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BiPolar Bears Fans


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The Bears have two winable games in the next two weeks with the Vikings and the Bucs. If the Bears win both games, they will have the same record they had last season at week 8. I still don't feel that all hope is lost. When Carimi comes back, Garza and Spencer fill their right positions, something could turn around for this offensive line. Yet, we will still be lacking that #1 WR that we so desperatly need.



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Guest TerraTor

between the clueless Oline and Defense....a 6-10 would be considered generous...


Lets not forget we did give up 5 sacks even in the atlanta game too


and new orleans was a pathetic showing

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I'm a pretty optomistic guy but this team is dying, it's just a matter ho long the death throes go on. We might have a winning record might even make the playoffs but the D has gotten old, the OL is pathetic, WR's full of #3's & ZERO depth anywhere.

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I don't think anyone is parallel to bi polar on this board. That's what being a fan is all about. Cheering like hell on Sunday and fixing the problems on Monday. I believe the underlying theme for most negative posts has been from things that have prevented us from winning the big one the last few years. This team lacks an identity and a direction going forward. I've tried to believe in the staff; I just can't anymore.

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. I've tried to believe in the staff; I just can't anymore.

Amen Mongo!


When you repeatedly see opponents slamming the QB to the ground while you have one of the hottest running backs in the league and don't feed him the ball, that's staff related.

When you continue to use timeouts in the first quarter because you can't get the plays in on time, thats staff related.

When you call a timeout on fourth and one because you don't know if you want to go for it or not and pass up on sure points with one of the most consistent kickers in the league,thats staff related.

When you see a player continue to struggle whenever he is in the game yet he is constantly being placed in the starting lineup,thats staff related.


When you continue to avoid drafting or acquiring talent to surround your star players and provide adequate depth, THAT'S FRONT OFFICE STAFF RELATED.

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I Amen your Amen!


Amen Mongo!


When you repeatedly see opponents slamming the QB to the ground while you have one of the hottest running backs in the league and don't feed him the ball, that's staff related.

When you continue to use timeouts in the first quarter because you can't get the plays in on time, thats staff related.

When you call a timeout on fourth and one because you don't know if you want to go for it or not and pass up on sure points with one of the most consistent kickers in the league,thats staff related.

When you see a player continue to struggle whenever he is in the game yet he is constantly being placed in the starting lineup,thats staff related.


When you continue to avoid drafting or acquiring talent to surround your star players and provide adequate depth, THAT'S FRONT OFFICE STAFF RELATED.


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Amen Mongo!


When you repeatedly see opponents slamming the QB to the ground while you have one of the hottest running backs in the league and don't feed him the ball, that's staff related.

When you continue to use timeouts in the first quarter because you can't get the plays in on time, thats staff related.

When you call a timeout on fourth and one because you don't know if you want to go for it or not and pass up on sure points with one of the most consistent kickers in the league,thats staff related.

When you see a player continue to struggle whenever he is in the game yet he is constantly being placed in the starting lineup,thats staff related.


When you continue to avoid drafting or acquiring talent to surround your star players and provide adequate depth, THAT'S FRONT OFFICE STAFF RELATED.


All correct. Papa Bear, hope you're not looking.

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I haven't decided where to post this, whether it be an original or off of someone else's. After reading a few here I feel this is as good place as any.


I agree that last Monday was an embarrassment. I believe that the players (Urlacher as an example) said so as well. What is it that ails the Bears? It could be a combination of many things or as simple as one. But is it enough to declare a "do-over" and rebuild from the ground up? Do the Bears need to wholesale change top to bottom and rebuild? The answer is no. These Bears are not the Lions of the last number of decades. They are not the Buccaneers of old or even the Bengals of current. They are, perhaps, having an identity crisis. You know my stand about the ownership and that should not change, nor should it be for us (the fans) to decide upon. It is not democracy, that job is a right and a privilege.


