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What gives Pompei?


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Wow, tale of 2 papers...





I swear this guy is always on the wrong side of the truth. One minute he's schilling for the management, then he bashes when no bash is needed. I used to really respect his writing, but now, I think he's lost it.


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I swear this guy is always on the wrong side of the truth. One minute he's schilling for the management, then he bashes when no bash is needed. I used to really respect his writing, but now, I think he's lost it.


Tell Pompeii I said 'F**k Him'.


Rock on Jay!!! :headbang

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Tell Pompeii I said 'F**k Him'.


Rock on Jay!!! :headbang



Agreed, he can suck a you know what!


It would be differnt if Cutler said this in front of writers after a game. He said it in the heat of the battle near or in the red zone trying to put a TD on the board not a field goal. The mic happen to pick it up. Im sure there have been many of players doing this same thing, its just nowadays they have mic's and camera's everywhere.



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Anyone catch the last South park? They do a parody of intrusion of privacy... It speaks volumes!


Some things just don't need to be covered. TMI... F TMZ...




Agreed, he can suck a you know what!


It would be differnt if Cutler said this in front of writers after a game. He said it in the heat of the battle near or in the red zone trying to put a TD on the board not a field goal. The mic happen to pick it up. Im sure there have been many of players doing this same thing, its just nowadays they have mic's and camera's everywhere.


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I swear this guy is always on the wrong side of the truth. One minute he's schilling for the management, then he bashes when no bash is needed. I used to really respect his writing, but now, I think he's lost it.

There's a lot of truth in that article. That being said, he or we don't know the truth about what type of day to day leader Cutler is. His team mates seem to support him.

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There's some. But it's all dependent on the perspective. Giving certain military/political/philosophical quotes to oust Cutler is not a good comparison.


We know nothing of the sideline dynamics. Could be like the Sienfeld episode where George takes the good ole boys out and they call one another sonsofbitches all the time. That could be standard practice. Could also be a simple heat of the moment bad call by Martz or something similar and Jay is simply telling him empahtically, "no!" using flowerly language inappropriate for schoolchildren. But, for men playing a rough sport...that stuff ain't nothing. Simply put, we don't realy know the context it was in. Was it intended for Martz? Was it just blowing off steam?


Seriously, Jay yelling at a line,man or a WR? Did Pompei ever watch marino? That guys yelled at his guys all the time. They treated him pretty well. In the heat of the football battle, you need to do what you need to do. I'm glad Jay yelled at the clowns that were letting him get hit and sacked and the fools contantly dropping his passes! And on a pick, I'd have no problem with someone getting in his dish.


They don't have to pass out "effort/participation" trophies after every bad play. Football relations are not the same as a regular job.


I'm not harping on your response...moreso just adding to it. Pompei has me pissed off.


There's a lot of truth in that article. That being said, he or we don't know the truth about what type of day to day leader Cutler is. His team mates seem to support him.


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There's some. But it's all dependent on the perspective. Giving certain military/political/philosophical quotes to oust Cutler is not a good comparison.


We know nothing of the sideline dynamics. Could be like the Sienfeld episode where George takes the good ole boys out and they call one another sonsofbitches all the time. That could be standard practice. Could also be a simple heat of the moment bad call by Martz or something similar and Jay is simply telling him empahtically, "no!" using flowerly language inappropriate for schoolchildren. But, for men playing a rough sport...that stuff ain't nothing. Simply put, we don't realy know the context it was in. Was it intended for Martz? Was it just blowing off steam?


Seriously, Jay yelling at a line,man or a WR? Did Pompei ever watch marino? That guys yelled at his guys all the time. They treated him pretty well. In the heat of the football battle, you need to do what you need to do. I'm glad Jay yelled at the clowns that were letting him get hit and sacked and the fools contantly dropping his passes! And on a pick, I'd have no problem with someone getting in his dish.


They don't have to pass out "effort/participation" trophies after every bad play. Football relations are not the same as a regular job.


I'm not harping on your response...moreso just adding to it. Pompei has me pissed off.

Dont get me wrong, I said F Martz from before he was hired. But, if Jay wants to be the leader and send a message to Martz, he should have called his own play. That's what Mac would have done. Jay needs to show a little more control and outward respect. I'm sure his team mates would have more respect on the high road with a little defiance mixed in. I do agree, it was a hatchet job article though.

