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OK, I need to rant on 10 thoughts...


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After giving the loss some time, I'm ready for a rant. I'm not doing this out of anger, at least right now not out of anger. Talk to me later in the season, and that may change! But, there are just some things that I need to rant about for a moment and get it out of my system. Much of which, many of us have already mentioned. A good lot of posters/viewers here will probably not agree with me or call me negative, but just be warned...I will be critical. But, I will also mention some positives... So, here I go mouthing off again...


1. Martz - WTF? Seriously, this guy is out of freaking control. He is a loose canon that has not only been given the keys to the car. Mommy & daddy took him to the auto dealer and bought him anything he wanted. I don't really care to how he compares with Turner... I just care what he's doing now and has been doing. His past had many concerned that our QB would take a beating. That he would try to fit square pegs in round holes. That he is stubborn. Well, sadly, he has shown all that. I'm not sure what made him stop last year long enough to get us into the playoffs, but once we got a berth locked up, he went right back to his old ways. We let GB "off the hook", and they proceeded to march right past us to the big show. I'm sure he'll now tone is down after a little scolding from Smith, only to throw a party again when the parents are out of town at the worst possible moment. Seriously. Genius my ass. His system worked for the Rams for a while before Warner and Bulger got the living snot beat out of them. It took Warner a year or so in NY just to shake the cobwebs off before we passed on him and he went to Arizona. We do not have the presonnel to run his offense. And in the meantime, he's demanding poor quality players and running out good ones. See Manumaleuselss and Lady Thor. Martz, I believe, is only under contract through this year. I hope that's it. Cutler can handle another OC. His physician would probably recommend it. AND WTF IS THE NO AUDIBLE HOSERCRAP ABOUT ALREADY!!!!?!!!!???? Are you f-ing kidding me? You remove a tool that virtually any half decent offense uses, and somehow think shifting a line a little bit will make up for it? This clown really wants us to go into a gunfight with a switchblade only. Yeah, maybe if it was Chuck Norris with a switchblade...but at best, we have Dolph Lundgren. This is purely unacceptable. If Cutler is so dumb he can't audible, then he should be traded.


2. Jerry Angelo, you sir are woefully incapable of being a good GM. This guy has completely disregarded the glaring holes on O for 3 years. Even motherbleeping Joe f-ing Buck can see it! How do you not address O line more than bringing in a rookie that'll take a few years to develop? How do you only bring in Roy Williams when there was better to be had? How do you keep whiffing on safety picks? How do you keep whiffing on picks, period? This complete buffoon needs to go, and go now. From botching paperwork in his first year by not checking a box off, to the poorly handled Ravens non-trade, to everything in-between...how does this moron still have a freaking job? Oh, I know why...


3. Bears ownership is inept. That's why. I suppose I can wait and see what porn star moustached Georgie-boy brings to the table, but if he's anything like Mikey...we're doomed. Virginia is a nice lady I'm sure. But, her father wouldn't stand for nice. And he sure as $hi# wouldn't stand for his pansy-ass grandkids to run his team so damn poorly. We all know ownership sucks here. It's nothing new. Nothing we can do about it either. The hope is that Sweatty Teddy somehow retires...and they luck into actually hiring a team president that has some actual football accumen. And don't have to rely on a temp firm to find us a moron GM. I'm not holding my breath here. However, I see it possible Georgie-boy could pull the trigger on JA...possible, but not probable.


4. They are Wayne Fontesing us! This franchise just keeps doing well enough to appease the fan base. We have some defensive stars we can rally around. We can make it into the playoffs every other year or so...and we all think, somehow we'll get over the hurdle. Maybe we can. But not now. Not with this OL. Not with this WR corps. Not with those safeties. Not with this OC. Wayne Fontes of the Lions did this all the time. Just squeaked into the playoffs behind Sanders often enough to save his hide for a good long while.