The things that could and should change are the personnel below that level. I don't have a problem with someone like Angelo leaving. It would appear that he is inept at evaluating and picking young and raw talent. He has done better at more seasoned talent (Cutler, Peppers etc), but not as much as cultivating whats around them. Another one that I could see go is Martz. I once held out hope that he could implement something new and exciting for this team. But he too has shown that he refuses to use what he has been given and work with them. Not sure what kind of conversation he's had with Tice regarding protection for Cutler...if any, but it looks like there hasn't been any type of tangible agreement. With Martz I see the Bears experiencing that identity issue I brought up earlier. He seems to want for a revive of his "greatest show on turf" but Chicago isn't built for that. Never has, never will. Cutler is a very capable Quarterback, but not in the scheme that is being used. At least not the way its set up. Lastly, Lovie needs to stay. The reason I believe this is that the players believe in him. I don't know how many times I have heard players (current or otherwise) that continue to come to his defense. The fact that PLAYERS do this, means a heck of a lot more than FANS who continuously call for his head when the team begins its slide.


So what needs to be done instead? Well for starters, get some talent. Use the money available and find some FA's to fill the roles. Stop making excuses and do it. Give Forte his money. Stop waiting for whatever it is you are waiting for and pay him his due. Angelo, if you have any hope of keeping your job do these rather simple tasks and you will go a long way to relevance. Let Martz go and replace him with Toub. I have enough confidence (as does ownership) in Toub at this point that I would like to see what it is he could do at a higher calling. In fact it needs to be done before someone else figures it out.

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Totally different year. Last year, Detroit was at the bottom of the standings in the division, and now they are 5-0 along with GB. So the division race is already over. Our only shot is that last Wild card position, which would have to be a huge stroke of luck for 3 teams from the same division to make the playoffs.

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You make valid points Alaska. Surprisingly I'm sure, I disagree with some of your assessments. But there's nothing in your commentary that is off. I agree with all your changes. I just would take the changes further.





I haven't decided where to post this, whether it be an original or off of someone else's. After reading a few here I feel this is as good place as any.


I agree that last Monday was an embarrassment. I believe that the players (Urlacher as an example) said so as well. What is it that ails the Bears? It could be a combination of many things or as simple as one. But is it enough to declare a "do-over" and rebuild from the ground up? Do the Bears need to wholesale change top to bottom and rebuild? The answer is no. These Bears are not the Lions of the last number of decades. They are not the Buccaneers of old or even the Bengals of current. They are, perhaps, having an identity crisis. You know my stand about the ownership and that should not change, nor should it be for us (the fans) to decide upon. It is not democracy, that job is a right and a privilege.


The things that could and should change are the personnel below that level. I don't have a problem with someone like Angelo leaving. It would appear that he is inept at evaluating and picking young and raw talent. He has done better at more seasoned talent (Cutler, Peppers etc), but not as much as cultivating whats around them. Another one that I could see go is Martz. I once held out hope that he could implement something new and exciting for this team. But he too has shown that he refuses to use what he has been given and work with them. Not sure what kind of conversation he's had with Tice regarding protection for Cutler...if any, but it looks like there hasn't been any type of tangible agreement. With Martz I see the Bears experiencing that identity issue I brought up earlier. He seems to want for a revive of his "greatest show on turf" but Chicago isn't built for that. Never has, never will. Cutler is a very capable Quarterback, but not in the scheme that is being used. At least not the way its set up. Lastly, Lovie needs to stay. The reason I believe this is that the players believe in him. I don't know how many times I have heard players (current or otherwise) that continue to come to his defense. The fact that PLAYERS do this, means a heck of a lot more than FANS who continuously call for his head when the team begins its slide.


So what needs to be done instead? Well for starters, get some talent. Use the money available and find some FA's to fill the roles. Stop making excuses and do it. Give Forte his money. Stop waiting for whatever it is you are waiting for and pay him his due. Angelo, if you have any hope of keeping your job do these rather simple tasks and you will go a long way to relevance. Let Martz go and replace him with Toub. I have enough confidence (as does ownership) in Toub at this point that I would like to see what it is he could do at a higher calling. In fact it needs to be done before someone else figures it out.


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He has done better at more seasoned talent (Cutler, Peppers etc), but not as much as cultivating whats around them. Lastly, Lovie needs to stay. The reason I believe this is that the players believe in him. I don't know how many times I have heard players (current or otherwise) that continue to come to his defense. The fact that PLAYERS do this, means a heck of a lot more than FANS who continuously call for his head when the team begins its slide.



