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Post Game Thread


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I've slept on it. Came to work and it's still crap. So here we go....


- Knox' clock is running out IMO. Drops, cutting routes off, gator-arming passes, bitching everytime and crying for a flag. I know this has become the norm, but dammit make a statement before you try for preferential treatment. I watched the Texans game and Andre Johnson was mugged and no flag...and no over dramatic flailing of the arms, battering the refs or any of that shit. By no means am I comparing the two, but whining and pouting will not get what you want.


- If we get an actual #1 receiver, I think Sanzenbacher will be a good slot receiver.


- If anyone should know the damn snap count in a three block radius of the stadium, it should be Garza. Omiyale had like 3 false starts and a holding, Williams ole'd Matthews, Webb sucks. This horse is dead, no reason to beat it anymore. They kept Cutler upright, but the penalties killed us.


- Briggs played like he wants a new contract. Awesome game by the LB's I think with the exception of the Toasted Roach. Urlacher made a huge interception, to bad it was wasted by Hester and the O-Lines penalties.


- The return at the end of the game was a great call by the ST Coordinator...too bad it fooled the refs too. Either way, it wasn't going to be worth 11 points.


- Cutler made some shit throws and even some of the completions we're nice catches by the receivers...yes I said they made some nice catches...but let's not get too carried away. If you make a great 9 yard reception, don't forget it gets nullified if you drop the next 2. Go the other way like Davis, let it hit you dead in the numbers and drop it, then score the touchdown.


- Believe it or not, I still believe in this team. Not the entire team but certain aspects of it. The Line and WR's until they put back to back good outtings together, I won't buy into it. The D played decent and, I think the crowd let the D down a little yesterday in the beginning. Rodgers took us out of it early with the air assault to Jennings, but a visiting QB should not have the silence required to hard count us the way he did. We let him come in our house play with our wife's titties and kicked our dog on the way out...and just let it happen.


We need a better showing in all aspects of the game...some A LOT BETTER.

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I've slept on it. Came to work and it's still crap. So here we go....


- Knox' clock is running out IMO. Drops, cutting routes off, gator-arming passes, bitching everytime and crying for a flag. I know this has become the norm, but dammit make a statement before you try for preferential treatment. I watched the Texans game and Andre Johnson was mugged and no flag...and no over dramatic flailing of the arms, battering the refs or any of that shit. By no means am I comparing the two, but whining and pouting will not get what you want.


- If we get an actual #1 receiver, I think Sanzenbacher will be a good slot receiver.


- If anyone should know the damn snap count in a three block radius of the stadium, it should be Garza. Omiyale had like 3 false starts and a holding, Williams ole'd Matthews, Webb sucks. This horse is dead, no reason to beat it anymore. They kept Cutler upright, but the penalties killed us.


- Briggs played like he wants a new contract. Awesome game by the LB's I think with the exception of the Toasted Roach. Urlacher made a huge interception, to bad it was wasted by Hester and the O-Lines penalties.


- The return at the end of the game was a great call by the ST Coordinator...too bad it fooled the refs too. Either way, it wasn't going to be worth 11 points.


- Cutler made some shit throws and even some of the completions we're nice catches by the receivers...yes I said they made some nice catches...but let's not get too carried away. If you make a great 9 yard reception, don't forget it gets nullified if you drop the next 2. Go the other way like Davis, let it hit you dead in the numbers and drop it, then score the touchdown.


- Believe it or not, I still believe in this team. Not the entire team but certain aspects of it. The Line and WR's until they put back to back good outtings together, I won't buy into it. The D played decent and, I think the crowd let the D down a little yesterday in the beginning. Rodgers took us out of it early with the air assault to Jennings, but a visiting QB should not have the silence required to hard count us the way he did. We let him come in our house play with our wife's titties and kicked our dog on the way out...and just let it happen.


We need a better showing in all aspects of the game...some A LOT BETTER.


I was able to watch the tape of the game today.....


I was expecting things to be worse, from some comments I thought it was going to be a blow-out. Certainly was not great to watch, but I thought we were in the game throughout....


-I agree on Knox, he did not have a good game, dropped some big passes, and I was not impressed with the bitching either. Too bad he cannot hold on like Sanz.


-O Line is definitely weak, not catastrophically bad but close. Those who were crying for more O Line help were right I think, we should not suck this bad even with injuries.


