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Well guys, maybe it's just time to say goodbye to Martz


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This guy might be an offensive genius but it won't matter if he continues to call games like this game and the one last week. The 7 pts that Atlanta got was from Cutler dropping back, getting the ball tipped and intercepted. Okay, that happens...NOT TO GOOD OCs it doesn't. We never should have been throwing at that point. We needed to run out the clock. 10 running plays against N.O.? And Forte had a 30 yd run early? WTF is this bunghole thinking?


Look, this team has enough strikes against it, we don't need some dumbass calling games who is just out of touch with reality. The WRs this team has chosen to go to battle with just plain stink. Oh yeah, Sanzenwhoeverthehellheis may have looked intriguing in preseason but this is the big boy league and that crucial third down drop just confirmed, he ain't ready. An NFL WR simply CANNOT drop that ball. Develop him on the PS. Back to Martz, He simply is trying to operate an offense predicated on perfect timing and performance and fails to realize that WE DON'T HAVE EITHER. He needs to put down the mad professor cap and simply take what a defense gives him and stop wasting opportunities to grind out some clock time. This defense did NOT get handled last week. They went to one of the worst places in the NFL to play. Were keeping NO down but were simply not getting an ounce of help from this collective pile of shit we call an offense. It's the same thing year in and year out. We'll get to firing Angelo for this incompetent talent at O line and WR at a later date and in another thread but for now, we have a RB who can play 20 runs and 5-7 paases per game and he will help us improve. But for now, fire Martz, let Tice run the offense and start using Cutler's talents. It does not need to take 2-3 yrs to learn a system. If it does, that system is too difficult or the players aren't smart enough. Eiether way, this offense is simply lost. They have no direction and very little guidance. Martz has shown that he has the ability to dial it down but the idiot in him keeps resurfacing. Tice can handle the offense and I'll even bet he could find a way to get Cutler outside the pocket where he could really do some damage. But to have an offense that is predicated on 5-7 yd drops when you know your o line can't keep anyone out, is simply a waste of effort.


The Bears offense always seem to suffer from terminal uniqueness. For whatever reason, every other offense in the league can figure out a way to block, pass, run and catch adequately enough that they aren't the weekly objects of media bashing but not ours. Week in, week out, we just seem to stink. Sure, there are a few exceptions...Way too few.

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This guy might be an offensive genius but it won't matter if he continues to call games like this game and the one last week. The 7 pts that Atlanta got was from Cutler dropping back, getting the ball tipped and intercepted. Okay, that happens...NOT TO GOOD OCs it doesn't. We never should have been throwing at that point. We needed to run out the clock. 10 running plays against N.O.? And Forte had a 30 yd run early? WTF is this bunghole thinking?


Look, this team has enough strikes against it, we don't need some dumbass calling games who is just out of touch with reality. The WRs this team has chosen to go to battle with just plain stink. Oh yeah, Sanzenwhoeverthehellheis may have looked intriguing in preseason but this is the big boy league and that crucial third down drop just confirmed, he ain't ready. An NFL WR simply CANNOT drop that ball. Develop him on the PS. Back to Martz, He simply is trying to operate an offense predicated on perfect timing and performance and fails to realize that WE DON'T HAVE EITHER. He needs to put down the mad professor cap and simply take what a defense gives him and stop wasting opportunities to grind out some clock time. This defense did NOT get handled last week. They went to one of the worst places in the NFL to play. Were keeping NO down but were simply not getting an ounce of help from this collective pile of shit we call an offense. It's the same thing year in and year out. We'll get to firing Angelo for this incompetent talent at O line and WR at a later date and in another thread but for now, we have a RB who can play 20 runs and 5-7 paases per game and he will help us improve. But for now, fire Martz, let Tice run the offense and start using Cutler's talents. It does not need to take 2-3 yrs to learn a system. If it does, that system is too difficult or the players aren't smart enough. Eiether way, this offense is simply lost. They have no direction and very little guidance. Martz has shown that he has the ability to dial it down but the idiot in him keeps resurfacing. Tice can handle the offense and I'll even bet he could find a way to get Cutler outside the pocket where he could really do some damage. But to have an offense that is predicated on 5-7 yd drops when you know your o line can't keep anyone out, is simply a waste of effort.