First of all, great post Grizz. I agree with most of your post with the exception of the following points:


Yes, Angelo has picked up some quality talent as you said in Peppers and Cutler. But he has missed more often than not in that regard. For every Peppers there's a Roy Williams. For every Cutler there's a (take your pick) Manumaleuna/Taylor/Merriweather, etc.


I believe this falls solely on JA. He picks the talent and he picks the coaching for that talent. Lovie to me is an average coach who does enough to get by and enough to get an extension when the time comes. Contract was running out on Lovie, Super Bowl appearance. Contract running out again, NFC Championship game. Lovie Smith, to me, is Bobby Cox of the Braves. Good coach who could only get over the hump once in 20 years.


JA picked Tice, Martz, and Marinelli to coach these players. We essentially have 3 other head coaches on this team with a combined coaching record of 95-100 (Marinelli 10-38, Martz 53-32, and Tice 32-33). With all this coaching "expertice", one would think we would have a clue on how to make in-game adjustments. If you go 3 and out on 3 straight drives, fix it. If you're not getting pressure on the QB, bring more pressure. If your RT is starting 3 huts before the snap, get his ass off the field. Especially when he does get the snap count down and doesn't block anybody.


Yes, the players stand up for Lovie as they should and as they have to if they want to continue to play. They also stood up for Jauron. But let me tell you something, General Custer's men stood up for him too and that didn't work out so well.

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It just seems to me that it is way to early to think all doom and gloom. Detroit is a beatable team and they have some tough teams ahead of them. And I feel that there is no way in hell Detroit will win the next time they play us in Chicago. Everything rests on these next two games. If the Bears can beat a pathetic Vikings team here in Chicago, then win at what could be considered an extra Home game in London against a mediocure Bucs team....the Bears could still have a competitive season. Their Record will be 5-3 by week 8 which was exactly where it was last year. I've got faith in Tice and that the guy can work wonders with the crap he's been handed. He got the job done last year, and when Carimi is back in the lineup we'll see improvements again.


It just baffles me that fans will think that it is so easy for an organization to fire managment less then a year after giving them extentions. Angelo and Lovie would have to cuss out Virgina McCaskey and take a dump in the middle of Hallas Hall in order to get fired this season. Even then......I doubt if the family would just let that money they spent go.

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It just seems to me that it is way to early to think all doom and gloom. Detroit is a beatable team and they have some tough teams ahead of them. And I feel that there is no way in hell Detroit will win the next time they play us in Chicago. Everything rests on these next two games. If the Bears can beat a pathetic Vikings team here in Chicago, then win at what could be considered an extra Home game in London against a mediocure Bucs team....the Bears could still have a competitive season. Their Record will be 5-3 by week 8 which was exactly where it was last year. I've got faith in Tice and that the guy can work wonders with the crap he's been handed. He got the job done last year, and when Carimi is back in the lineup we'll see improvements again.


It just baffles me that fans will think that it is so easy for an organization to fire managment less then a year after giving them extentions. Angelo and Lovie would have to cuss out Virgina McCaskey and take a dump in the middle of Hallas Hall in order to get fired this season. Even then......I doubt if the family would just let that money they spent go.


The only wonder Tice has worked since he got here was making the fans wonder what the hell took so long to bench False Start Frankie. And the comment about Angelo taking a dump is priceless, however you said that while he's squatting with half a turd hanging out of his ass in the lobby. He might be trying, but his best blows and it's obvious he doesn't have a clue.

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I admire your optimism, but find a fatal flaw in the reasoning. You are still trusting the people that have failed to deliver what has been needed year after year. What makes you think they are capable of pulling their collective heads out of their asses?


I believe I was good with letting go both Jerry Angelo and Mike Martz. And at this point, unless there is something he is doing for the betterment of the team, let Ruskell walk too.

