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Word on Martz


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Every run is up the freakin middle. Every time it is stuffed. Can we please go to the outside as so many of us maybe been saying?


Fox just showed the play calling for the first half by Martz and it is a frightening 17 passes to 6 run plays. That is disgusting to see. They talk about firing him at the bye week, fire his ass now so that Cutler may live to play another day. Plus don't stop there, fire Smith, Angelo and Philips as well.


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Trade a TE who isnt a good blocker and keep at TE who cant block and catch either..... Screw this organization. Im done with it



Terra, you know as good as me that this organization is like a woman. We can say we're done but, no one will ever fu(k us more. As much as it pisses us off, it's in our blood to love them...good or now.

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The Bears won't fire any coordinators during the season, that almost never happens unless the coach that fires the coordinator takes over the play calling duties because he's familiar with that specific side of the ball. Lovie is a defensive guy so that makes the firing of Martz during the season even less likely. However, if at the end of the year the offense doesn't progress or we miss the playoffs, I could see the Bears just letting Martz walk. I never liked the hiring to begin with and now we are faced potentially in a difficult situation. Are we ruining Cutler's prime years if we bring in yet another OC? He had Jeremy Bates for 2 years, Ron Turner for 1, and then Mike Martz for 2 years. This offense, more than anything needs a West Coast Style to it. I'd be all for Jeremy Bates again if he'd be willing to come here since Jay is already familiar with his scheme but he already turned us down two years ago so we'll see.. If you look at all the great quarterbacks around the league you'll notice that they always have the same coordinator with them throughout the years or the stick with the same scheme. I think it's clear that the Martz scheme doesn't work here because we don't have the talent on the offensive line or WR position.

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Yeah, we are ruining Cutler's best years. But, he knew what he signed up for. It's not like we had a good history in that area...


The Bears won't fire any coordinators during the season, that almost never happens unless the coach that fires the coordinator takes over the play calling duties because he's familiar with that specific side of the ball. Lovie is a defensive guy so that makes the firing of Martz during the season even less likely. However, if at the end of the year the offense doesn't progress or we miss the playoffs, I could see the Bears just letting Martz walk. I never liked the hiring to begin with and now we are faced potentially in a difficult situation. Are we ruining Cutler's prime years if we bring in yet another OC? He had Jeremy Bates for 2 years, Ron Turner for 1, and then Mike Martz for 2 years. This offense, more than anything needs a West Coast Style to it. I'd be all for Jeremy Bates again if he'd be willing to come here since Jay is already familiar with his scheme but he already turned us down two years ago so we'll see.. If you look at all the great quarterbacks around the league you'll notice that they always have the same coordinator with them throughout the years or the stick with the same scheme. I think it's clear that the Martz scheme doesn't work here because we don't have the talent on the offensive line or WR position.


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Yeah, we are ruining Cutler's best years. But, he knew what he signed up for. It's not like we had a good history in that area...


reminds me of what happened to David Carr, not that Carr is as talented as Cutler. The constant beating Cutler is taking here in Chicago will if not already ruin him. There was one year Rodgers took a beating when their Oline was hurt but you cant have that happen every year. Also look at the WR's and TE that Rodgers has to work with it. It is a shame the group of WR the Bears are putting on the field right now.


I was hoping that being the 2nd year of the same system was going to prove to be a huge advantage, WR's knowing the routes and reads better, Oline knowing the who and where to block better, Cutler knowing the reads better but none of that has happened so far.


Im really starting to worry.



I hope Gabe and Louis get back quickly and Roy Williams proves to be a good pick up.

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Good points. It is similar to Carr. or Bulger... Lot's of guys that continue to get the snot ko'ed out of them fase away... warner resurrected himself after spending a couple years in NY.


It saddens me. What looked so promising will probably end up being squandered by management and coaching.


reminds me of what happened to David Carr, not that Carr is as talented as Cutler. The constant beating Cutler is taking here in Chicago will if not already ruin him. There was one year Rodgers took a beating when their Oline was hurt but you cant have that happen every year. Also look at the WR's and TE that Rodgers has to work with it. It is a shame the group of WR the Bears are putting on the field right now.


I was hoping that being the 2nd year of the same system was going to prove to be a huge advantage, WR's knowing the routes and reads better, Oline knowing the who and where to block better, Cutler knowing the reads better but none of that has happened so far.


Im really starting to worry.



I hope Gabe and Louis get back quickly and Roy Williams proves to be a good pick up.


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Not so sure. Players go where the money is. Period.


