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The Big Stage


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OK, maybe I'm looking at my glass as half empty again as I've been known to do...but dammit, why does it seem like we lay the biggest turds when we are a national game?


After a strong week 1 we simply erased any goodwill nationally with the absolutely putrid performance against the Saints.


We all complain how the national media disses us. but, dammit if it doesn't seem like we give them more then enough fuel to keep that fire going. yeah, the whole Fox thing about Cutler is just beyond belief. In fact, the Bears should sue Fox for slander. At least request some kind of apology. There should some kind of movement to have every single fan of the Bears watch, but listen to the radio if at all possible to boycott Fox. But, that's kind of a seperate issue.


I can honestly recall numerous occassions when we stunk it up on the big stage. Wheter it's a generic Monday Night football game, a nationally televised Sunday game of the week, or a playoff game. It just seems like we stink. Yeah we won a few playoff games. Really, the best one was agasint the Saints the year we went to the SB. All otheres have been against kind of crummy competition. And when we get the chance of a lifetime to take to the Pack on our own turf in the playoffs for prettymuch the first time ever, we screw it up big time in so many ways we've already hashed here a ton of times.


I believe this Sunday's game is another national one.


I am scared.


I don't know if there is such info out ther to verify...but even if the losses aren't so much greater than the wins, it just feels that way. And maybe it's becasue how when and who we lose to makes the difference. You could be perfect like the Pats and lose the SB, or crummy like the Gaints and win it. Id rather take the big win and the little losees than all the wins and the big loss. It just feels like we've been too accustomed to the big loss. Dammit.


(I'm pretty much taking about the era after Dikta/Walter.) But, even then, I recall some vicious MNF losses...



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OK, maybe I'm looking at my glass as half empty again as I've been known to do...but dammit, why does it seem like we lay the biggest turds when we are a national game?


After a strong week 1 we simply erased any goodwill nationally with the absolutely putrid performance against the Saints.


We all complain how the national media disses us. but, dammit if it doesn't seem like we give them more then enough fuel to keep that fire going. yeah, the whole Fox thing about Cutler is just beyond belief. In fact, the Bears should sue Fox for slander. At least request some kind of apology. There should some kind of movement to have every single fan of the Bears watch, but listen to the radio if at all possible to boycott Fox. But, that's kind of a seperate issue.


I can honestly recall numerous occassions when we stunk it up on the big stage. Wheter it's a generic Monday Night football game, a nationally televised Sunday game of the week, or a playoff game. It just seems like we stink. Yeah we won a few playoff games. Really, the best one was agasint the Saints the year we went to the SB. All otheres have been against kind of crummy competition. And when we get the chance of a lifetime to take to the Pack on our own turf in the playoffs for prettymuch the first time ever, we screw it up big time in so many ways we've already hashed here a ton of times.


I believe this Sunday's game is another national one.


I am scared.


I don't know if there is such info out ther to verify...but even if the losses aren't so much greater than the wins, it just feels that way. And maybe it's becasue how when and who we lose to makes the difference. You could be perfect like the Pats and lose the SB, or crummy like the Gaints and win it. Id rather take the big win and the little losees than all the wins and the big loss. It just feels like we've been too accustomed to the big loss. Dammit.


(I'm pretty much taking about the era after Dikta/Walter.) But, even then, I recall some vicious MNF losses...


You're right Lith. It seems like that. Thanksgiving too, MNF, even the Thursday game we lost a couple years ago to Todd Collins and the Skins. I'm scared too.

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I can honestly recall numerous occassions when we stunk it up on the big stage. Wheter it's a generic Monday Night football game, a nationally televised Sunday game of the week, or a playoff game. It just seems like we stink. Yeah we won a few playoff games. Really, the best one was agasint the Saints the year we went to the SB. All otheres have been against kind of crummy competition. And when we get the chance of a lifetime to take to the Pack on our own turf in the playoffs for prettymuch the first time ever, we screw it up big time in so many ways we've already hashed here a ton of times.


I believe this Sunday's game is another national one.


I am scared.


Well as memory would serve me, thinking in the "glass half full" way (which I know drives you crazy). I would recall that there were a few games last year that were "prime time" that didn't really go to badly. For one, I believe the first game against GB last year was on a Monday. And I believe the Bears won that. Another that comes to mind was a game against the Jets....right after Christmas(???)...another win. How about the game where Hester set the record for return TD's? Although it was against an ailing team represented by Brett Favre, it too was on a Monday. And it was for nothing more than sealing up the NFC North Championship. Oh yeah, speaking of Favre, I believe that was also the game where we all got to meet the new "Purple People Eater" in Corey Wootten.


And since Lovie has been coach, the Bears have gone .500 in their playoff appearances (counting the SB loss in 06) and ALL of those games were prime time and against non-"crummy" teams. But in the advent of Direct TV almost every game is prime time nowadays.