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First of all, great post Grizz Thank you.. I agree with most of your post with the exception of the following points:


Yes, Angelo has picked up some quality talent as you said in Peppers and Cutler. But he has missed more often than not in that regard. For every Peppers there's a Roy Williams. For every Cutler there's a (take your pick) Manumaleuna/Taylor/Merriweather, etc. I believe that would be the case in most teams. Unless you're New England (which seems to be the idyllic talent seeker) you're probably going to occasionally find yourself with a player that was not what you'd hoped. And some of those "failed" players you mentioned were ones that Martz wanted for his scheme...which at this point I am ok with him (Martz) leaving. He hasn't proven as innovative as I had once thought. A player like Taylor should have worked out but it appears he had lost interest in playing. For some reason after being relegated to #2 with the addition of Peterson in Minnesota, he was never able to equal his efforts of earlier years. And Merriweather....well I think the jury is still out on him.


I believe this falls solely on JA. He picks the talent and he picks the coaching for that talent. I would agree and again why I feel it is time for him to go.


Lovie to me is an average coach who does enough to get by and enough to get an extension when the time comes. Contract was running out on Lovie, Super Bowl appearance. Contract running out again, NFC Championship game. I'm not sure that is a convincing reason to rid the team of a Coach like Smith. Based upon your description, he is either really lucky through coincidence or magical.


JA picked Tice, Martz, and Marinelli to coach these players. And again another reason for the ouster of Angelo. He was the one that "picked" these coaches, who in my mind (save Martz) are all quite capable. But and as you mentioned they have to answer to Angelo via Smith. So if he (Angelo) is no longer there, who knows the possibilities? In turn a different style of talent could be harvested, perhaps players that are more fitted to the needs. Who knows the conversations that go on with Tice and Martz and Angelo? Something tells me that Tice is pretty frustrated in what he is putting on the field. Of the three he is the only one that played professionally before so I'm sure he's pretty discouraged right now....and probably handcuffed at the same time.


Yes, the players stand up for Lovie as they should and as they have to if they want to continue to play. They also stood up for Jauron. But let me tell you something, General Custer's men stood up for him too and that didn't work out so well. Cute analogy. General Custer was also an egomaniac. I can't help but notice when a player like Tommie Harris, who had just been signed with the Colts, was given the opportunity did nothing but praise the Bears staff, specifically Lovie and Marinelli. And I would think that Peppers and C. Harris wouldn't have come (back) to Chicago if they didn't have some sort of respect for the coaches. You don't think those two didn't talk when they played together in Carolina? And I think it safe to say that players like Urlacher would probably NOT stand up for someone if they felt he not worthy. If I'm not mistaken he once called Cutler a "pussy" so I would be willing to bet should it be needed, he would speak his mind.


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Again, great points and post. Well, we both agree then that the problem is JA. Like I said in an earlier thread, Martz and Tice haven't had the tools to do the job. You're not going to rebuid a '57 Chevy with an allen wrench as your only tool. Martz' offense, including Tice's line, need the players that fit that offense. I question Martz' play calling, but I despise his lack of adjustments more. If passing the ball 40 times a game isn't working then change your plan.


This game is based on adjustments. If on 1st,2nd, and 3rd down you only pick up 3 yards a play, you have to adjust to get a 4 yarder in there somewhere. Keep the ball moving. The main issue I have with Tice is not getting False Start Frankie off the field. How much worse can the back up be? I mean really, if the back up is THAT BAD, why does he have a job.


As far as Lovie goes, I question his leadership because his subordinates (assistant coaches) don't make those adjustments, then he's left with the sticky booger on his finger. If he's able to get the players to buy-in, why can't he get the coaches to buy-in as well? It's not entirely Lovie's fault, because I'm not one who throws the coach unde the bus when the team's not performing, but when you win every couple years and get as far as we've gotten thos couple of years, then start shitting the bed the next, there is a problem.

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I haven't decided where to post this, whether it be an original or off of someone else's. After reading a few here I feel this is as good place as any.


