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8 Observations on the CAR game


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1. Forte! Fortisimo! What a game! ...need I say, pay the man.


2. Hester...YOU ARE RIDICULOUS! Almost 2 runbacks! Kudos for Mr. Hester sending his ball to canton and taking the all time record! What a joy it has been to watch you!


3. The D. Garbage today. Besides the great tip drill by Moore, the D played poorly. There was little pressure, when there was, Newton slipped away or got off a great pass. Only to deja vu all over again and see Steve Smith eat chunks of field like no tomorrow. Again. Marinelli's guys did not looks up to the game in all honesty. Mistakes abounded. Kudos to Newton. That kid can play football.


4. Martz still worries me. My friend said it perfectly, "It's great we ran so much, but damn if I don't feel like he's going to return to his passing ways on a big game. And Smith will refuse to do anything about it during the game." Our only hope is some odd light went off in both coaches' craniums.


5. Detroit worries the hell out of me. I thought Dallas was sending them packing...damn. Megatron is simply amazing. We will have our hands more than full. Especially if our D plays like it did today.


6. I prefer Billick and whoever clown he was with over Aikman and Buck. Buck is just the worst.


7. Cutler played horribly. Too many overthrows. He is getting a pass. I'm tiring of his shoddy play and mechanics. He needs to step it up.



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3. The D. Garbage today. Besides the great tip drill by Moore, the D played poorly. There was little pressure, when there was, Newton slipped away or got off a great pass. Only to deja vu all over again and see Steve Smith eat chunks of field like no tomorrow. Again. Marinelli's guys did not looks up to the game in all honesty. Mistakes abounded. Kudos to Newton. That kid can play football.


Not to try and justify any of it but as the commentators remarked, Carolina does have a pretty decent line. They were ready to block the front four of Chicago and prepare for any blitzes. Could Rivera's knowledge of the Defensive scheme helped??? Perhaps. And there is no denying it, Newton is probably the first #1 QB that is legit. Or so it would seem. He effectively evaded the rush with little effort. That paired with his size and youth helps tremendously.


5. Detroit worries the hell out of me. I thought Dallas was sending them packing...damn. Megatron is simply amazing. We will have our hands more than full. Especially if our D plays like it did today.


Speaking of 'legit'. Detroit is the real deal. It had to be apparent with the way they were coming on recently that this was bound to happen. I didn't think this quick but here they are. And like another poster put up earlier, whodda thunk that our Bears had to worry themselves with being down 2-3 games to Detroit? My how times have changed.


6. I prefer Billick and whoever clown he was with over Aikman and Buck. Buck is just the worst. Couldn't agree more. I would bet that anytime the Bears play and Buck and Troy commentate, they lose a larger percentage of the time. I was just thinking that last week when I heard who would be calling the game. I again agree that Billick really analyzes the game well and the "clown" does good in his bit.


7. Cutler played horribly. Too many overthrows. He is getting a pass. I'm tiring of his shoddy play and mechanics. He needs to step it up. Agagain I agree. My man crush is slowly starting to fade. He is becoming too much Grossman for my liking.


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I'm not going to jump on Cutler until they help him out. Signing UDFA WR's and signing guys 4 years past their primes to help him at WR and bulls*** OL isn't going to help him succeed. Patriots, Packers, Colts, Chargers, etc all draft and sign to help their QB's. If they're not going to do what's necessary for Cutler, then trade/cut him and put Hanie in. The pick sucked, but my god, why is Kyle Adams out for a pass? They had 2 UDFA's from the Big 10 out on the field today. Disgusting for a team that wants to win a ring.


As for the D, it has to get better but it starts with the front 4. Peppers is getting double teamed every play because Idonije, Adams, Toeaina, and Reed are garbage thus far. When Harris gets back, it'll help a bit.


Great game by Hester. I'm his biggest critic but he was awesome. It's an honor seeing him play for my favorite team.


Onto Detroit, and IMO, this is a winnable game. Digging themselves 17+ point holes against good teams isn't going to fly, but it might against an iffy DAL team and a brutal MIN team.

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3. CAR did play well...but it doesn't justify the exceptionally poor play of our D. It was atrocious.


5. Agreed...


6. Yeah, Buck the the curse! F&$k Buck!


7. It's really disheartening... I want to really like Cutler. It's just becoming increasingly difficult. He's simply not playing well. I expected far better so far...



