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Now that camp has ended, NFL Network drop the ball?


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Ya know I was pretty faithful watching the NFL network at 4 pm daily. I was waiting for camp reports for the Bears. They interviewed Tom Waddle from there, But it was about the Ochocinco trade. I have yet to see anything from them, And to boot Iam getting so sick of Dallas reports I wanna puke. What is it with the supposed flagship station of the NFl dropping the ball on this. It seems like watching the Daileys on the Reelz channel. Am I just missing it here or is anyone else feel like Jerry Jones and Bill Belichek bought stock in the station?

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Ya know I was pretty faithful watching the NFL network at 4 pm daily. I was waiting for camp reports for the Bears. They interviewed Tom Waddle from there, But it was about the Ochocinco trade. I have yet to see anything from them, And to boot Iam getting so sick of Dallas reports I wanna puke. What is it with the supposed flagship station of the NFl dropping the ball on this. It seems like watching the Daileys on the Reelz channel. Am I just missing it here or is anyone else feel like Jerry Jones and Bill Belichek bought stock in the station?

Don't forget the over hyped Rex Ryan and the Dirty Sanchez reports. We never get love from the networks...ESPN mainly.

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The Bears aren't sexy, it's that simple. They just found ways to win last year. There just wasn't anything last year that made anyone say wow they can really ...rush the passer? stop the run? throw the ball? run the ball? Nor do we have any elite attention grabbing players that have a nationwide spotlight on them. We have some name players in Urlacher, Briggs, and Cutler but what do they ever say to the media? Nor is this a young up and coming team. In fact we're more on the other side of the that. We're best known for having a bad Oline and we've done nothing significant to address it.


I think this is good for the team to keep them focused. Let Detroit and Minn get all the attention as the upstarts. Let Green Bay be showered in praise while we keep working. I know we weren't that far off from the big game and I like the pieces we've added. We just need the Oline to come together and be average.

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The Bears aren't sexy, it's that simple. They just found ways to win last year. There just wasn't anything last year that made anyone say wow they can really ...rush the passer? stop the run? throw the ball? run the ball? Nor do we have any elite attention grabbing players that have a nationwide spotlight on them. We have some name players in Urlacher, Briggs, and Cutler but what do they ever say to the media? Nor is this a young up and coming team. In fact we're more on the other side of the that. We're best known for having a bad Oline and we've done nothing significant to address it.


I think this is good for the team to keep them focused. Let Detroit and Minn get all the attention as the upstarts. Let Green Bay be showered in praise while we keep working. I know we weren't that far off from the big game and I like the pieces we've added. We just need the Oline to come together and be average.


well with refrence to the age of players, I think they have turned the corner as far as being old. The Bears were like the number 3 defence last year, with that winning the division they should be one of the top top teams to have camp reports. Instead we get a team that dint make the playoffs and we beat. Then to boot they show Sexy Rexy and foot fetish instead of what happening the second largest market in the NFL. I dont get it at all.

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