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D. Manning

Guest TerraTor

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I tend to agree. Meriweather needs little more time in the scheme to get his comfort level up. It's not helping that his counterparts have been garbage other than the one game Harris was in...


We need Harris bad.


Meriweather will be fine. Wright is a just a total dope whether he's playing SS or FS.


As weeks ago by, Meriweather will turn out to be a nice pick-up, especially when Harris comes back. We all saw that he can really hit.


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I tend to agree. Meriweather needs little more time in the scheme to get his comfort level up. It's not helping that his counterparts have been garbage other than the one game Harris was in...


We need Harris bad.


He can spen the rest of his life in the scheme won't stop him from playing the way he plays

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What I think fans have to realize is, we are seeing a big reason why NE let him go. He didn't get bounced do to off-field crap. NE has plenty on the team who are not the best characters. It's the inconsistent play on the field that got him bounced. He is a big hitter, no question, but as often as he makes the highlight reel with big hits, he also gives up big plays, often for scores. IMHO, he should be a SS and not relied on for deep coverage. He is a LB with good range more than a FS you want as your last line of defense.



No, but it will help


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Agreed. And I think most of us knew this would be an issue. I agree that I think he'd be a better SS...


But I do think that the longer he plays with the team, the less he'll freewheel and understand better where to be. It won't be Mike Brown, but it's better than Wright et al...


What I think fans have to realize is, we are seeing a big reason why NE let him go. He didn't get bounced do to off-field crap. NE has plenty on the team who are not the best characters. It's the inconsistent play on the field that got him bounced. He is a big hitter, no question, but as often as he makes the highlight reel with big hits, he also gives up big plays, often for scores. IMHO, he should be a SS and not relied on for deep coverage. He is a LB with good range more than a FS you want as your last line of defense.


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But why do you believe that. Better coaches in NE could not change the way he plays, and ultimately cut him in large part because they couldn't change him. Why do you believe Lovie, the players best friend, will get him to change when Bilichek couldn't?


Agreed. And I think most of us knew this would be an issue. I agree that I think he'd be a better SS...


But I do think that the longer he plays with the team, the less he'll freewheel and understand better where to be. It won't be Mike Brown, but it's better than Wright et al...


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Honestly, par for the course in the NFL. Doesn't the average NFL game have about 2-3 clipping penalties per game? It's kind of embarrassing knowing he came from here actually just because, as good as Toub is, his squads aren't significantly any different on that count. Every NFL team needs an actual drill seargant to assistant coach special teams. Those guys would learn eventually, even if takes the hard way.

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I believe it out of default. Osmosis... If the majority of our guys are doing the right thing, some of that will rub off. Not all, but some. I actually like his instinct-full-ness (don't think that's a real word!). We have paid the price for it...but I think there will be times that it will pay off. Hopefully, the good will eventually outweight the bad.


Sometimes a guyt needs a different environment as a wake up call. Right now, you could easily say he's just new. But, you could also say, he's just up to his old ways. I think both are correct.


I'd like to say there's some hope he can become a productive part of the D...especially with a very good saftey at his side. We saw it with the ATL game with Chris Harris next to him. Without that vertan presence, he's fallen into bad ways...




But why do you believe that. Better coaches in NE could not change the way he plays, and ultimately cut him in large part because they couldn't change him. Why do you believe Lovie, the players best friend, will get him to change when Bilichek couldn't?


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