3. The D. Garbage today. Besides the great tip drill by Moore, the D played poorly. There was little pressure, when there was, Newton slipped away or got off a great pass. Only to deja vu all over again and see Steve Smith eat chunks of field like no tomorrow. Again. Marinelli's guys did not looks up to the game in all honesty. Mistakes abounded. Kudos to Newton. That kid can play football.


Not to try and justify any of it but as the commentators remarked, Carolina does have a pretty decent line. They were ready to block the front four of Chicago and prepare for any blitzes. Could Rivera's knowledge of the Defensive scheme helped??? Perhaps. And there is no denying it, Newton is probably the first #1 QB that is legit. Or so it would seem. He effectively evaded the rush with little effort. That paired with his size and youth helps tremendously.


5. Detroit worries the hell out of me. I thought Dallas was sending them packing...damn. Megatron is simply amazing. We will have our hands more than full. Especially if our D plays like it did today.


Speaking of 'legit'. Detroit is the real deal. It had to be apparent with the way they were coming on recently that this was bound to happen. I didn't think this quick but here they are. And like another poster put up earlier, whodda thunk that our Bears had to worry themselves with being down 2-3 games to Detroit? My how times have changed.


6. I prefer Billick and whoever clown he was with over Aikman and Buck. Buck is just the worst. Couldn't agree more. I would bet that anytime the Bears play and Buck and Troy commentate, they lose a larger percentage of the time. I was just thinking that last week when I heard who would be calling the game. I again agree that Billick really analyzes the game well and the "clown" does good in his bit.


7. Cutler played horribly. Too many overthrows. He is getting a pass. I'm tiring of his shoddy play and mechanics. He needs to step it up. Agagain I agree. My man crush is slowly starting to fade. He is becoming too much Grossman for my liking.

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I don't think anyone's jumping on Cutler per se...but I think the era of just blaming everything on O but him should be over. He needs to take responsibility for his poor play and play better. I have a fear his time here will have been completely squandered by JA in the end. Kind of like buying a Porsche, but neglecting to put oil and gas in it...


I'm not going to jump on Cutler until they help him out. Signing UDFA WR's and signing guys 4 years past their primes to help him at WR and bulls*** OL isn't going to help him succeed. Patriots, Packers, Colts, Chargers, etc all draft and sign to help their QB's. If they're not going to do what's necessary for Cutler, then trade/cut him and put Hanie in. The pick sucked, but my god, why is Kyle Adams out for a pass? They had 2 UDFA's from the Big 10 out on the field today. Disgusting for a team that wants to win a ring.


As for the D, it has to get better but it starts with the front 4. Peppers is getting double teamed every play because Idonije, Adams, Toeaina, and Reed are garbage thus far. When Harris gets back, it'll help a bit.


Great game by Hester. I'm his biggest critic but he was awesome. It's an honor seeing him play for my favorite team.


Onto Detroit, and IMO, this is a winnable game. Digging themselves 17+ point holes against good teams isn't going to fly, but it might against an iffy DAL team and a brutal MIN team.


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First and foremost I'm giving props to the Oline. Especially to the constantly berated Chris Williams and Lance Louis. Toss in Webb too. Forte is running great and breaking tackles but he had some huge holes to run through today. Carolina is not that good in run defense but regardless we did what you should do against a weakness, we exploited and kept on exploiting it even when they knew it was coming at them. I'll go out and say that the improvement in running game is in part due to Louis returning. We all know it wasn't Omiyale. Louis stepped outside and played RT too after Omiyale got burned routinely.


If Forte can get outside before Suh can get upfield we'll run well against Detroit too.


Cutler...I was impressed with him the first game or two but after all the hits he's got happy feet and he's rushing his release. It will take some time to get his confidence back and I think that will happen when Earl Bennett returns. Knox and Hester are ok WRs but they are just complimentary types who cannot go up and get the ball when they are covered. Who else is he throwing to? RoyW, UDFA Sanzenbacher, Hurd? We need that player...Cutler needs that player.


I'd say something about our defense but I didn't see any.





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1. The OLine was actually impressive. Louis and Williams actually looked good. Finally Omiyale was on the sideline. I didn't like the line-swapping on the drive but Omiyale leaving made it feel right.


