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Chicago Bears @ New Orleans Saints, 9/18/11


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We totally got away from the run. Mad Martz was in full effect... Results as expected.



OL sucked, but I think we were too quick to give up on the run. You have to at least try, and we didn't. 10 total carries for Forte. I think one for Bell. Shit. Did we even have a carry in the 2nd half.


Rip the OL. You know I will. But are you helping the OL when you pass every down.


Also, how many empty backfields did we see. If your OL are struggling to block, wouldn't it make sense to put in an extra blocker rather?


I am fine ripping the OL, but to me, the coaches are just as much to blame. They didn't put the players in a great situation today


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I hate how Comcast is showing a useless Cubs game over Bears Post Game Live. Who gives two shits about baseball anymore? I want to listen to the guys bash this Bears offense and listen to Lovie's press conference about how bad they were.


And the SCORE had White Sox baseball over Doug & OB. I think contractually they have to play the games. Even when nobody gives a damn about them.

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Dude. You're an idiot. Go back to last week's game thread. Read it. If you don't, you're both a liar and lazy. I called out Martz. So did you. But I pointed out more positives than you did, and you pointed out more negatives than I did. And when you got called on something (i.e. when you were wrong about blocking responsibilities), you refused to go back and admit your error. I actually did look at the recording twice and confirmed what I saw. But you ran away from it, and then later tried to act like you thought Martz had a good game (because everyone else was saying so). If I recall correctly, you said Martz was being "clowned." You were wrong last week. If you had said so this week, you might be right.


Speaking of this week, I've already mentioned more than once that there needs to be more running.


The only thing hilarious is the fact that you have some sort of game viewing practice that doesn't allow you to see the obvious.



Coach, no personal attacks please.


I ripped Martz this week because he deserved it.


I do love the way you "keep score" on how many times we each give positives.



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Coach, no personal attacks please.


I ripped Martz this week because he deserved it.


I do love the way you "keep score" on how many times we each give positives.

I wish the OLine was more charged up than you two...lol. I love Urinary Olympics (Pissing Contest) first thing in the morning.


Here mine...I'M POSITIVE WE SUCKED YESTERDAY!!!...There I win and I only had one...lol :headbang :headbang :headbang

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Coach, no personal attacks please.


I ripped Martz this week because he deserved it.


I do love the way you "keep score" on how many times we each give positives.


Is it personal if you actually are an idiot? It doesn't take a genius to actually remember that you criticized Martz multiple times last week then played Monday Morning Quarterback and acted like you were his biggest fanboy when everyone else was giving him credit. Ripping him this week is not difficult since everyone has done it...all you had to do is follow your own playbook, fanboy.

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OL sucked, but I think we were too quick to give up on the run. You have to at least try, and we didn't. 10 total carries for Forte. I think one for Bell. Shit. Did we even have a carry in the 2nd half.


Rip the OL. You know I will. But are you helping the OL when you pass every down.


Also, how many empty backfields did we see. If your OL are struggling to block, wouldn't it make sense to put in an extra blocker rather?


I am fine ripping the OL, but to me, the coaches are just as much to blame. They didn't put the players in a great situation today


-Give up on the run too quickly? Absolutely.

-Coaches to blame? Certainly some of it falls in their laps.

-But if the QB drops back that many times, you expect a better percentage of success if you are an NFL Coach. Let's keep that in mind; these freakin guys are in the NFL and should be expected to play as such at least part of the time. The coaches shouldn't have to resort to peewee league offensive game plans of run right, run middle, run left. The number of times Cutler got pressured was far too close to the total number of times he dropped back.

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In New Orleans, the final score of the Saints' 30-13 victory over Chicago came on a Darren Sproles 12-yard touchdown catch. He ran down the right sideline and appeared to step out of bounds at the two-yard line with his right foot. Watching the game in the NBC viewing room, we waited and waited ... and no call from replay official Bill Spyskma to ref Walt Coleman. The Saints kicked the extra point, and the insurance touchdown counted, bizarrely. Now, it could be that Coleman wouldn't have found indisputable visual evidence that Sproles' foot was on the white boundary -- though I don't see how -- but Coleman never got the chance. After the game, I heard Spyskma actually tried to signal down to the field, but the communications system failed.


Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writ...l#ixzz1YPQcesS8

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When you drop back every single play...this is the end result.


Especially when 40% of your starting O-line is out with injury.


Absolutely wrong. Look at any predominant passing team for stats that refute your point. Even if you drop back every time, you shouldn't expect your QB to get hit every other play. And Cutler was pressured MORE than every other time. IDK what the acceptable percentage is for a predominant passing team, but it's certainly much lower than the beating Cutler has endured.


For what it's worth, NFL.com has OL stats, and the Bears are dead last.



Of the QBs who have thrown at least as many times as Culter, none are close to receiving the hits he has received.



Brady: 3/7

Rivers: 4/8

Brees: 4/7

Newton: 8/13

Henne: 6/16

Rex: 5/16

Cutler: 11/18


And that doesn't even consider the number of times he's been pressured. :(

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But did that happen because of number of plays? The Patriots have had a ton of offensive plays already.


You're missing something here. If the Pats had more plays, and more passing plays, then it stands to reason - if, that is, the Bears' OL is allowing a normal percentage of hits - that they'd have more hits and sacks on Brady. But they don't.


If anything the Patriots, et. al. should have more pressures, hits, and sacks against their QBs than the Bears do.

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