-Bad game from Cutler, if he had done better we might have been able to win this one. He had a poor game, accuracy was pretty crap and his pocket awareness not good enough either.


-Defence was not too bad overall, hard to imagine many teams putting a brand new set of safeties out for GB though.....


Overall, let's not forget Green Bay is one of the, if not THE, best teams in football right now. I think we played them pretty tough....we just aren't as good as they are right now, especially with a sub-par O Line, erratic QB, no real Number 1 receiver, etc....


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I didn't see Bell either. After how he blocked nothing but air in New Orleans and given how the rest of the pass protection has been that was probably a good decision.


Amobi Okoye on run defense was constantly getting washed out of his lane, and taking LBs out of the play too. Almost every run, and certainly the big gains up the middle, was right through his gap. There was a huge difference when Big Toe was in the game. Paea has a slot in the rotation waiting for him when he gets healthy.


No run blocking. Am I really ready to say I'd like to see Lance Louis back? Or were we missing Carimi? Definitely a dropoff from Carimi's run blocking to OmiwasIsupposedtoblockhim. How are our guys missing assignments on our home field? Can't blame a hostile crowd for that, although I did hear some boos out there.



Jay Cutler hit his hot reads, and started doing it early...kudos. Now if he can get back to being comfortable in the pocket so his passes are more accurate I'll be even happier.


Kellen Davis...in one play I can say I never saw Greg Olsen run like that in the open field. We need to start using him more (and he needs to start catching the ball).


Craig Steltz...Chris Harris will be thanking you when he signs his contract extension.


Brandon Meriweather might have had the first pass defensed by a Bears FS in years. More please.


Officiating...pass interference is a penalty.



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Looks like everyone on this board was right. The Bears need OL and WR. I'm done with the Johnny Knox experiment. The guy just quits on routes and doesn't seem to be in the game at all times. It severely hurts the offense. There was more than one play yesterday in which Cutler had multiple seconds to find an open WR, but either didn't have one or didn't trust the one who had a defender nearby. The underscores the need for WR. Also, I hated seeing the drops hit the players when Cutler threw some great balls. It sure doesn't help confidence when the good balls get dropped. As for the OL, well, they can't run block or pass block. So if the O goes to the ground, it's three and out. If the O goes to the air, Cutler donates a liver to science. Not much choice. But when there is a choice, Cutler has to make smarter decisions. He could easily have had 4 INTs yesterday. Martz has some blame in this, but it's minimal. The players are failing in big ways. If it's not a missed blocking assignment, it's a dropped pass. And before either of those start, there is the once-per-game drive killing False Start on False Start Frank.



Through three games this defense has allowed the opposing QB to average 28/41 (68%) for 295 passing yards. That equates to 25th overall on D, 26th in passing (and 18th in rushing for what it's worth). That is worse than the offense. Yeah, yeah, I know the two are linked and offensive failures give the defense less time to rest, but the defense is staying on the field for a long time mostly because of their own failures. The cover-2 may tighten up in the red zone, but it allows for brutally slow and time-consuming drives through perpetual short passes.



Great play to end the game. They got screwed. I'd like to see Hester and Knox return a few more for larger gains, but it's hit or miss.

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I actually thought the offensive line performed well enough yesterday. Cutler had 17 dropbacks in the first half and was hit twice. The Packers really couldn't get to him at all until the 2nd half when everyone knew that Forte was doing his Chester Taylor impression. Yeah, the running lanes weren't there, but that's why you don't run straight at BJ Raji...you might keep him off the QB but you're not moving him backwards.


I go for Cutler mainly in this game, and also the WR and defense somewhat. Cutler had a series of bad throws. His INT's were bad throws. He had time to make throws and simply did not make them. His WR's really didn't help him out on the hands either, everyone saw that...but he consistently had guys open on the field and could not get the ball to them.


Secondly, 27 points to the Packers is going to be rough for the Bears to overcome. The Packers don't have a bad defense, but the Bears are supposed to have a winning defense. The offense didn't do a terrible job in giving the Packers field position either, the Packers were just able to move the ball. The big thing was that the Bears couldn't slow down the run enough to make Rogers have to put the ball in the air. Grant had like 35 yards in his first 3 carries.

