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Rashard Mendenhall


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yes idiotic, cost him his job? no.


Will affect any endorsements no doubt

"Champion is a strong supporter of the government’s efforts to fight terrorism and is very appreciative of the dedication and commitment of the U.S. Armed Forces. Earlier this week, Rashard Mendenhall, who endorses Champion products, expressed personal comments and opinions regarding Osama bin Laden and the September 11 terrorist attacks that were inconsistent with the values of the Champion brand and with which we strongly disagreed. In light of these comments, Champion was obliged to conduct a business assessment to determine whether Mr. Mendenhall could continue to effectively communicate on behalf of and represent Champion with consumers.


"While we respect Mr. Mendenhall’s right to express sincere thoughts regarding potentially controversial topics, we no longer believe that Mr. Mendenhall can appropriately represent Champion and we have notified Mr. Mendenhall that we are ending our business relationship. Champion has appreciated its association with Mr. Mendenhall during his early professional football career and found him to be a dedicated and conscientious young athlete. We sincerely wish him all the best."

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BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Surely Mendenhall has an agent telling him the following:


1) Close your myspace account

2) Close your facebook account

3) Close your twitter account

4) STFU unless someone specifically asks your dumb ass about football



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BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Surely Mendenhall has an agent telling him the following:


1) Close your myspace account

2) Close your facebook account

3) Close your twitter account

4) STFU unless someone specifically asks your dumb ass about football






If his agent is not telling him i will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laughing the entire time

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Hate that I'm even reading this thread, should have been deleted or moved. Mendenhall isn't a Bears, plus the thread not only got political and religious.


Mendenhall's first tweet was ignorant in that it was ill informed and he should have known it would hurt his career.


The one comparing their celebrating and ours on the other hand, I feel is a very knowledgeable. Bin Laden wasn't evil to be evil. He seems like a product of his environment that had the ways and means to help pull off a horrific act. Yet, I wonder if I was in the same situation, raised through, and experienced the same things, then would I had did something similar. I like to think not, but where these ppl are coming from. These ppl live their life in a war zone. The last time there was a country that attacked american soil, we ended up nuking that country.


It's not that I sympathize with the horrible things they did for revenge. I feel it's at least right to try to understand their motivations, to help prevent similar acts in the futute. It wasn't ppl that were just evil, it was an extremist terrorist reaction to actions that had been taken by our government previously. It's helped move me to a more libertarian point of view of wanting our country to keep our nose out of countries businesses.


It was sort of disheartening seeing our country celebrate so wildly. I was excited when I found out the news and drank til 6 am. The pictures and video of americans celebrating on the streets was reminiscent of the celebration in the streets of third world countries. While it was mentioned someone of pure evil dying, to them America is pure evil. While you and I know that isn't true, that's their understanding of us due to experiences in their lives. They finally did the impossible and struck a blow on America, which effects are being felt to this day.


We killed what our country has labeled pure evil. Our ppl celebrate after 10 years of waiting for that day. They are third world countries, and we are supposed to be leaders of the world. It can be understandable for some ppl saying that we as Americans should have shown more class. I drank my beer happily, but wasn't celebrating like the Bears just won the superbowl.


And to whomever wrote about the Koran being more open to approving violence, just look at world history. The Bible was used as an excuse to have the crusades, oppression of women, complete distruction of culture and languages such as the Mayans, and so on. Any religious text can be interpreted by extremists to reach their goal. Plus, Mendenhall quoting one passage while ignoring another is commonly used every Sunday. Read right before the 10 commandments in the bible and read the rules on slaves and women laid out. They are rarely mentioned but they are appalling in todays world. I believe in God btw.

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Once again, I DISAGREE with Mendenhall. All I'm saying is I can see from his point of view because I once took a class totally dedicated to who was responsible or partially responsible for the attacks.


Do I think the US government is at fault? No.

Do I think Mendenhall needs to STFU? Yes.

Do I think he should be cut? No.

Do conspiracies exist? Yes.

Do I think what he said was necessarily bad? No.

Do I think that he's under a microscope because he's a football player? Yes.

If I said what he said, would anyone give a s***? No.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And to whomever wrote about the Koran being more open to approving violence, just look at world history. The Bible was used as an excuse to have the crusades, oppression of women, complete distruction of culture and languages such as the Mayans, and so on. Any religious text can be interpreted by extremists to reach their goal.

Yep. But you're just repeating what I said, though emphasizing the Bible.

Plus, Mendenhall quoting one passage while ignoring another is commonly used every Sunday. Read right before the 10 commandments in the bible and read the rules on slaves and women laid out. They are rarely mentioned but they are appalling in todays world. I believe in God btw.

Just pointing out that apples to oranges examples of others cherry picking scripture without malice is not enough to be persuasive. It's important to note the difference between commonly debated topics such as slavery or women's rights from that of a somewhat profound, specific claim regarding Bin Laden. While it's not rational to assume that someone supporting the abolition of slavery is hiding some other motivation (other than slavery abolition) by not mentioning pro-slavery scripture, it is reasonable to assume that someone who takes a position that seems to fly in the face of a mountain of evidence and common sense about a topic that is ripe for misleading the less-informed while not mentioning the significant amount of scripture (indeed, more of it is pro-celebrating the death of evil) that seems to state the exact opposite is hiding some other motivation. That is, if I know that people already know the oppisite argument well and I know my position is not controversial, then applying conventional wisdom, I will not go to the trouble of being as thorough in my references to supporting scripture than when the case is the opposite. Yet this was not Mendenhall's thought process, which begs questions. [Keep in mind I found out later that Mendenhall is not Christian, so my talk of Biblical scripture is actually kind of moot now. It would take a knowledge of the Koran to properly debate if he was indeed misleading to hide his true motivations. But that didn't seem to be your point, so I addressed you without that consideration.]


I agree that people with differing viewpoints may not be able to see the difference. I think your use of lack of 'class' is a misnomer however. Decorum maybe is more fitting. To put is simply, tt is ok to celebrate good winning over evil. If you feel otherwise that's a problem, and I'm sure we all agree on that much.

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Hate that I'm even reading this thread, should have been deleted or moved. Mendenhall isn't a Bears, plus the thread not only got political and religious.

A few years ago I tried to enforce rules regarding what went in each forum and it angered pretty much everyone here, so I stopped and just turned this into "anything tangentially related to NFL football that people want to talk about".

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A few years ago I tried to enforce rules regarding what went in each forum and it angered pretty much everyone here, so I stopped and just turned this into "anything tangentially related to NFL football that people want to talk about".


That's better than when I tried to do the same thing (I removed political content without changing the post's football content or message), and someone on the board cried like a bitch, and I essentially got "demoted" from admin.

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