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umm dead board?


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Seems like the NFL players union this board has taken a dump. I know there is not anything to write about, But it seems like everytime I come here nobody is even browsing. Oh well, my 2 cents for the moment.


Grizz I couldn't disagree more. The members of this board are extremely active, but we meet on practice fields, in small groups, informally, to chat now and keep our timing tight for when the dispute is finally resolved.


One side note, the defensive posters are not participating in offseason discussions.


I'd better get out before they arrest me for trespassing here :)

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I'm still trying to make the damn team! I'll tresspass with you...but sadly, I will get caught becasue I couldn't outrun a sloth right now...


Grizz I couldn't disagree more. The members of this board are extremely active, but we meet on practice fields, in small groups, informally, to chat now and keep our timing tight for when the dispute is finally resolved.


One side note, the defensive posters are not participating in offseason discussions.


I'd better get out before they arrest me for trespassing here :)


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This has been brutal!


My fantasty league is contemplating taking a year off... Dogs and cats living together...


I did see an interview w/ Wooten on Chi Trib Live on Comcast the other night. He really seems like a guy who has his act together. I hope he can follow up KO'ing Favre with a nice career in Chicago!


Haha. I haven't been coming around as much since there is pretty much zero news. I guarantee activity picks back up once stuff starts to happen. NFL is such a long off-season and with a good chance of there being no football, its been an even longer off-season.


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