2. WR WANTED!!!! We need a better option. If the line continues to play like they did yesterday, the WR problem will be more glaring. Give Moss a shot or something. Knox had 3 yesterday but Williams and Sanz only had 1. Sanz had a drop on a big 3rd down play. Sanz will get better for the slot but we need an "in the mean time" WR. Hit FA and the draft is a must next year.


3. Cutler--disappointing performance yesterday but didn't lose the game for us. The pick sucked and made me get on the edge of my seat even more. Next week, he has to look more comfortable, unfortuantely Suh and Fairley will have different plans.


4. The D---horrible. Jennings and Merriweather got lit up all afternoon. The LB couldn't fight off their blocks. The Line couldn't get pressure and when they did on a few plays, couldn't keep up. I've never been one for the bend but don't break way of D, but letting up 400+ passing and another 180+ rushing. The D needs pressure to make the QB make mistakes. Yes I understand Carolina has a good O-Line, but is our D-Line that bad to just let them march up and down the field. They bend to the breaking point and then they get the stop....why not stop them to begin with?


5. Forte...enough said


6. Hester-- Great game in the ST department but dropped a 3rd down play too. Best return man ever...Misused as Offensive weapon


7. Martz called a decent game with the exception of that 3rd down Shoop Bubble Screen...WTF was that? Ran the ball 30 times. He did what we want and we won...Maybe we should call the game.

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6. I prefer Billick and whoever clown he was with over Aikman and Buck. Buck is just the worst.



The clown you refer to is another baseball announcer who is a member of the lucky sperm club Thom Brennamann son of HOF announcer Marty Brennamann. He actually had a stint hear doing Cub games so maybe he has a liking for the Bears but if he does you can't tell because the Arizona D-backs announcer shows no bias when he does national games.Billick was outstanding yesterday and was predicting the plays for both teams from down and distance situations.As a fan I liked that.He strikly talked football and situations instead of how things were when he coached or played.

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Good to know on the other clown! That's for the info...


I'd take these 2 guys all year if we could!


The clown you refer to is another baseball announcer who is a member of the lucky sperm club Thom Brennamann son of HOF announcer Marty Brennamann. He actually had a stint hear doing Cub games so maybe he has a liking for the Bears but if he does you can't tell because the Arizona D-backs announcer shows no bias when he does national games.Billick was outstanding yesterday and was predicting the plays for both teams from down and distance situations.As a fan I liked that.He strikly talked football and situations instead of how things were when he coached or played.


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I like Bilick's skills behind the mike. I'm not big on the play by play guys because they just seem to say stuff at the wrong times. Brennamann isn't all that bad but by far better than Buck. Every game Rodgers plays in, Buck practices his fellatio skills and I was starting to get the same yesterday for Newton by Brennamann.


There is a plus to hearing these knobs...we must be good enough to get the top tier announcers on FOX. Buck/Aikman, Moose/Goose/and I forget his name bust our balls, but if we're in the top tier,they call our games.

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There is a plus to hearing these knobs...we must be good enough to get the top tier announcers on FOX. Buck/Aikman, Moose/Goose/and I forget his name bust our balls, but if we're in the top tier,they call our games.

I think its Kenny Albert and Moose and Goose. We get Sam Rosen and former Bear Tim Ryan a lot also.

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First and foremost I'm giving props to the Oline. Especially to the constantly berated Chris Williams and Lance Louis. Toss in Webb too. Forte is running great and breaking tackles but he had some huge holes to run through today. Carolina is not that good in run defense but regardless we did what you should do against a weakness, we exploited and kept on exploiting it even when they knew it was coming at them. I'll go out and say that the improvement in running game is in part due to Louis returning. We all know it wasn't Omiyale. Louis stepped outside and played RT too after Omiyale got burned routinely.


If Forte can get outside before Suh can get upfield we'll run well against Detroit too.


Cutler...I was impressed with him the first game or two but after all the hits he's got happy feet and he's rushing his release. It will take some time to get his confidence back and I think that will happen when Earl Bennett returns. Knox and Hester are ok WRs but they are just complimentary types who cannot go up and get the ball when they are covered. Who else is he throwing to? RoyW, UDFA Sanzenbacher, Hurd? We need that player...Cutler needs that player.


I'd say something about our defense but I didn't see any.

when is earl bennet suppose to return?

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