I agree that last Monday was an embarrassment. I believe that the players (Urlacher as an example) said so as well. What is it that ails the Bears? It could be a combination of many things or as simple as one. But is it enough to declare a "do-over" and rebuild from the ground up? Do the Bears need to wholesale change top to bottom and rebuild? The answer is no. These Bears are not the Lions of the last number of decades. They are not the Buccaneers of old or even the Bengals of current. They are, perhaps, having an identity crisis. You know my stand about the ownership and that should not change, nor should it be for us (the fans) to decide upon. It is not democracy, that job is a right and a privilege.


i have to disagree (i know, not a surprise but i have to call em like i see em). a "do-over" is very much needed and before this team again becomes a serious challenger to WIN a superbowl it is going to have to happen. this team IS like the lions of the past and maybe worse whether anyone wants to admit it or not. we need to burn it down and start over from the ashes.


an identity crisis does not explain the near complete lack of quality starters and the complete lack of depth at any position. it does not explain the incompetence of a GM and his entire staff which caused this mess by poor drafts for TEN years and his poor choices in coaching hires. it does not explain the poor quality of the coaches that run antiquated systems that are incapable of making not only game-day changes but any serious changes at all on both sides of the ball to be more competetive for EIGHT years. this starts right at the very top of this system where the people, mccaskey's, have almost no understanding of how to run a successful franchise. if they did, would ted phillips have had a job as president of football operations for THIRTEEN years? really???


also to me, ownership is not a "right" or "privilege" whether it be a democracy or not. there are no requirements or standards for whether you will be a good owner of a franchise or not. it is just someone having enough money or luck by birth to buy into a mega corporation called the NFL.


Lastly, Lovie needs to stay. The reason I believe this is that the players believe in him. I don't know how many times I have heard players (current or otherwise) that continue to come to his defense. The fact that PLAYERS do this, means a heck of a lot more than FANS who continuously call for his head when the team begins its slide.


lovie smith is an unmarked dead-end road that drops 200 feet off a cliff into a quarry. the best you will ever get out of him is the road we have seen already and to me that isn't even CLOSE to enough. there are no mystery issues of wait a year or even another eight. he has nearly ' 0 ' concept on how to evaluate and adjust an offense. don't you think that is strange even for someone who is defense oriented after eight years?


he has played nearly the same defensive scheme since the day he arrived no matter what the personel he is forced to work with when the entire WORLD knows how to beat it and has for a DECADE. we have to be the easiest team in the NFL for the past 6-8 years to game plan against. the cover 2 as we run it with the personel we run it with DOES NOT WORK!!


he is stubborn to a fault. if possible he only hires or supports coaches that he worked with before, whether they do a good job or not, and fires the ones that differ from his philosophy or are used as scapegoats to protect his job. do the players like him? probably. but who is running this circus? it's lovie's job to win superbowls, not be every man's best friend.


does he need to go now (it should have been 3 years ago at the least)? the answer is YES. there are at least 2 very good coaches on the sidelines that are better coaches by far than what we have. so it's not like just firing one coach without a clue who we could replace him with.


So what needs to be done instead? Well for starters, get some talent. Use the money available and find some FA's to fill the roles. Stop making excuses and do it. Give Forte his money. Stop waiting for whatever it is you are waiting for and pay him his due. Angelo, if you have any hope of keeping your job do these rather simple tasks and you will go a long way to relevance. Let Martz go and replace him with Toub. I have enough confidence (as does ownership) in Toub at this point that I would like to see what it is he could do at a higher calling. In fact it needs to be done before someone else figures it out.


if angelo keeps his job for any reason look for a long bare winter for the next 5+ years. quite frankly i don't know what it takes to get fired in this organization (a large guaranteed salary?). it seems the more you fail the more they try to keep you. look at phillips, angelo and lovie. it's a complete catastrophe yet they keep on giving them the support as long as they have to pay out big contracts.


as it stands right now we are 3-5 years away from a superbowl WIN if we start a total rebuild right now and actually hire a competent GM and staff and have drafts we can accumulate good players with. this and a GOOD new coaching staff.


every year we keep these eunuchs around we are 2 years further than the time it takes to build a good team away from winning a superbowl.


on a final note... i hear everyone asking for toub to become either the OC or even HC. why?? he has absolutely no experience at either. other than strength and conditioning coach and special teams coach in the NFL the ONLY coaching experience he has was with university of missouri where he was a defensive line coach for three years. that's it. i don't see how he has even close to enough experience to run an offense as an OC and would need some very good coaching talent under him to run a team if he were HC. kind of like what we have now?