5. Will the real Bears please stand up? Seriously who are they? Is it the team that was one game shy of the SB? The team that made the most of it's opportunities or the team that had the red carpet rolled out for them with minimal injury, planet aligning opponent injuries, and drawing one of the worst playoff teams in the history of the NFL for their first playoff game? It's probably a bit of both. But, we putzed around at the end of the season. Not taking things seriously because we locked up a playoff berth. This team rests on it's laurels. We did it after our SB loss. We did it at the end of last season, and it looks like we did it last Sunday. This team is purely inconsistent. That is not a good thing. I guess at least we're interesting. We could be piss poor. Thankfully, we have a puncher's chance most games. I even think we have such a chance next Sunday against the Fudgies.


6. I'm easing up on Smith. For now. Smith seems to be doing a better job as a delegator than an actual coach. What transpires the next 2 weeks will be telling. How we battle the only 2 divisional opponents worth a damn this season will be huge. I honestly hated Smith's comments again after the game. (I'm sure no one is surprised.) He showed some emotion last year...why not again? Why not be a little more mad? Yeah, we all know it's one game. But, this one game you all played so damn poorly. And coached so damn poorly! Don't f-in tell me you had the plan to win, but the players didn't perform. Bull f-in $hi#!!!! It's was on the coaches as well!!! You have a resonsibility to see what's going on and make adjustments! Tell me that what happened was not just a good performance by the Saints, but that what we did was simply unacceptable. I don't need to see Ditka-like fuming. But please don't pull a Kevin Bacon from Animal House and tell me all is well, remaing calm...when we just saw otherwise.


7. Is it time to panic? No. But it is time to get realistic. What we saw this past weekend and in week 1 are telling. The truth would appear to lie in-between. We aren't as bad as last Sunday, nor as good as the previous one. Where does that put us? Probably 8-8. Again, just bad enough to be irritated, but just good enough to stay the course. I just fear more of the same. Pretty good, then not so good, then pretty good. I want better dammit. I want to be damn freaking good. I think we can be if this managment team weren't such utter buffoons. I'd like to say that we have a chance to go the distance. But, I watch teams like New England, and we just aren't remotely in their class. And I don't see the O line miraculously turning the corner...or Devin and Johnny all of a sudden becoming all pro WR's...I just don't see it. I see us playing spoil sport. Maybe getting a wild card spot, spoiling a few parades.


8. Can we please pay Forte already? Yeah, yeah, yeah...he's not that special...yadda yadda yadda. He's the best damn thing we have. Did you see Bell in there yesterday? USELESS!!!! Forte is the man. Pay the man. Quit f-ing around Jerry. Make it happen before we have to give up the farm and he opts for the Patriots.


9. I love Urlacher. I also love Peppers. Yeah, both had off games yesterday. But, these guys are just football players. Hall of Fame football players. First timers. And, I love me some Peanut too. He's the best damn stripper since Gypsy Rose. Now, Marinelli, you've been getting a pass. But, that's over with me. You have amazing talent on the front 7. Use all of them to generate a pass rush please. It's great when the front 4 alone can do it...but when they can't, please try something else. Back to Urlacher...I honestly feel lucky we landed thius guy. He's been a joy to watch for so long. Keep it up Brian, we need you!


10. What do we fans do? Well, I for one, will just keep rooting like a damn bloody fool. It's in my blood. As much as I get annoyed by every bad thing this franchise does, all the good that's come before and that shows up in spurts currently is just too much not to support in full! I'm tempering my expectations. I think I bought into potential greatness or really-goodness after the Atlanta game. New Orleans exposed us as not that. But, again, I think we can mix it up and spoil some parades. Beating GB this week would be huge. It would at least put us the tie breaker ahead of them. Then we need to beat the Lions. If those 2 things can hapen...and they can, we could be in the mix. And who knows, maybe something happens to the Patriots along the way and they get upset... Odd things can happen. But in order for it to do so...the coaches need to wisen up and quit this crap they pulled with the running/passing numbers. If I see more of the same this Sunday, I'm going to be clammoring something vicious to oust Martz ASAP and give Tice the damn job.


Thanks for humoring me... I needed to get that off my chest.


