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Cheap dollars trying to be made off Walter...


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Please read the comments. I'm 100% certain, those comments are not all Bears fans. Just fans of football and the man.


I've heard many of the stories mentioned in the article. It just reads so salaciously and like tabloid trash. It's all out of context, assuming it's all even true. And I've heard others. But, I really see nothing greivous...just issues that eveyday people deal with all the time. It's sad, this will tarich his image. However, i think only for a moment. Once this clown writer is done with his 15 minutes of fame. All this will be pushed aside and the positives will come back to light.


I'm personally disgusted.


I will be wearing my Walter jersey all season now in full support. I encourage everyone else to do so as well.

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I don't understand why people get so upset about stuff like this. You don't like, don't read it.


Walter was a great football player. I loved him as a football player; nothing more. He wasn't perfect off the field. Who is and who really cares?


This gentleman has a right to write his book and you have a right not to read it. I have no interest in reading it or getting caught up in it.


I write for a local community newspaper and I had someone from our school district office complain to me about a negative story we ran on the school district. He said he was disappointed and thought we were trying to be a positive influence on the community.


My response - we report the news, good or bad. Don't like, don't read it.


End of discussion.


Peace :dabears

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I also have the right to call him names as I did...


It's simply unnecessary and classless. Legal (I think, unless there's slander or similar), but calssless. Being an a-hole isn't agasint the law, it's just not desirable.


Given the theme of most my posts, do you really think I have any problem being negative?


I'm a stauch freedom of speech person. And that includes my right to belittle such tripe. I am choosing not to read it. I am also expressing my American freedom, and am talking about it in a bad light.


If you don't like my comments about the writer, don't read them.


Open for discussion...


I don't understand why people get so upset about stuff like this. You don't like, don't read it.


Walter was a great football player. I loved him as a football player; nothing more. He wasn't perfect off the field. Who is and who really cares?


This gentleman has a right to write his book and you have a right not to read it. I have no interest in reading it or getting caught up in it.


I write for a local community newspaper and I had someone from our school district office complain to me about a negative story we ran on the school district. He said he was disappointed and thought we were trying to be a positive influence on the community.


My response - we report the news, good or bad. Don't like, don't read it.


End of discussion.


Peace :dabears


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I also have the right to call him names as I did...


It's simply unnecessary and classless. Legal (I think, unless there's slander or similar), but calssless. Being an a-hole isn't agasint the law, it's just not desirable.


Given the theme of most my posts, do you really think I have any problem being negative?


I'm a stauch freedom of speech person. And that includes my right to belittle such tripe. I am choosing not to read it. I am also expressing my American freedom, and am talking about it in a bad light.


If you don't like my comments about the writer, don't read them.


Open for discussion...

Whatever. You know my opinion. I think everyone's obsession here with the media is ridiculous.


Keep on posting. I am about done with this sight because I am simply sick of the negativity.


I think you all are good people but after a while the constant criticism and negativity is grating.


Maybe I simply need to break away for a while.


Take care.


Peace :dabears

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Whatever. You know my opinion. I think everyone's obsession here with the media is ridiculous.


Keep on posting. I am about done with this sight because I am simply sick of the negativity.


I think you all are good people but after a while the constant criticism and negativity is grating.


Maybe I simply need to break away for a while.


Take care.


Peace :dabears


well that is just silly.

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I read a quick history on Wikipedia about the author, Jeff Pearlman, and it appears that not only does he thrive on telling stories about the negative aspect of athletes. He has a tendency not to tell the truth or at least not check his facts. An excerpt: "The book contains an accusation that Yankees general manager Brian Cashman was watching Jason Giambi on television and yelled at the TV that Giambi should get back on "whatever you were taking in Oakland." Contacted by reporters from New York Times, Cashman was angry and said this was made up and complained that Pearlman never called him to ask if it was true, a rule for journalists. "You think he would have done some fact-checking," Cashman said. Pearlman admitted that he should have called Cashman to check it out.


Just the little bit of the above referenced article and bit o' info I've read made me think this guys a tool. Too bad he can profit from others' nasty side let alone a great Hall of Famer in Walter. Truly classless.

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I've enjoyed your posts and banter through the years.


I'm kind of surprised at your view... I posted a relevant topic to the Bears and Bears fans, and called out the writer for being "negative". I want to do something positive and show my support for Walter and wear his jersey all year.


I'm just at a loss why you feel so strongly otherwise. I know you are a writer. When in college, I was too. But I always thought everything was fair game. And disagreeing with a story or why it's even written is part of that.


I won't lie, I'm not happy with the state of the Bears. I'm sorry if there's too much negative. But, that's how many of us are seeing it. If it were just me, you all could just ban me. I love the Bears. I'm just not in lock step with the organization.


It's a simple fact that conversation flows with results. If the team is doing well, conversation is lofty. If not, the opposite rules the roost.


I fully respect your points of view, even though I may disagree with some. I do hope you reconsider.




Whatever. You know my opinion. I think everyone's obsession here with the media is ridiculous.


Keep on posting. I am about done with this sight because I am simply sick of the negativity.