How often have we seen a player go to a team that simply made no sense simply because they offered the most money. The always talk about wanted a good fit, or talk about their families and homes, or whatever. In the end, players choose the money. They often later regret their decision, but it doesn't stop the next FA from making the same stupid choices.


I'd be willing to bet that if he knew that Martz would be his coordinator he would have never have wanted to come here.


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Not so sure. Players go where the money is. Period.


How often have we seen a player go to a team that simply made no sense simply because they offered the most money. The always talk about wanted a good fit, or talk about their families and homes, or whatever. In the end, players choose the money. They often later regret their decision, but it doesn't stop the next FA from making the same stupid choices.

Cutler didn't make his decision on "Where to go" as a FA at all, he was drafted and then demanded a trade based on coaching staff.

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Forte couldn't run yesterday EXCEPT when they ran him on some counters, and by some, I mean one.


All of Forte's runs yesterday went up the middle except one. On that one, he gained 5 yards. What gives to not do that more?


What gets me more is when the Bears had 1st and goal at the 7. There was about a minute left. Why not run the ball and let the clock run a bit? We all know he wasn't going to score, but 3 straight passes with these inept wideouts plus the possible ineptitude of the OL is inexcusable. Had the Packers scored after the FG the Bears ended up making, I would've left the game right then and there. NEVER give an offense like the Packers' 50 seconds with 1 timeout especially with the way they were moving the ball.

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You're preachin' to the converted! So many of us have been clamorring for outside or similar runs since the middle is not getting the results!


Forte couldn't run yesterday EXCEPT when they ran him on some counters, and by some, I mean one.


All of Forte's runs yesterday went up the middle except one. On that one, he gained 5 yards. What gives to not do that more?


What gets me more is when the Bears had 1st and goal at the 7. There was about a minute left. Why not run the ball and let the clock run a bit? We all know he wasn't going to score, but 3 straight passes with these inept wideouts plus the possible ineptitude of the OL is inexcusable. Had the Packers scored after the FG the Bears ended up making, I would've left the game right then and there. NEVER give an offense like the Packers' 50 seconds with 1 timeout especially with the way they were moving the ball.


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That's what I thought too.


In the end, what do you want to bet that if Cutler didn't want to join the bears, all he had to do was tell the bears he had no intention of re-signing with them, and that he planned to test FA. Bears would not then trade for him. But he (a) wanted out of Denver and (B) IMHO, knew/had a deal with the bears to re-do his contract.


I thought so...


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That's what I thought too.


In the end, what do you want to bet that if Cutler didn't want to join the bears, all he had to do was tell the bears he had no intention of re-signing with them, and that he planned to test FA. Bears would not then trade for him. But he (a) wanted out of Denver and (B) IMHO, knew/had a deal with the bears to re-do his contract.

When the demand of the trade for Cutler came, word out of his "camp" said he would like to be traded to Chicago (his childhood favorite team) or Tennessee (nearby where he went to college).


What was JA going to tell him? "We're going to try to surround you with the least possible amount of talent from here on out."

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Agreed. I think it was apparent he wanted to come here.


That's what I thought too.


In the end, what do you want to bet that if Cutler didn't want to join the bears, all he had to do was tell the bears he had no intention of re-signing with them, and that he planned to test FA. Bears would not then trade for him. But he (a) wanted out of Denver and (B) IMHO, knew/had a deal with the bears to re-do his contract.


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When the demand of the trade for Cutler came, word out of his "camp" said he would like to be traded to Chicago (his childhood favorite team) or Tennessee (nearby where he went to college).


What was JA going to tell him? "We're going to try to surround you with the least possible amount of talent from here on out."


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I don't think our Oline is as bad as some make it out to be. They aren't great but they can pass protect decently this year. When Kellen Davis completely misses his block it's not an Oline issue. When Bell completely misses his block it's not an Oline issue. When the D blitzes more than we have blockers for and Cutler completely ignores his hot read it's not an Oline issue. That last line right there is why the Saints were so comfortable bringing 6 guys in the 4th quarter.


Jay seemed to go back into his.."l'll get it all back right here on this play" and just kept looking for the deeper routes to open up. This is the NFL and you have to take what the defense gives you. Getting sacked while Matt Forte stares at you all alone from the same spot that blizting LB occupied means you don't read what's happening. Ignoring a wide open Kellen Davis as he turns immediately toward Cutler on a hot route while watching the blitzing safety go after Cutler means he's not reading things.


I'm not saying our Oline is great but there are more pieces to this puzzle than just better pass protection. Martz calling more run plays is part of it. Cutler hitting his hot reads is part of it too. Last year in game 3 Cutler made this adjustment and it led to a victory against Dallas. Will the same thing happen in game 3 this year?


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