The Bears offense always seem to suffer from terminal uniqueness. For whatever reason, every other offense in the league can figure out a way to block, pass, run and catch adequately enough that they aren't the weekly objects of media bashing but not ours. Week in, week out, we just seem to stink. Sure, there are a few exceptions...Way too few.




Amen. I have been saying this forever. Good OC's adjust the offense and playcalling to fit their talent.

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I'm beginning to think that... I just keep getting the feeling he doesn't get what we have and he's forcing his way. I made mention of similar in my rant post yesterday. He never signed an extention for his contract...so I'd say there's a good possibility he isn't around next year if he remotely keeps this up.


This guy might be an offensive genius but it won't matter if he continues to call games like this game and the one last week. The 7 pts that Atlanta got was from Cutler dropping back, getting the ball tipped and intercepted. Okay, that happens...NOT TO GOOD OCs it doesn't. We never should have been throwing at that point. We needed to run out the clock. 10 running plays against N.O.? And Forte had a 30 yd run early? WTF is this bunghole thinking?


Look, this team has enough strikes against it, we don't need some dumbass calling games who is just out of touch with reality. The WRs this team has chosen to go to battle with just plain stink. Oh yeah, Sanzenwhoeverthehellheis may have looked intriguing in preseason but this is the big boy league and that crucial third down drop just confirmed, he ain't ready. An NFL WR simply CANNOT drop that ball. Develop him on the PS. Back to Martz, He simply is trying to operate an offense predicated on perfect timing and performance and fails to realize that WE DON'T HAVE EITHER. He needs to put down the mad professor cap and simply take what a defense gives him and stop wasting opportunities to grind out some clock time. This defense did NOT get handled last week. They went to one of the worst places in the NFL to play. Were keeping NO down but were simply not getting an ounce of help from this collective pile of shit we call an offense. It's the same thing year in and year out. We'll get to firing Angelo for this incompetent talent at O line and WR at a later date and in another thread but for now, we have a RB who can play 20 runs and 5-7 paases per game and he will help us improve. But for now, fire Martz, let Tice run the offense and start using Cutler's talents. It does not need to take 2-3 yrs to learn a system. If it does, that system is too difficult or the players aren't smart enough. Eiether way, this offense is simply lost. They have no direction and very little guidance. Martz has shown that he has the ability to dial it down but the idiot in him keeps resurfacing. Tice can handle the offense and I'll even bet he could find a way to get Cutler outside the pocket where he could really do some damage. But to have an offense that is predicated on 5-7 yd drops when you know your o line can't keep anyone out, is simply a waste of effort.


The Bears offense always seem to suffer from terminal uniqueness. For whatever reason, every other offense in the league can figure out a way to block, pass, run and catch adequately enough that they aren't the weekly objects of media bashing but not ours. Week in, week out, we just seem to stink. Sure, there are a few exceptions...Way too few.


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Agreed. It would be one thing if we had an OC waiting in the wings, but we don't. Even then, if that new OC had a very different playbook, it would still likely be counter productive.


At the same time, I think Lovie needs to immediately have another sit down with Martz, if he hasn't already, like he did last year. I think Lovie waited too long last year to do this, and feel he needs to get it done sooner.

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I didn't even read past your headline - ummmm no it's not. Not during the season.


Sorry, I'm going to have to agree. Mid season it's doubtful this would happen, especially after only two games. As embarrassing as Sunday was there are a few options that will play out before much longer to include Martz adjusting and/or the staff collectively realizing they need more help (OLmen or WR).


I know it sucks, and I remember feeling like I do right now last year when the Bears lost in similar fashion to New England and the Giants. But the fact remains the team made it to the NFC championship game.


And no Madlith, I'm not resembling that Kevin Bacon character from 'Animal House'. :rolleyes: I'm not happy but I'm not panicky, not yet.

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Sorry, I'm going to have to agree. Mid season it's doubtful this would happen, especially after only two games. As embarrassing as Sunday was there are a few options that will play out before much longer to include Martz adjusting and/or the staff collectively realizing they need more help (OLmen or WR).