I think you all are good people but after a while the constant criticism and negativity is grating.


Maybe I simply need to break away for a while.


Take care.


Peace :dabears


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Thanks for finding that.


The guy is basically hunting for dollars. I hope the book does poorly. I will now never again go to SI or purchase any of their items. There are alternatives to the swimsuit edition!


I read a quick history on Wikipedia about the author, Jeff Pearlman, and it appears that not only does he thrive on telling stories about the negative aspect of athletes. He has a tendency not to tell the truth or at least not check his facts. An excerpt: "The book contains an accusation that Yankees general manager Brian Cashman was watching Jason Giambi on television and yelled at the TV that Giambi should get back on "whatever you were taking in Oakland." Contacted by reporters from New York Times, Cashman was angry and said this was made up and complained that Pearlman never called him to ask if it was true, a rule for journalists. "You think he would have done some fact-checking," Cashman said. Pearlman admitted that he should have called Cashman to check it out.


Just the little bit of the above referenced article and bit o' info I've read made me think this guys a tool. Too bad he can profit from others' nasty side let alone a great Hall of Famer in Walter. Truly classless.


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Whatever. You know my opinion. I think everyone's obsession here with the media is ridiculous.


Keep on posting. I am about done with this sight because I am simply sick of the negativity.


I think you all are good people but after a while the constant criticism and negativity is grating.


Maybe I simply need to break away for a while.


Take care.


Peace :dabears


Connor, if you do leave, you will be missed, no doubt. However, this sight is about having discussions on opinions about issues/non-isues concerning our Bears. There will be some negativity and conflict along with positive items. You shouldn't leave due to people who you deem negative. You have disagreed with some of my posts, but not once have I took it personally or wanted to leave or even bad mouthed you. It was your opinion. And like I stated before, your opinion is what makes this board going besides the Mods. I truly hope you reconsider. If not, thanks for all your comments.


I hope you know that after you retire, Terra will write a book about you and depression and how you just didn't want to be part of this board anymore. Lith and myself will defend you with our posts.

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It says his marraige didn't work out and also he got addicted to painkillers and also he suffered from depression (concussion issues?). The article throws around "womanizer" but doesn't specifically say how so. It sounds like he and Connie were separated. Is that it? It doesn't even sound all that salacious, yet somehow the media covering it manage to make it that way.

And, you know, Barry Sanders had an out of wedlock kid. Real life troubles round out these guys' enigmatic personas, but it doesn't make them dirtbags, or even mean they weren't, on the whole, some of the highest character guys you'd find in the sport.

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Well Connor, my two cents. I for one appreciate your input. It is usually factual and to the point. But then again so is Terra...at least 'to the point' part. <_ there was a story that i thought you shared interesting last year. it the one regarding bj raji and something about his high school in woodstock illinois central anyhow cool since my grandmother lives right next door had seen for many years ran around on their football field when kid.>


And for the other "cent" I think you may be confusing 'negativity' for 'over-dramatic'. But that's just me. ;)

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I also have the right to call him names as I did...


It's simply unnecessary and classless. Legal (I think, unless there's slander or similar), but calssless. Being an a-hole isn't agasint the law, it's just not desirable.


Given the theme of most my posts, do you really think I have any problem being negative?


I'm a stauch freedom of speech person. And that includes my right to belittle such tripe. I am choosing not to read it. I am also expressing my American freedom, and am talking about it in a bad light.


If you don't like my comments about the writer, don't read them.


Open for discussion...


Absolutely agree with this view, the writer of the book has rights as does Madlith and others who are offended.


Summed up perfectly by "If you don't like my comments about the writer, don't read them."



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Whatever. You know my opinion. I think everyone's obsession here with the media is ridiculous.


Keep on posting. I am about done with this sight because I am simply sick of the negativity.


I think you all are good people but after a while the constant criticism and negativity is grating.


Maybe I simply need to break away for a while.


Take care.


Peace :dabears

Wow. Take a deep breath. I agree on this one with you Connor. Yeah, we're 1-2 and things don't look rosey, but it does seem there is 99% negative posts. Take a break, enjoy the family and when Da Bears launch their 10 game winning streak this season come on back. LOL

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A thought about message boards, and discourse in general: Passionate responses rarely come from those who are completely satisfied.


This naturally lends itself to a message board being more negative than positive. The fact that the Bears are 1-2 and have gaping holes - something Forte hasn't seen in a while - that have been ignored or unaddressed for multiple years is obviously going to bring out more negativity. If the Bears win, this board is less negative. Simple.


All that said, to leave because you don't like someone else's point of view is weak. Don't take it personal, even if you happen to be remotely connected to the source of frustration. In this case, the media. Perhaps there wouldn't be an obsession with the media if the media wasn't on a constant witch-hunt to paint people in negative lights once they are no longer able to defend themselves. There is a difference between "reporting the news" and what most "journalists" (term used loosely) do nowadays.

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A thought about message boards, and discourse in general: Passionate responses rarely come from those who are completely satisfied.