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Also apparently the play was the draw play Martz called, presumably to play it safe and protect Cutler rather than try for another 3rd and long pass or something. So he wasn't even complaining about Martz hanging him out to dry, but the exact opposite. He wanted a chance to pass for a first down.


Possibly Jay felt Martz was playing it overly safe as a sort of passive aggressive move, like "Oh, Cutler and the media all want me to call plays that keep the pressure off Jay?! How 'bout this handoff draw? Is that safe enough for you Jay or do you need me to tuck you in at night too?" lol If that's the way Jay took it then I can see him wanting to cuss Martz.

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For some reason, Pompei seems to be the new Marrinelli. Everytime the guy writes an article he ticks me off a little bit more.

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What a bunch of crap this whole non-story is. Once again I'll put myself into the non-politically correct camp and state that I'm happy about this. What I see is an offense where the leader wants to drop back and pass the ball to score points even when he's been the most sacked QB in the league. If that isn't showing your Oline and the rest of the offense that you have confidence in them and you want to win then I don't know what is. All of the comments I've seen from Cutler's teammates indicate no discord over this issue whatsoever.


I'm also amazed how everyone is talking about Martz making the conservative play call. Yeah right, Martz suddenly turned into Marty Shottenheimer. We all know it was Lovie who told Martz make sure we get a FG out of this once they got within striking distance.


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For some reason, Pompei seems to be the new Marrinelli. Everytime the guy writes an article he ticks me off a little bit more.

Pompei seems to be the new defensive coordinator? Just when I thought the Bears couldn't be f***ed anymore..




Pompei said "Brian Urlacher has been the leader of the Bears defense for the better part of 11 years. If he ever has berated a teammate publicly or has been disrespectful to a coach, I can't remember it."


Urlacher called Cutler a pussy. So Pompei doesn't have his shit together either.

Supposedly, Urlacher said that to Bobby Wade. SUPPOSEDLY. There's a very good chance that Wade was trying to stir things up, as it was only a few days after the Bears acquired Cutler and Wade played for the Vikings.


Cutler and Urlacher seem to get along fine.

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Pompei seems to be the new defensive coordinator? Just when I thought the Bears couldn't be f***ed anymore..





Supposedly, Urlacher said that to Bobby Wade. SUPPOSEDLY. There's a very good chance that Wade was trying to stir things up, as it was only a few days after the Bears acquired Cutler and Wade played for the Vikings.


Cutler and Urlacher seem to get along fine.


But I do remember when Urlacher missed the season with a wrist injury, he dogged out the offense.

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I hear ya!


Dont get me wrong, I said F Martz from before he was hired. But, if Jay wants to be the leader and send a message to Martz, he should have called his own play. That's what Mac would have done. Jay needs to show a little more control and outward respect. I'm sure his team mates would have more respect on the high road with a little defiance mixed in. I do agree, it was a hatchet job article though.


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What a bunch of crap this whole non-story is. Once again I'll put myself into the non-politically correct camp and state that I'm happy about this. What I see is an offense where the leader wants to drop back and pass the ball to score points even when he's been the most sacked QB in the league. If that isn't showing your Oline and the rest of the offense that you have confidence in them and you want to win then I don't know what is. All of the comments I've seen from Cutler's teammates indicate no discord over this issue whatsoever.


I'm also amazed how everyone is talking about Martz making the conservative play call. Yeah right, Martz suddenly turned into Marty Shottenheimer. We all know it was Lovie who told Martz make sure we get a FG out of this once they got within striking distance.


I really don't think this is Martz doing conservative play calling as much as I think it is Cutler looking for physical self preservation for his own well-being. Martz is known to call 7 step drop passes while the team is up by 14,17 or 21 points. As far as we know, Jay may be switching certain play calls to shorter, quicker, hot routes so he doesn't have to stay in a collapsing pocket for soooo long. Cutler is the best QB that we've seen in this City since Luckman, and I believe Cutler will break just about every franchise record we got. He is the franchise now......if he's doing that to physically save his self, I've got no problem with what he's doing.

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