I know it sucks, and I remember feeling like I do right now last year when the Bears lost in similar fashion to New England and the Giants. But the fact remains the team made it to the NFC championship game.


And no Madlith, I'm not resembling that Kevin Bacon character from 'Animal House'. :rolleyes: I'm not happy but I'm not panicky, not yet.



Here's the problem, by the time you do get panicky, it's too late.

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It would appear he is going to do so. Or it's just lip service... He did wait too long last season. Maybe he learned his lesson. By why the hell can't he step in during a game for once? Isn't he in charge? Or did I answer my own question?


Agreed. It would be one thing if we had an OC waiting in the wings, but we don't. Even then, if that new OC had a very different playbook, it would still likely be counter productive.


At the same time, I think Lovie needs to immediately have another sit down with Martz, if he hasn't already, like he did last year. I think Lovie waited too long last year to do this, and feel he needs to get it done sooner.


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Ha! Nor am I raising the complete doom flag!


Sorry, I'm going to have to agree. Mid season it's doubtful this would happen, especially after only two games. As embarrassing as Sunday was there are a few options that will play out before much longer to include Martz adjusting and/or the staff collectively realizing they need more help (OLmen or WR).


I know it sucks, and I remember feeling like I do right now last year when the Bears lost in similar fashion to New England and the Giants. But the fact remains the team made it to the NFC championship game.


And no Madlith, I'm not resembling that Kevin Bacon character from 'Animal House'. :rolleyes: I'm not happy but I'm not panicky, not yet.


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Frankly, this staff has never been much for in game adjustments. I remember Lovie was quetioned once and talked about how difficult it is to make in game adjustments after spending a week working on plays/scheme. That was also when he would basically say the fault was on the players. The scheme is fine. The system is fine. Players simply need to do a better job with in.


I guess in a way that is true. If the OL does their job, the rest should work. BUT the job of the coach is to make changes and adjustments when certain areas falter, rather than simply say, "come on guys, do a better job, please"


It would appear he is going to do so. Or it's just lip service... He did wait too long last season. Maybe he learned his lesson. By why the hell can't he step in during a game for once? Isn't he in charge? Or did I answer my own question?


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I hear ya. It's the coaches' responsibility to see what isn't working and try to put the guys in a better position to win. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade... not try to make orange juice.



Frankly, this staff has never been much for in game adjustments. I remember Lovie was quetioned once and talked about how difficult it is to make in game adjustments after spending a week working on plays/scheme. That was also when he would basically say the fault was on the players. The scheme is fine. The system is fine. Players simply need to do a better job with in.


I guess in a way that is true. If the OL does their job, the rest should work. BUT the job of the coach is to make changes and adjustments when certain areas falter, rather than simply say, "come on guys, do a better job, please"


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Frankly, this staff has never been much for in game adjustments. I remember Lovie was quetioned once and talked about how difficult it is to make in game adjustments after spending a week working on plays/scheme. That was also when he would basically say the fault was on the players. The scheme is fine. The system is fine. Players simply need to do a better job with in.


I guess in a way that is true. If the OL does their job, the rest should work. BUT the job of the coach is to make changes and adjustments when certain areas falter, rather than simply say, "come on guys, do a better job, please"

Do we really think that Mad Martz's game plan was to run the ball 11 times?


I think he is happy to adjust mid-game...the adjustment is just to "Throw every down."

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Fired? No. Unfortunately, it takes a beatdown one time every year where he really fixes his style. Last year it was the Giants game. Hopefully, he learns his lesson and evens out the run/pass ratio next week and on. If he continues to have these brainfarts, then yes, fire his a** in January.

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I don't believe he's under contract past this season. So, there would just ne no need to re-hire in that case. Unless my recollection is off.


Fired? No. Unfortunately, it takes a beatdown one time every year where he really fixes his style. Last year it was the Giants game. Hopefully, he learns his lesson and evens out the run/pass ratio next week and on. If he continues to have these brainfarts, then yes, fire his a** in January.


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Sorry but I'm just a hard ass about this. I would tell Martz that one more stinker like last Sunday and he's gone. End of discussion. Why would we even keep him? If he can't do any better than that, we're better off without him. Tice is no dummy. He was brought up in the Coryell system, he would be capable of taking over. It would be silly to continue to let Martz risk the life of our franchise QB. Just plain silly.