And, I tried not to be overly negative!


Bear down!


It's motherf-in Packers week! Kill kill kill!!!



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1. I think #2 contradicts #1 only on the premise that JA didn't but him that new car on the lot. He gave him a washed and waxed piece of shit Pinto (no offense Terra since I'm sure you still have one). However, I totally agree with the whole audible thing. If you know the shit is about to ooze out of you ass by way of an untouched defensive end, by all means you should have the ability to say, "Clutts, pick him up while Forte runs behind you". It's a simple staple that has been afforded to QB's since football started. And if he was such a great O-Coordinator, why isn't he a head coach again somewhere? Oh yeah, accessory to QB slayings.


2. 2 WR Words....Sam Hurd...oh wait he sucks too...


3. Papa Bear turns in his grave every move that his grandkids allow JA to make. Ms. Virginia, How could one womb produce 2 incompetant losers?


4. I wish we could have some of his cocaine to numb the pain this franchise puts us through.


5. If I agreed anymore...we'd be Prez and Vice Prez


6. I actually agreed with Lovie with him KNOWING that balance is needed on offense.


7. The bad thing is we'll eek into the playoffs or be right on the door step missing the chance for a stud OLineman or the next big WR because we'll be in the middle of the draft...only to have JA trade down for a DT out of William and Mary and another safety from Wright Junior College in Chicago....oh wait, they don't have a team? JA heard about this kid because he picked amazing defenses in his Fantasy League. He'll be the NEXT BIG THING!!!


8. I got 5 on it


9. This one I tend to disagree and I think this is Martz' fault. Yeah I know, big surprise, but when your O keeps going 3 and out, the D stays on the field.


10. WE BLEED BLUE!!!! That's agreed by all...even Terra. We can criticize all we want but the fact remains, WE LOVE THIS TEAM...unconditionally. If you have a child, and that child makes mistakes, is not that bright and just a borderline jackass or a full blown one...you still love him.

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1. Ha! We did get him Pintos...but oddly that's what he asked for! I'm still beside myself on our decision to not let our QB audible...


If we only ran the circus!




1. I think #2 contradicts #1 only on the premise that JA didn't but him that new car on the lot. He gave him a washed and waxed piece of shit Pinto (no offense Terra since I'm sure you still have one). However, I totally agree with the whole audible thing. If you know the shit is about to ooze out of you ass by way of an untouched defensive end, by all means you should have the ability to say, "Clutts, pick him up while Forte runs behind you". It's a simple staple that has been afforded to QB's since football started. And if he was such a great O-Coordinator, why isn't he a head coach again somewhere? Oh yeah, accessory to QB slayings.


2. 2 WR Words....Sam Hurd...oh wait he sucks too...


3. Papa Bear turns in his grave every move that his grandkids allow JA to make. Ms. Virginia, How could one womb produce 2 incompetant losers?


4. I wish we could have some of his cocaine to numb the pain this franchise puts us through.


5. If I agreed anymore...we'd be Prez and Vice Prez


6. I actually agreed with Lovie with him KNOWING that balance is needed on offense.


7. The bad thing is we'll eek into the playoffs or be right on the door step missing the chance for a stud OLineman or the next big WR because we'll be in the middle of the draft...only to have JA trade down for a DT out of William and Mary and another safety from Wright Junior College in Chicago....oh wait, they don't have a team? JA heard about this kid because he picked amazing defenses in his Fantasy League. He'll be the NEXT BIG THING!!!


8. I got 5 on it


9. This one I tend to disagree and I think this is Martz' fault. Yeah I know, big surprise, but when your O keeps going 3 and out, the D stays on the field.


10. WE BLEED BLUE!!!! That's agreed by all...even Terra. We can criticize all we want but the fact remains, WE LOVE THIS TEAM...unconditionally. If you have a child, and that child makes mistakes, is not that bright and just a borderline jackass or a full blown one...you still love him.


