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I have no idea why there seems to be a media feeding frenzy at Bears' camp this year but ,I guess with 2 mediocre baseball teams in town what is the other sports news? Pompeii is starting to get a little full of himself IMO and I believe he as well as Hub Arkush have an axe to grind against the Bears.

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I'm actually in shock. Pompei has been a puppet for the Bears for a good while now. I used to like him, then he got square in the Bears' corner and has been very one-sided to the point where I can't believe a thing he writes.


This article goes against that. I want to see more from him in such a manner before I stop thiking he's still a pawn of the Bears.


I have no idea why there seems to be a media feeding frenzy at Bears' camp this year but ,I guess with 2 mediocre baseball teams in town what is the other sports news? Pompeii is starting to get a little full of himself IMO and I believe he as well as Hub Arkush have an axe to grind against the Bears.


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People forget that it was widely reported Olsen was telling his teammates last year that he was done with the Bears and saying good bye. No mention of that.


This year Olsen didn't want a trade, he wanted an extension. We declined. We sent him to Carolina and he got paid. Good for him and good for the Bears.


JA NEVER should have said Olsen wanted out last year. But I believe it. And based on what I know, Olsen is lying.



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Pompei needs to shave that god awful facial hair. If there was ever a person that has a face that doesn't match his facial hair, it's him.

He reported the story because he is traveling around to other team training camps and was recently in Carolina. The talk with Olsen got it all brought up again. Pay attention.

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