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Missed tkls best & worst


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I know some of you don't rate these guys but for me enough experts reference them & teams use them for it to be a valid reference point




in order to qualify for the study a player needed to have 75 attempted tackles (including sacks) over the past three seasons


Defensive Lineman and the Perfect Score


With the qualifying threshold of 75 attempts eliminating several players who have gone without a missed tackle in their few chances, only one perfect score remains in the study, belonging to the Bears’ Israel Idonije.


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nteresting stats...


thanks for posting!


I'm surprised to see Briggs miss so many...


I know some of you don't rate these guys but for me enough experts reference them & teams use them for it to be a valid reference point




in order to qualify for the study a player needed to have 75 attempted tackles (including sacks) over the past three seasons


Defensive Lineman and the Perfect Score


With the qualifying threshold of 75 attempts eliminating several players who have gone without a missed tackle in their few chances, only one perfect score remains in the study, belonging to the Bears’ Israel Idonije.


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I always thought Briggs needed to do a better job of wrapping up, but I was pleasantly surprised at the presence of Danielle Manning and P-Nut on the "sure tackler" list. Seems like they miss their fair share of tackles as well.

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Yeah, wow, Briggs has 48 misses in about 300 tackles while Takeo has 4 misses in about 250 tackles. Even taking into account the 50 extra attemtps by Briggs, Takeo misses about ten times less tackles than Briggs..that's embarrassing, but mostly because Takeo's stat is so gaudy.


Furthermore, their definition of a miss seems to be fairly forgiving. Even the worst offenders only miss a tackle about once every 10 successful tackles? I'd be thrilled if that were really true on the Bears. The games I watch it seems there's at least one missed tackled every 3 or 4 plays, meaning the average ratio should be about 5:1, and the poorest tacklers should be even lower than that.

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It's hard to say what a miss is in their definition. There is one line that says "on contact" so I'll take that to mean the defensive player must contact the offensive player. This does not account for players who are out of position, or players who lack the athletic ability to catch the guy. Then you have guys who are sure tacklers but gave up 5 yards while making the tackle. Teams will march down the field on you time and again.


That leads to guys like Briggs who is a bit of a gambler, and sometimes those gambles put him out of position to make the play other times it gets a big play. On the whole Briggs give us more positives than negatives and those big plays help stall drives.


So while there is some credence to the data as always some context is needed.

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I agree at being surprised at Danielle being high on the good list. Peanut doesn't surprise me. He's never been extremely speedy but he's a smart, complete football player and when I see a WR or RB catch a ball wide open in the flat and Tillman is first on the scene, he's not one of the guys I nervously hold my breath for.


You know, you can defend a pass, stuff a guy for a loss, and then one missed tackle later the other team just got a 1st down on you. Some games when I watch the Bears I think it's silly how much effort we put into all the little things and effort to make athletic plays only to throw it away by consistently missing tackles...of course I find myself thinking that about penalties even more.


While I absolutley take stats only "for what it's worth", I also feel like the negative impact of missed tackles is not given enough attention, which is hardly to say that it goes under the radar but it really is so important. The thing about Briggs is he has a nose for the ball. He's in on a lot of plays which means he may be barely getting there on some plays other LBs wouldn't get there at all on, which can translate into more missed tackles stats. But you can only take the stats can be misleading argument so far. No way around it, Takeo Spikes is far better tackler and Briggs could improve by cleaning up that part of his game.

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