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It is in his head


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I read somewhere a comparison to Jim ("Chris") Everett.... That scares the hell out of me.




espn article talking about Cutler hearing footsteps from no protection.



this is not good. if the oline does not figure it out soon this could get ugly.


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Could get ugly?.... Its Oprah ugly as we speak. Not a soul on the Oline last week had a clue


Last year the Giants game or first half was the peak of the oline shit storm. They regrouped and made a great run. I dont think we have seen a Giants type domination of our oline this year. So im holding out hope the last 2 weeks were a wake up call. I would say we saw some improvement from the NO game to the GB game as the oline goes. Sad to say but this Carolina game has become way more important then i had thought going to in this season. We need a great showing this week to build confidence.

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I too had heard the comparisons to Jim Everett and how he (Everett) had become ruined by constant bombardment. And, intersetingly enough, when I was watching Cutler these last few games I noticed some strong similarites to he and Grossman when he played in Chicago. Overthrown passes and the appearance of looking over his shoulder....aka "hearing footsteps". With Grossman, a lot of his problems were (IMHO) due to his being injured a fair amount in his first couple years. He had the issue of not being able to step into the pocket (hardly ever did) and I could never really guess if it was due to his injuries or the combination of getting rushed. I don't what he was like at Florida but I'm guessing since he was in the running for the Heisman that he did pretty well.


Watching Jay of recent he seems to be a little less stoic than he had previously. Although I can't say as I blame him after the pummeling he got in New Orleans. The fact that he does somewhat stand tall and try and deliver says volumes about him. The one thing that was brought up previous is regarding his holding the ball for a bit longer than he should. I know that with Martz' offense there is a lot of timing involved and I think with Jay he is second guessing that the receiver will be available or sees them as covered. Where actually he hesitates and gets he and by default, his Oline, in trouble.


The difference between Cutler and Grossman is that I think once he starts getting the reps and feels the Oline protecting more he will start to settle things a bit. He showed flashes of it last week. Last week was the first time, in a long time, that I saw him step into an open pocket instead of the back of one of the O tackles. Or worse...the grasp of a defender.

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