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I actually thought the offensive line performed well enough yesterday. Cutler had 17 dropbacks in the first half and was hit twice. The Packers really couldn't get to him at all until the 2nd half when everyone knew that Forte was doing his Chester Taylor impression. Yeah, the running lanes weren't there, but that's why you don't run straight at BJ Raji...you might keep him off the QB but you're not moving him backwards.


I go for Cutler mainly in this game, and also the WR and defense somewhat. Cutler had a series of bad throws. His INT's were bad throws. He had time to make throws and simply did not make them. His WR's really didn't help him out on the hands either, everyone saw that...but he consistently had guys open on the field and could not get the ball to them.


Secondly, 27 points to the Packers is going to be rough for the Bears to overcome. The Packers don't have a bad defense, but the Bears are supposed to have a winning defense. The offense didn't do a terrible job in giving the Packers field position either, the Packers were just able to move the ball. The big thing was that the Bears couldn't slow down the run enough to make Rogers have to put the ball in the air. Grant had like 35 yards in his first 3 carries.


The OL did have an improved performance yesterday, pass blocking. But it was obviously at the expense of any sort of run blocking. It's just too bad the improvement was from "potentially the worst in NFL history" to "probably the worst in the NFL this year."


Agreed on pretty much everything else.

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The guy we are missing, other than a true #1 is Earl Bennett. He was Jay's guy on 3rd downs and whenever we needed a big play in the passing game. Earl Bennett is far and away, the best receiver on this team. Having him out really hurts. I am so sick of our receivers, almost as much as our offensive line-- we have to do something about it. Randy Moss is out there and has said that he would be interested in returning to the right team at the right price. Just sayin..

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I actually thought the offensive line performed well enough yesterday. Cutler had 17 dropbacks in the first half and was hit twice. The Packers really couldn't get to him at all until the 2nd half when everyone knew that Forte was doing his Chester Taylor impression. Yeah, the running lanes weren't there, but that's why you don't run straight at BJ Raji...you might keep him off the QB but you're not moving him backwards.


I go for Cutler mainly in this game, and also the WR and defense somewhat. Cutler had a series of bad throws. His INT's were bad throws. He had time to make throws and simply did not make them. His WR's really didn't help him out on the hands either, everyone saw that...but he consistently had guys open on the field and could not get the ball to them.


Secondly, 27 points to the Packers is going to be rough for the Bears to overcome. The Packers don't have a bad defense, but the Bears are supposed to have a winning defense. The offense didn't do a terrible job in giving the Packers field position either, the Packers were just able to move the ball. The big thing was that the Bears couldn't slow down the run enough to make Rogers have to put the ball in the air. Grant had like 35 yards in his first 3 carries.



The defense was directly related to the failure on offense. The best way to combat a team like GB is to keep their offense off the field. All of those three and outs were brutal.

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IMO, it's time seriously reevaluate the the stautus of the three "geniuses," as well as everyone else in this organization:


-Martz is showing why he failed in Detroit and SF. I don't see any way he stays another year and I honestly don't know how you can keep him this whole season with this kind of disparity in run/pass.


-Time to give Tice the blame he is owed. He assured everyone that he believed in this group of offensive linemen. Now, it's possible he's just covering for his GM, but three straight years with three straight subpar offensive lines tells me he is not doing his job one way or another.


-Melton has been impressive, but that's it from the defensive line, and the Bears pass defense under Marinelli continues to be bad. I'm starting to think that given the passing-heavy offenses in the league, the cover-2 simply does not work because you can't limit mistakes, and evey if a team turns it over, they can outweight those turnovers with big plays.


I honestly believe all these guys, along with Lovie and Angelo, are gone at the end of the year. And Cutler will follow in another year.

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The defense was directly related to the failure on offense. The best way to combat a team like GB is to keep their offense off the field. All of those three and outs were brutal.



Hey guys, a couple of questions for ya as i was at the game and it is not always easy to see what went wrong on some plays(may have had something to do with the amount of Beer i drank).

1. Stelez(sp?) he seemed to be out of postion on some of the passes espically the TD to Finley i think the last one to him.

2. On some of the run plays that were tackles for loss it looked like Williams missed his blocks while pulling? Why did the run game look so shitty?

