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Olsen to be traded?

Alaskan Grizzly

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If Olsen were subtracted and somehow a WR upgrade was brought in, wouldn't that be a substantial upgrade?

Of course that would be an upgrade but my question would be who would that WR be that fits our system well. Remember we all thought DA was gonna be that nxt budding star this time last year

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Effing Martz is going to run that guy out of town, and then Martz will be gone next year.


This reeks...


Olsen ain't the best, but he's pretty damn good. he needs to be kept. We aren't going to do anything but waste any draft pick we get because Angelo is a buffoon. Grr...


Don't like this "talk" at all. True or not.




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Olsen is probably the one offensive weapon that is a true #1. If we lose a #1 TE for a #2 WR, I will be pissed off. Becasue I see no desire on the Bears' part to get a legit WR. Just some Alvin harper clone that'll bust like Harper did in TB.


If Olsen were subtracted and somehow a WR upgrade was brought in, wouldn't that be a substantial upgrade?


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I simply want results, and I don't care how it's obtained.


Eddie Effort is a nice story, and Alex Ability is a tease, but Danny Deliver is who I want.


Usually folks that deliver tend to work hard.


Would you prefer someone who is good but doesn't care or someone who isn't good but works hard?


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This is a weird issue. For one, I think Olsen doesn't play a huge offensive role on this team. I think a WR can be brought in and do a great job in his spot, because of Martz's offense. Plus, I'm not comfortable as a Bears fan to say the Bears should keep Olsen around and give him a huge extension next offseason for a small role in this offense. Granted, I'm not sure how long Martz has as the Bears OC, but for the time being, Olsen isn't worth top 5 TE money.


On the other hand, Olsen has made strides as a blocker and is still dangerous. My blasting of him has stopped, because IMO, he used to be lazy on the field and not show a lot of hustle on tough catches. Last year, that slowed down last year as he worked on his blocking and made the catches he should.


If the Bears can get a 2nd round pick + a FA WR in his spot, do it. If they have no plans of signing a WR after this trade and can only get a 3rd round pick in return, I say no.

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