towers were hit, this is not a giant government conspiracy, no.

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  balta1701-A said:
Really, no, there were no explosions before the towers were hit, this is not a giant government conspiracy, no.

Scholarly journals and TV shows have been dedicated to 9/11 conspiracies.


Like I said, I don't agree with conspirators, but I can see how or why he'd believe what he believes.


Demolition theory proponents, such as Brigham Young University physicist Steven E. Jones, architect Richard Gage, software engineer Jim Hoffman, and theologian David Ray Griffin, argue that the aircraft impacts and resulting fires could not have weakened the buildings sufficiently to initiate a catastrophic collapse, and that the buildings would not have collapsed completely, nor at the speeds that they did, without additional energy involved to weaken their structures.


Soon after the day of the attacks, major media sources published that the towers had collapsed due to melted steel. Knowledge that the burning temperatures of jet fuel would not melt the steel support structure of the WTC contributed to the belief among skeptics that the towers would not have collapsed without external interference (something other than the planes)


I 100% disagree, but don't tell me conspiracies do not exist when they do.

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  BrianBear said:
I don't really mind what Mendenhall said. Scholars and experts on the situation since 9/11 have said that it is possible that the US government were the ones at fault for the attacks. Supposedly, the towers had explosions before the planes hit and there is proof of it. I'm not an expert on it, and I disagree with these experts who argue the US was at fault for this. I have trouble thinking my own government would kill thousands of people.


I do, however, have a problem with WHO SAID IT. Mendenhall needs to know that he's under a microscope being the RB for the Steelers and people are going to critique every questionable tweet that he tweets.


Chris Harris, a Bear, said something of the same. He said he won't celebrate the killing of bin Laden because he's a Christian and the bible says you don't rejoice when the enemy dies, or something along those lines.


My point is, if I said what he said, nobody would care. Mendenhall just needs to watch what he types or get off of Twitter.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you're not happy when good triumphs over evil, you've got a serious problem.

But let's take a biblical perspective...

Proverbs 24:17-18

"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; lest the Lord see it and be displeased, and He turn away His anger from him." Written by Solomon, who was said to have been blessed with wisdom.


The problem for Mendenhall is that we don't know if this is his reasoning, or if, more likely, he doesn't view it as happy because he doesn't have concern for the evil this man stood for and perpetuated until the day he died.


A secondary problem for Mendenhall, and anyone else with this reasoning, is that he fails to distinguish between celebrating Osama's actual physical death without repentence...and celebrating the victory of good over evil, the end of a terror, the end of a defiance of God's will and the murder of His people by means of Bin Laden. All of which happened simultaneously. That the guy led his life the way he did and died by it is a travesty, and that hardly makes me joyous, and yes, news outlets may have dwelled on those who seemed to be celebrating vengeance towards Osama, but I personally got a little choked up because of the feeling that good had finally triumphed (in at least one important, and long overdue way) against evil, and because I knew the good that would come from those with evil intentions understanding that there will be consequences, in this life, for their acts. I'm not ashamed of having that reaction to say the least.


Even worse for Mendenhall is that the bible plainly makes the opposite (seemingly contradictory) case for celebrating the death of the wicked too. So when you spout off how unseemly and unbiblical the celebrating is without acknowledging the other side of the coin, it makes it looks like you're cherry picking your scripture to agree with your real motivation, which could (allegedly) be to feel apathetic towards the torture, terror, and death of innocents. That makes Mendenhall come off essentially evil, so I'm not suprpised to see people react so strongly against his comments.


Proverbs 11:10

"When it goes well with the rightous, the city rejoices; and when the wicked perish, there is glad shouting."

...also written by Solomon.


It was a stupid thing to say, but he's young and I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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  BrianBear said:
I don't really mind what Mendenhall said. Scholars and experts on the situation since 9/11 have said that it is possible that the US government were the ones at fault for the attacks. Supposedly, ...

You're missing something here. Was Osama a terrorist or not? The answer is yes, and not a robin hood style terrorist but one born of hate, which I'm sure you'd concede. So don't confuse yourself with questioning whether some government is also evil or whether Osama was not singularly responsible; it makes no difference with respect to specifically this issue with Mendenhall. Obviously, it would hypothetically make a heckuva lot of difference with respect to other questions and answers that Mendenhall didn't bring up. But that kind of goes along with our point.


I for one, am glad he's not on our team. I like to feel proud of my guys.

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Ooh, just found out he's apparently Islamic. The Koran is even more uncomfortably sanctioning of justified violence than the Bilble. And the vast majority of Muslims believe Osama's positions to be a perversion of the Koran at that. Now it's hard to even give him benefit of the doubt. That is, that it's not the Koran or his love of God that leads him, but his sympathy to Bin laden's cause. Yikes.

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  BrianBear said:
Scholarly journals and TV shows have been dedicated to 9/11 conspiracies.


Like I said, I don't agree with conspirators, but I can see how or why he'd believe what he believes.






I 100% disagree, but don't tell me conspiracies do not exist when they do.

No one said conspiracies don't exist. In this case however, there is no conspiracy. These people are simply wrong on their numbers.


Give you an example. The post you're trying to cite referred to melted steel. Basic metallurgy tells us though that steel need not melt in order to lose its strength...just picture a classic blacksmith forging something...he never melts the steel, he heats it up to the point it's hot and able to be molded plastically by hammering on it, but doesn't come anywhere near the melting point of the metal. Steel loses its strength rapidly when you get above a thousand degrees but doesn't melt until you get above 2000.

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