And for the record, I feel a bit better about the upcoming game. I think the Bears are out to prove they aren't overrated.

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Jeez, leave it to Alaska to fill my half empty glass w/ a little more suds!


Really, were all those games televised? I watched 'em, but I have direct ticket. Maybe my gloom clouds my vision! But, Hester and Wootton made the season in all honesty for me!


I'm just not really sold on wins v losses as the end all be all. My ultimate selling feature involves trophies, in which we have zero. It just seems to me that once we go up against some serious competition our flaws get very exposed. Whereas SB winning teams seem to step it up and play their best ball. And if you noticed, I've been laying off Smith. I believe the true culprit for our problems rests even more w/ JA. I'm not saying Smith is great, I still beleive other coaches would have done better...but I think JA is simply so atrocious.


I honestly think we're going to win Sunday. It's just one those throw the records out battles. It's the rest of the games I'm more concerned about... The Pack can lose this game and still come out on top at the end. I'm not sure The Bears can say the same. Not impossible...just improbable.


Well as memory would serve me, thinking in the "glass half full" way (which I know drives you crazy). I would recall that there were a few games last year that were "prime time" that didn't really go to badly. For one, I believe the first game against GB last year was on a Monday. And I believe the Bears won that. Another that comes to mind was a game against the Jets....right after Christmas(???)...another win. How about the game where Hester set the record for return TD's? Although it was against an ailing team represented by Brett Favre, it too was on a Monday. And it was for nothing more than sealing up the NFC North Championship. Oh yeah, speaking of Favre, I believe that was also the game where we all got to meet the new "Purple People Eater" in Corey Wootten.


And since Lovie has been coach, the Bears have gone .500 in their playoff appearances (counting the SB loss in 06) and ALL of those games were prime time and against non-"crummy" teams. But in the advent of Direct TV almost every game is prime time nowadays.


And for the record, I feel a bit better about the upcoming game. I think the Bears are out to prove they aren't overrated.


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Well, I did some research. Since 2006, the Bears in prime-time games (Thurday, Sun Night, MNF) are 13-10. Maybe it's the losses that we've endured during that period. I was surprised that our record was "that good". I would have figured it to be under .500. I didn't get into the 3pm games that Buck/Aikman or Simms/Nance would call.


It just seems that when we lose, it's just that much worse...especially when people start pointing out every single f'ing flaw that happens in every aspect of the game.

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Whaddaya know! I wouldn't have expected that!


I agree. I think when, where and why we've lost in the primetime games we've lost make those losses ugly and stand out.


Well, I did some research. Since 2006, the Bears in prime-time games (Thurday, Sun Night, MNF) are 13-10. Maybe it's the losses that we've endured during that period. I was surprised that our record was "that good". I would have figured it to be under .500. I didn't get into the 3pm games that Buck/Aikman or Simms/Nance would call.


It just seems that when we lose, it's just that much worse...especially when people start pointing out every single f'ing flaw that happens in every aspect of the game.


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Well as memory would serve me, thinking in the "glass half full" way (which I know drives you crazy). I would recall that there were a few games last year that were "prime time" that didn't really go to badly. For one, I believe the first game against GB last year was on a Monday. And I believe the Bears won that. Another that comes to mind was a game against the Jets....right after Christmas(???)...another win. How about the game where Hester set the record for return TD's? Although it was against an ailing team represented by Brett Favre, it too was on a Monday. And it was for nothing more than sealing up the NFC North Championship. Oh yeah, speaking of Favre, I believe that was also the game where we all got to meet the new "Purple People Eater" in Corey Wootten.


And since Lovie has been coach, the Bears have gone .500 in their playoff appearances (counting the SB loss in 06) and ALL of those games were prime time and against non-"crummy" teams. But in the advent of Direct TV almost every game is prime time nowadays.


And for the record, I feel a bit better about the upcoming game. I think the Bears are out to prove they aren't overrated.

Or the game a few years in Philly when Griese led the Bears back on that incredible drive at the end? Or when they destroyed NYG and SEA in 2006 at night? Or in 2005 on Christmas when the Bears beat GB in Green Bay for the division title? Or the Arizona game in 2006?

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Or the game a few years in Philly when Griese led the Bears back on that incredible drive at the end? Or when they destroyed NYG and SEA in 2006 at night? Or in 2005 on Christmas when the Bears beat GB in Green Bay for the division title? Or the Arizona game in 2006?


Oh yeah!!! Who could forget that????




I'm pretty sure that Dennis hasn't.

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Jeez, leave it to Alaska to fill my half empty glass w/ a little more suds!




I'm just not really sold on wins v losses as the end all be all. My ultimate selling feature involves trophies, in which we have zero. It just seems to me that once we go up against some serious competition our flaws get very exposed.