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great alanolgy w/ Cox. Waynes Fontes is the guy I always think of in a similar fashion...


First of all, great post Grizz. I agree with most of your post with the exception of the following points:


Yes, Angelo has picked up some quality talent as you said in Peppers and Cutler. But he has missed more often than not in that regard. For every Peppers there's a Roy Williams. For every Cutler there's a (take your pick) Manumaleuna/Taylor/Merriweather, etc.


I believe this falls solely on JA. He picks the talent and he picks the coaching for that talent. Lovie to me is an average coach who does enough to get by and enough to get an extension when the time comes. Contract was running out on Lovie, Super Bowl appearance. Contract running out again, NFC Championship game. Lovie Smith, to me, is Bobby Cox of the Braves. Good coach who could only get over the hump once in 20 years.


JA picked Tice, Martz, and Marinelli to coach these players. We essentially have 3 other head coaches on this team with a combined coaching record of 95-100 (Marinelli 10-38, Martz 53-32, and Tice 32-33). With all this coaching "expertice", one would think we would have a clue on how to make in-game adjustments. If you go 3 and out on 3 straight drives, fix it. If you're not getting pressure on the QB, bring more pressure. If your RT is starting 3 huts before the snap, get his ass off the field. Especially when he does get the snap count down and doesn't block anybody.


Yes, the players stand up for Lovie as they should and as they have to if they want to continue to play. They also stood up for Jauron. But let me tell you something, General Custer's men stood up for him too and that didn't work out so well.


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Again, great points and post. Well, we both agree then that the problem is JA. Like I said in an earlier thread, Martz and Tice haven't had the tools to do the job. You're not going to rebuid a '57 Chevy with an allen wrench as your only tool. Martz' offense, including Tice's line, need the players that fit that offense. I question Martz' play calling, but I despise his lack of adjustments more. If passing the ball 40 times a game isn't working then change your plan.


This game is based on adjustments. If on 1st,2nd, and 3rd down you only pick up 3 yards a play, you have to adjust to get a 4 yarder in there somewhere. Keep the ball moving. The main issue I have with Tice is not getting False Start Frankie off the field. How much worse can the back up be? I mean really, if the back up is THAT BAD, why does he have a job.


As far as Lovie goes, I question his leadership because his subordinates (assistant coaches) don't make those adjustments, then he's left with the sticky booger on his finger. If he's able to get the players to buy-in, why can't he get the coaches to buy-in as well? It's not entirely Lovie's fault, because I'm not one who throws the coach unde the bus when the team's not performing, but when you win every couple years and get as far as we've gotten thos couple of years, then start shitting the bed the next, there is a problem.


Bolded: Exactly


Lovie: I think the players like playing for him because he is a nice, fairly undemanding HC. That doesn't make him a good coach. That just makes him a nice guy the players like.

Martz: Fixing the 57 Chevy with a wrench isn't going to work, that's not on him. So he should make adjustments, right? Well, switching to a screwdriver isn't going to work either. The team just doesn't have capable players to run any competent offense. And don't let the last two games fool you. The rushing attack picked on a very weak Carolina rush defense for big yards, and had a very inconsistent game versus the Lions (half of the runs were for 2 yards or less). Running is working better than passing, but that's because the blocks required take less time. It's not Martz's fault his players suck bad enough that he can't implement a big boy offense of both rushing and passing.

Tice: Same as Martz. If Martz gets heat, it's the same for Tice. The success of the OC is dependent on the OL Coach. If Martz is supposed to make these miracle adjustments, then so should Tice. Maybe instead of what he's coaching he should look at some old Denver Broncos game film and teach the OL how to exclusively cut DLinemen. But he has got to get better tools in the toolbox.

Marinelli: Fire him. I don't care about his reputation. He, or his coaching, or his scheme, or Lovie's scheme, has turned Peppers into a player not nearly as dominant as he was, and moved around assorted DT, DE, DB, and S players like pawns instead of knights, limiting their movements and possibilities so that they rush without beneficial purpose, cover area without awareness, and tackle without fundamentals. There is a reason every QB the Bears' have played thus far has either torched the defense or had an easy day completing passes, and it's not all on the players. Lovie and Marinelli need to listen to the opposing QBs who say in post-game interviews that the Bears don't change up anything or even attempt to confuse. That's absurd from a coaching perspective.

