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Cutler article

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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It's always just people assuming he's a jerk because he has a way of projecting that he doesn't care about you and isn't impressed by you. It hurts people's egos. But those are just assumptions.


The thing with Cutler is I never hear people saying hes a backstabber or selfish or talks trash behind people's backs or pretends to be a friend and then throws people under the bus or gets into fistfights or ridicules people, blah, blah blah.


So did Cutler have some life-changing moment? Of course not. He's not a bad guy now and wasn't then. As my theory goes, he's just aloof because he doesn't trust people, and there's probably some immaturity and insecurity behind that, but everyone's got their issues. I'm not surprised that with time he's warming up to his teammates.

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