3. From my view there were alot of passes were waaaayyy off, esp the INT when Roy Williams was going up the sideline in the first half. Cutler threw for 300 yards but threw a lot of crap passes. Did his passes look as bad on tv as they did live?

4. Overall it looked like Cutler had time to throw this week did you guys see the same thing?

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Seems like deja vu, no?





Looks like everyone on this board was right. The Bears need OL and WR. I'm done with the Johnny Knox experiment. The guy just quits on routes and doesn't seem to be in the game at all times. It severely hurts the offense. There was more than one play yesterday in which Cutler had multiple seconds to find an open WR, but either didn't have one or didn't trust the one who had a defender nearby. The underscores the need for WR. Also, I hated seeing the drops hit the players when Cutler threw some great balls. It sure doesn't help confidence when the good balls get dropped. As for the OL, well, they can't run block or pass block. So if the O goes to the ground, it's three and out. If the O goes to the air, Cutler donates a liver to science. Not much choice. But when there is a choice, Cutler has to make smarter decisions. He could easily have had 4 INTs yesterday. Martz has some blame in this, but it's minimal. The players are failing in big ways. If it's not a missed blocking assignment, it's a dropped pass. And before either of those start, there is the once-per-game drive killing False Start on False Start Frank.



Through three games this defense has allowed the opposing QB to average 28/41 (68%) for 295 passing yards. That equates to 25th overall on D, 26th in passing (and 18th in rushing for what it's worth). That is worse than the offense. Yeah, yeah, I know the two are linked and offensive failures give the defense less time to rest, but the defense is staying on the field for a long time mostly because of their own failures. The cover-2 may tighten up in the red zone, but it allows for brutally slow and time-consuming drives through perpetual short passes.



Great play to end the game. They got screwed. I'd like to see Hester and Knox return a few more for larger gains, but it's hit or miss.


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1. He looked out of position a lot from satching on tv

2. Williams was not blocking well at all on runs pulling as you said... Missed blocking assignments, poor play selection and single back sets I think were at fault.

3. Cutler was erratic. But it happened mostly after a few key dropped balls. I think his confidence got beat down... It's hard to soar like an eagle when you play with a bunch of turkeys. But he was certainly to blame.

4. He had more time. And virtuallynone of his WR's got open with that extra time. When they did, they made some nice drops on top of that. There obviously were some catches. But the whole O was just not good and very mistake prone. Way yo step up after a big loss for a big game Bears.



Hey guys, a couple of questions for ya as i was at the game and it is not always easy to see what went wrong on some plays(may have had something to do with the amount of Beer i drank).

1. Stelez(sp?) he seemed to be out of postion on some of the passes espically the TD to Finley i think the last one to him.

2. On some of the run plays that were tackles for loss it looked like Williams missed his blocks while pulling? Why did the run game look so shitty?

3. From my view there were alot of passes were waaaayyy off, esp the INT when Roy Williams was going up the sideline in the first half. Cutler threw for 300 yards but threw a lot of crap passes. Did his passes look as bad on tv as they did live?

4. Overall it looked like Cutler had time to throw this week did you guys see the same thing?


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I think it's about time to clean house. Enough of this "close is good enough" regime for me... I want an attempt at greatness. We need fresh blood.


I truly hope they are all gone. But I think only Martz will be. Turner took the heat last chance we had to clean house. Here we are again. Martz will be let go and the new OC will be given 2 years for Smith to finish out his contract. We'll probably have a good season in there somewhere despite our flaws. Smith will be extended again. Expect more of the same. It's Groundhog Day.




IMO, it's time seriously reevaluate the the stautus of the three "geniuses," as well as everyone else in this organization:


-Martz is showing why he failed in Detroit and SF. I don't see any way he stays another year and I honestly don't know how you can keep him this whole season with this kind of disparity in run/pass.


-Time to give Tice the blame he is owed. He assured everyone that he believed in this group of offensive linemen. Now, it's possible he's just covering for his GM, but three straight years with three straight subpar offensive lines tells me he is not doing his job one way or another.


-Melton has been impressive, but that's it from the defensive line, and the Bears pass defense under Marinelli continues to be bad. I'm starting to think that given the passing-heavy offenses in the league, the cover-2 simply does not work because you can't limit mistakes, and evey if a team turns it over, they can outweight those turnovers with big plays.


I honestly believe all these guys, along with Lovie and Angelo, are gone at the end of the year. And Cutler will follow in another year.