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JA picked Tice, Martz, and Marinelli to coach these players. We essentially have 3 other head coaches on this team with a combined coaching record of 95-100 (Marinelli 10-38, Martz 53-32, and Tice 32-33). With all this coaching "expertice", one would think we would have a clue on how to make in-game adjustments. If you go 3 and out on 3 straight drives, fix it. If you're not getting pressure on the QB, bring more pressure. If your RT is starting 3 huts before the snap, get his ass off the field. Especially when he does get the snap count down and doesn't block anybody.

Martz is a Lovie pick. When the OC search first began the Bears asked for permission to talk to a guy named Bates I think who declined and went to Seattle last year.They then asked to talked to packers' QB coach Tom Clements and was rebuffed by the packers.Lovie's original choice was Martz but, JA was not and after everyone they wanted was reluctant to come here when at the time because Lovie didn't have his extension and I think it was only a 2 year window and who would choose to come here especially you just threw your previous OC under the bus.

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The Bears have two winable games in the next two weeks with the Vikings and the Bucs. If the Bears win both games, they will have the same record they had last season at week 8. I still don't feel that all hope is lost. When Carimi comes back, Garza and Spencer fill their right positions, something could turn around for this offensive line. Yet, we will still be lacking that #1 WR that we so desperatly need.




Still another game with the Packers and Lions each, two teams the Bears have already lost to which leaves little room for error. It is so important to get early wins in the NFL, ugly or pretty, 1 point or 3 touchdowns, winning is winning.

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Martz is a Lovie pick. When the OC search first began the Bears asked for permission to talk to a guy named Bates I think who declined and went to Seattle last year.They then asked to talked to packers' QB coach Tom Clements and was rebuffed by the packers.Lovie's original choice was Martz but, JA was not and after everyone they wanted was reluctant to come here when at the time because Lovie didn't have his extension and I think it was only a 2 year window and who would choose to come here especially you just threw your previous OC under the bus.


If Martz had the talent he had in St. Louis here, he'd be a great OC. But in hindsite right now, I wish the Bears grabbed Charlie Weis when they had the chance. Hell, Sorry Charlie even stated that he had intrests in Chicago. You can all see how bad KC is doing without him this year.


Sorry Charlie sucked as a HC of Notre Dame, but he is an Offensive play calling God when he focuses on nothing but the offense.

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If Martz had the talent he had in St. Louis here, he'd be a great OC. But in hindsite right now, I wish the Bears grabbed Charlie Weis when they had the chance. Hell, Sorry Charlie even stated that he had intrests in Chicago. You can all see how bad KC is doing without him this year.


Sorry Charlie sucked as a HC of Notre Dame, but he is an Offensive play calling God when he focuses on nothing but the offense.

Yeah Charlie would have been good but I have a feeling he probably would have done the exact same thing as he did with the Chiefs.. Leave after one year. Maybe we can get Clements next year after we let Martz walk or try Bates again. Of course, if we end up having another piss poor year, it's going to be a less attractive place to coordinate at if the Bears don't fire Lovie.. Which I don't think they'll do unfortunately..

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Martz is a Lovie pick. When the OC search first began the Bears asked for permission to talk to a guy named Bates I think who declined and went to Seattle last year.They then asked to talked to packers' QB coach Tom Clements and was rebuffed by the packers.Lovie's original choice was Martz but, JA was not and after everyone they wanted was reluctant to come here when at the time because Lovie didn't have his extension and I think it was only a 2 year window and who would choose to come here especially you just threw your previous OC under the bus.

I think you're off here. I think Martz truly was the 4th or 5th choice as OC, and when all of the candidates ahead of him went elsewhere or stayed in their city, the Bears had no choice but to hire Martz.


Granted, it all seems fishy now because Martz has been trash since coming here and Lovie and him were in St. Louis together, but I truly think Martz was the 4th or 5th choice, even in Lovie's mind.

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