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1. I think #2 contradicts #1 only on the premise that JA didn't but him that new car on the lot. He gave him a washed and waxed piece of shit Pinto (no offense Terra since I'm sure you still have one). However, I totally agree with the whole audible thing. If you know the shit is about to ooze out of you ass by way of an untouched defensive end, by all means you should have the ability to say, "Clutts, pick him up while Forte runs behind you". It's a simple staple that has been afforded to QB's since football started. And if he was such a great O-Coordinator, why isn't he a head coach again somewhere? Oh yeah, accessory to QB slayings.


Agreed. There should be a 1a and 1b.


1a. You can't blame a guy for driving a guy for driving a Pinto when all his parents will buy him is a Pinto.

1b. Audibles are a must in any system. I don't know where the "Martz doesn't allow audibles" thing came from, and I've only just recently heard about it. I don't believe anyone mentioned it all last year. But if it is true, then he's no better than Shoop in this regard with those dumbass, non-audible, check-downs. Cutler needs to be given a little freedom when he sees 10 in the box.

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Agreed. There should be a 1a and 1b.


1a. You can't blame a guy for driving a guy for driving a Pinto when all his parents will buy him is a Pinto.

1b. Audibles are a must in any system. I don't know where the "Martz doesn't allow audibles" thing came from, and I've only just recently heard about it. I don't believe anyone mentioned it all last year. But if it is true, then he's no better than Shoop in this regard with those dumbass, non-audible, check-downs. Cutler needs to be given a little freedom when he sees 10 in the box.


But you wouldn't race the Pinto against a Corvette and swear up and down you'll win.

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1b - was definitley mentioned last year. I'm not sure by whom, but it was mentioned. It's all over the Chicago press... Comcast postgame and Tribune live have been talking about it endlessly. We are simply at a major disadvantage if all Cutler can do is shift formation... It is like Shoop n' Poop. It's Martz n' Fartz...




Agreed. There should be a 1a and 1b.


1a. You can't blame a guy for driving a guy for driving a Pinto when all his parents will buy him is a Pinto.

1b. Audibles are a must in any system. I don't know where the "Martz doesn't allow audibles" thing came from, and I've only just recently heard about it. I don't believe anyone mentioned it all last year. But if it is true, then he's no better than Shoop in this regard with those dumbass, non-audible, check-downs. Cutler needs to be given a little freedom when he sees 10 in the box.


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1b - was definitley mentioned last year. I'm not sure by whom, but it was mentioned. It's all over the Chicago press... Comcast postgame and Tribune live have been talking about it endlessly. We are simply at a major disadvantage if all Cutler can do is shift formation... It is like Shoop n' Poop. It's Martz n' Fartz...


HA! Good one.

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Agreed. There should be a 1a and 1b.


1a. You can't blame a guy for driving a guy for driving a Pinto when all his parents will buy him is a Pinto.

1b. Audibles are a must in any system. I don't know where the "Martz doesn't allow audibles" thing came from, and I've only just recently heard about it. I don't believe anyone mentioned it all last year. But if it is true, then he's no better than Shoop in this regard with those dumbass, non-audible, check-downs. Cutler needs to be given a little freedom when he sees 10 in the box.

LOL Jason your comment about Cutler solidifies my thoughts about why even do a pre-snap read if you can't check out of a play and all that pre-snap motion doesn't mean squat. The defense is disguising their look also. This game was solely based on Martz trying to outsmart a highly touted DC and Lovie should have stepped in and told him to knock it off.

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LOL Jason your comment about Cutler solidifies my thoughts about why even do a pre-snap read if you can't check out of a play and all that pre-snap motion doesn't mean squat. The defense is disguising their look also. This game was solely based on Martz trying to outsmart a highly touted DC and Lovie should have stepped in and told him to knock it off.


That's a very good point lemon. Why do all the presnap garbage if the QB is not allowed to adjust accordingly? Is the presnap garbage just to set up plays later in the game? If so, there are three problems.


1. Why didn't we see them?

2. Was it even possible for the advantage to be gained when Cutler was running like non-credited fodder in a horror film?

3. Doesn't Martz realize the opponents could be disguising their defense?


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