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Great comments '74...


This is going to be a long season I think.


I've slept on it. Came to work and it's still crap. So here we go....


- Knox' clock is running out IMO. Drops, cutting routes off, gator-arming passes, bitching everytime and crying for a flag. I know this has become the norm, but dammit make a statement before you try for preferential treatment. I watched the Texans game and Andre Johnson was mugged and no flag...and no over dramatic flailing of the arms, battering the refs or any of that shit. By no means am I comparing the two, but whining and pouting will not get what you want.


- If we get an actual #1 receiver, I think Sanzenbacher will be a good slot receiver.


- If anyone should know the damn snap count in a three block radius of the stadium, it should be Garza. Omiyale had like 3 false starts and a holding, Williams ole'd Matthews, Webb sucks. This horse is dead, no reason to beat it anymore. They kept Cutler upright, but the penalties killed us.


- Briggs played like he wants a new contract. Awesome game by the LB's I think with the exception of the Toasted Roach. Urlacher made a huge interception, to bad it was wasted by Hester and the O-Lines penalties.


- The return at the end of the game was a great call by the ST Coordinator...too bad it fooled the refs too. Either way, it wasn't going to be worth 11 points.


- Cutler made some shit throws and even some of the completions we're nice catches by the receivers...yes I said they made some nice catches...but let's not get too carried away. If you make a great 9 yard reception, don't forget it gets nullified if you drop the next 2. Go the other way like Davis, let it hit you dead in the numbers and drop it, then score the touchdown.


- Believe it or not, I still believe in this team. Not the entire team but certain aspects of it. The Line and WR's until they put back to back good outtings together, I won't buy into it. The D played decent and, I think the crowd let the D down a little yesterday in the beginning. Rodgers took us out of it early with the air assault to Jennings, but a visiting QB should not have the silence required to hard count us the way he did. We let him come in our house play with our wife's titties and kicked our dog on the way out...and just let it happen.


We need a better showing in all aspects of the game...some A LOT BETTER.


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A couple other comments...


1. Green Bay didn't play that well. Other than Finley, they were held. They also had their fair share of penalties and turnovers. Had we not decided to play $hittier than them, this could have been won. But, make no mistake...they are a significantly better team. The eye test says it.


2. The D is disappointing. And it pretty much is the Smith system... We simply cannot gererate a constant attack from teh front 4, and that allows pretty much any team enough time to nit-pick us all the way down the field. And the fact that this club has had trouble for a decade covering tight ends, any decent TE can then score in the red zone with relative ease on us. I fear Olsen next week. Big time.



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A couple other comments...


1. Green Bay didn't play that well. Other than Finley, they were held. They also had their fair share of penalties and turnovers. Had we not decided to play $hittier than them, this could have been won. But, make no mistake...they are a significantly better team. The eye test says it.


2. The D is disappointing. And it pretty much is the Smith system... We simply cannot gererate a constant attack from teh front 4, and that allows pretty much any team enough time to nit-pick us all the way down the field. And the fact that this club has had trouble for a decade covering tight ends, any decent TE can then score in the red zone with relative ease on us. I fear Olsen next week. Big time.

Brees and Rodgers were pretty much upright all game long. If the Bears DL plays even close to how well they did vs Atlanta, the weaknesses in the secondary won't be as glaring.

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And as much at Martz need to adjust, Marilelli needs to do so to some extent as well. You just can't let Finely light you up like Christmas all game long... At some point, let Jennings do it then at worst...


Brees and Rodgers were pretty much upright all game long. If the Bears DL plays even close to how well they did vs Atlanta, the weaknesses in the secondary won't be as glaring.


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And as much at Martz need to adjust, Marilelli needs to do so to some extent as well. You just can't let Finely light you up like Christmas all game long... At some point, let Jennings do it then at worst...

Let's not kid ourselves. As much as we want to think Marinelli is in charge of the D because his title says so, that's Lovie's D.

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They do both deserve the heat...


Our Secondary sits back and waits for the QB to make mistakes. Front four pressure is not an option, but a must for this system to work. It's easy for WR (at least on other teams) to get to open spots on the and even easier for QB who has all day to throw to find him.


Making the QB make hasty decision causes turnovers, but our front 4 ain't doing it the past 2 weeks.

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