He may be only under contract this year. If they can't fire him, let him walk. Same difference.


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Sorry but I'm just a hard ass about this. I would tell Martz that one more stinker like last Sunday and he's gone. End of discussion. Why would we even keep him? If he can't do any better than that, we're better off without him. Tice is no dummy. He was brought up in the Coryell system, he would be capable of taking over. It would be silly to continue to let Martz risk the life of our franchise QB. Just plain silly.


Where was it that he was in an Air Coryell system? I've double checked his profile, and I can't find anywhere they used that system where he was a coach or a key player. Denny Green was a Bill Walsh disciple. He's never coached under the Air Coryell system until he was here, and his only HC he played in it under was Joe Gibbs - which favors more power running than the pass happy version of Martz - for ONE season in 1989 when he caught one pass for two yards.


I get that you hate Martz and want to see him gone, but trying to suggest that Tice would have a clue how to run this offense taking over in the middle of the season is ridiculous. He's never coached it anywhere else, and he had 2 receiving yards in it as a player.



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Where was it that he was in an Air Coryell system? I've double checked his profile, and I can't find anywhere they used that system where he was a coach or a key player. Denny Green was a Bill Walsh disciple. He's never coached under the Air Coryell system until he was here, and his only HC he played in it under was Joe Gibbs - which favors more power running than the pass happy version of Martz - for ONE season in 1989 when he caught one pass for two yards.


I get that you hate Martz and want to see him gone, but trying to suggest that Tice would have a clue how to run this offense taking over in the middle of the season is ridiculous. He's never coached it anywhere else, and he had 2 receiving yards in it as a player.




Agreed!!! If we can him now, we can kiss the season goodbye. Last year we put up shitty performances and still strung together a great season. Also agree on Tice. If he can't get these stupid ass linemen to block, how in the hell is he going to run an offense? I'm all for letting them both go at the END OF THE SEASON. Not 3 games in...that's retarded.

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Bottom line is that the Bears never make mid-season moves. Something will transpire at the end. Either Martz is re-signed or he is left to walk.


Agreed!!! If we can him now, we can kiss the season goodbye. Last year we put up shitty performances and still strung together a great season. Also agree on Tice. If he can't get these stupid ass linemen to block, how in the hell is he going to run an offense? I'm all for letting them both go at the END OF THE SEASON. Not 3 games in...that's retarded.


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I'll chime in with some of the same.


1. It's not time to get rid of Martz. Not during the season. Bad idea.

2. Putting Tice in as OC would be stupid since he can't even get the OL to play above atrocious. Bad idea.

3. Martz needs to call more runs. Good idea.


I think balta hit on something though...did Martz really say before the game, "Ya know, these clowns can't pass block for shit. We should pass a bunch." Of course he didn't.


Forte had 9 rushes in the first half. There was one good play of 42 yards. The other 8 were: 1, -4, 4, 0, -1, 8, -1, and 0. With that kind of production I can see why he steered away from the run. The problem isn't more passes than rushes; the problem is that he didn't just steer away from the run, he swerved. Forte had one rush in the second half (0 yards BTW).


Again, with an OL that can't run block (see above) and can't pass block (see Cutler's ass meeting the ground), there aren't a lot of options for Martz. Yes, he needs to mix it up more. A safer option for Cutler's health is probably a run/pass ratio of 90/10, but that won't win games. I just don't know what ratio will work though. If Martz can count on less than 2 yards for 75% of the runs, then he eventually has to pass anyway.

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I hear ya. It's the coaches' responsibility to see what isn't working and try to put the guys in a better position to win. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade... not try to make orange juice.


What happens when you get spoiled lemons? He should be trying to make lemonade, but with the ingredients it's difficult to find a successful recipe.

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But at least it's still an attempt at lemonade. Orange juice is simply out of the realm of possibility.


You can always add a boat load of sugar or vodka (max protect, shotgun, draws, etc...).


What happens when you get spoiled lemons? He should be trying to make lemonade, but with the ingredients it's difficult to find a successful recipe.


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