Saw this photo recently with the subheading: "This is what my town has to offer, whats your's got?" This may not have just the Bears trophy but does include some of the other teams of Chicago and makes me feel warm and fuzzy


Whereas SB winning teams seem to step it up and play their best ball. And if you noticed, I've been laying off Smith. I believe the true culprit for our problems rests even more w/ JA. I'm not saying Smith is great, I still beleive other coaches would have done better...but I think JA is simply so atrocious.


Although, I would say that Green Bay hasn't played all that wonderfully, just managed to stay ahead of the two teams they played. NO who doesn't have that great a D and against Carolina with a Rookie QB...and not much else. They (GB) had difficulty in stopping the opposition to any great measure.


And yes I did notice you have laid off of Lovie. I think as we are starting to learn, not only is he appreciated by the players who play for him but he also seems to have some control over what some of the other coaches are doing, despite our assumptions. One of which includes Martz. Of who I am starting to have my doubts. And as far as JA goes, he does seem to stumble at times but I'm not totally done with him yet. He was, after all, the one in place when the Bears managed to get both Culter and Peppers in the last couple of years. And this year tried, unsuccessfully, in getting a player like Colon. So he has done SOME good. Or at least had good intentions.


I honestly think we're going to win Sunday. It's just one those throw the records out battles. It's the rest of the games I'm more concerned about... The Pack can lose this game and still come out on top at the end. I'm not sure The Bears can say the same. Not impossible...just improbable.


Anything is probable. Heck, just last year the Bears won the NFC North and whodda thought that if they had disposed of GB in their second meeting...where the Bears would have ended up? Supposedly the first three games of the Bears schedule this year was supposed to be the most difficult, but as is usually the case we are learning that sometimes other teams get better without our realizing it. (Detroit and Buffalo that come to mind). Each game has to be dealt with individually and planned for accordingly. I think it safe to say that the TEAM didn't do that well last week. Martz was definitely to blame in a lot of it. In that, I feel as though the team will endure and come through in the end.


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Saw this photo recently with the subheading: "This is what my town has to offer, whats your's got?" This may not have just the Bears trophy but does include some of the other teams of Chicago and makes me feel warm and fuzzy


Meh! On a scale of 1 to 10, Bears winning a SB is 10, MJ led Bulls is a 8, and hockey and baseball rank around a 4... ;) Moreseo just saying, I bleed the navy and orange more than anything else!



Although, I would say that Green Bay hasn't played all that wonderfully, just managed to stay ahead of the two teams they played. NO who doesn't have that great a D and against Carolina with a Rookie QB...and not much else. They (GB) had difficulty in stopping the opposition to any great measure.


I'm not really talking about GB these past 2 weeks. I'm talking about their run into the SB last year.


And yes I did notice you have laid off of Lovie. I think as we are starting to learn, not only is he appreciated by the players who play for him but he also seems to have some control over what some of the other coaches are doing, despite our assumptions. One of which includes Martz. Of who I am starting to have my doubts. And as far as JA goes, he does seem to stumble at times but I'm not totally done with him yet. He was, after all, the one in place when the Bears managed to get both Culter and Peppers in the last couple of years. And this year tried, unsuccessfully, in getting a player like Colon. So he has done SOME good. Or at least had good intentions.


I'm not going as far as that. Smith is proving to be a decent figurehead. With good talent around him, he can do some good things. I think he's still too stubborn to truly excel. But, I think he could be good enough given all else. And a chief part of that "all else" is getting someone better than JA to bring talent in. Landing Peppers and Ctuelr didn't take savvy. It took an open pocketbook. Many said we overpaid picks for Cutler. Peppers coming here, was cash and some help from Smith. So, there I give far more credit to Smith than JA. I don't buy the Colon thing as JA doing something. I can start in an Iron Man cometition. I don't need to finish. I want a GM that can compete in such a way.



Anything is probable. Heck, just last year the Bears won the NFC North and whodda thought that if they had disposed of GB in their second meeting...where the Bears would have ended up? Supposedly the first three games of the Bears schedule this year was supposed to be the most difficult, but as is usually the case we are learning that sometimes other teams get better without our realizing it. (Detroit and Buffalo that come to mind). Each game has to be dealt with individually and planned for accordingly. I think it safe to say that the TEAM didn't do that well last week. Martz was definitely to blame in a lot of it. In that, I feel as though the team will endure and come through in the end.


Most definitley the loss was a team one. But, the coaches must put players in positions to win, not lose. We all knew ATL, NO and GB would be tough. We expected CAR to be a walk in the park, and we all probably are at least not completely sold on DET at the moment. The ATL win was kind of a nice pleasant surprise and we thought too much of ourselves I think. NO has grounded us. That transpires on Sunday will be telling. Do we fold or do we end the game swinging? I think swinging. Again, at least for this game.



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