This naturally lends itself to a message board being more negative than positive. The fact that the Bears are 1-2 and have gaping holes - something Forte hasn't seen in a while - that have been ignored or unaddressed for multiple years is obviously going to bring out more negativity. If the Bears win, this board is less negative. Simple.


All that said, to leave because you don't like someone else's point of view is weak. Don't take it personal, even if you happen to be remotely connected to the source of frustration. In this case, the media. Perhaps there wouldn't be an obsession with the media if the media wasn't on a constant witch-hunt to paint people in negative lights once they are no longer able to defend themselves. There is a difference between "reporting the news" and what most "journalists" (term used loosely) do nowadays.


I have never looked at other teams boards but i wonder what the Pats boards look like, i think we can all agree that the Pats as a whole have a great coaching staff and front office along with a great owner. I would bet that when they lose there is a bunch of negative posts. I would say that they would not have anything to bitch about but they prolly do when they lose




scroll down and look at the first thread, Bill is to blame for the defense. Pats Fans bitching. The Pats have had the best run of any team for the last 10-12 years. So to see the negative post on the Pats blows my mind away. They do not have it as bad as us Bears fans but they do bitch, it is only normal.





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Great thoughts jason.




A thought about message boards, and discourse in general: Passionate responses rarely come from those who are completely satisfied.


This naturally lends itself to a message board being more negative than positive. The fact that the Bears are 1-2 and have gaping holes - something Forte hasn't seen in a while - that have been ignored or unaddressed for multiple years is obviously going to bring out more negativity. If the Bears win, this board is less negative. Simple.


All that said, to leave because you don't like someone else's point of view is weak. Don't take it personal, even if you happen to be remotely connected to the source of frustration. In this case, the media. Perhaps there wouldn't be an obsession with the media if the media wasn't on a constant witch-hunt to paint people in negative lights once they are no longer able to defend themselves. There is a difference between "reporting the news" and what most "journalists" (term used loosely) do nowadays.


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Thanks for sharing that. It puts a lot in perspective...


I also wonder if on a larger scale...people complain more when the economy isn't so great? Seems like a planet aligning thing...





I have never looked at other teams boards but i wonder what the Pats boards look like, i think we can all agree that the Pats as a whole have a great coaching staff and front office along with a great owner. I would bet that when they lose there is a bunch of negative posts. I would say that they would not have anything to bitch about but they prolly do when they lose




scroll down and look at the first thread, Bill is to blame for the defense. Pats Fans bitching. The Pats have had the best run of any team for the last 10-12 years. So to see the negative post on the Pats blows my mind away. They do not have it as bad as us Bears fans but they do bitch, it is only normal.


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Thanks for sharing that. It puts a lot in perspective...


I also wonder if on a larger scale...people complain more when the economy isn't so great? Seems like a planet aligning thing...


We saw the problems we had last year and were mad. We still won 12 games, won the division, and were a torn ligament away from the Super Bowl and we still bitched and moaned. Who wants their team to lose a game? Every year we predict the Bears schedule and not once have I ever seen anybody predict a perfect season, yet when we get one of the losses, we complain on what could have been done. Things happen over the course of a game and season that just happen. NE lost and they let up a lot of points.


I'm sure if we look at their "in-game" threads of ablow ot win, we'll see something about a bad play where the fans are bitching.

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Whatever. You know my opinion. I think everyone's obsession here with the media is ridiculous.


Keep on posting. I am about done with this sight because I am simply sick of the negativity.


I think you all are good people but after a while the constant criticism and negativity is grating.


Maybe I simply need to break away for a while.


Take care.


Peace :dabears



You will be missed. Unfortunately, this site tends to get hijacked by some and drive some of the better posters away. You have been posting less, Crackerdog doesn't post much at all, and one of the posters I thought had some great insight and was one of my favorite reads was defiantgiant, and he hasn't been heard from in a while.

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We saw the problems we had last year and were mad. We still won 12 games, won the division, and were a torn ligament away from the Super Bowl and we still bitched and moaned. Who wants their team to lose a game? Every year we predict the Bears schedule and not once have I ever seen anybody predict a perfect season, yet when we get one of the losses, we complain on what could have been done. Things happen over the course of a game and season that just happen. NE lost and they let up a lot of points.


I'm sure if we look at their "in-game" threads of ablow ot win, we'll see something about a bad play where the fans are bitching.

If it were not for the supposably "torn ligament" we would of been shut out. Hester's won us some games, our D has won us some games, Forte has won us some games, I do not think cutler has won us any games. (and i don't mean soley by themselves)

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Every year we predict the Bears schedule and not once have I ever seen anybody predict a perfect season, yet when we get one of the losses, we complain on what could have been done.

OK I'm gonna have to do something about that. Here's my bold prediction: Chicago Bears gonna go 16-0 this season!


If it were not for the supposably "torn ligament" we would of been shut out. Hester's won us some games, our D has won us some games, Forte has won us some games, I do not think cutler has won us any games. (and i don't mean soley by themselves)

Yikes, someone wants to start a fight, lol (I'll just watch from the sidelines, thank you).

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