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Postgame Thoughts

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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(short and sweet this time)


1. In terms of the offense, there isn't much to say. It's hard to judge because they were pretty much handed a 34-6 lead.


2. The OL, though, had some rough patches. There were too many times in the 3rd quarter where Cutler had to run and improvise.


3. Hey Martz, where were the rollouts this week?


4. The defense was phenomenal. There isn't much more to say. Peppers, Jennings, and Tillman were great.


5. The Lions truly are a dirty team. If you combine all of the fines from this game for Detroit, it'll probably come out to $110k (Suh, Fairley, maybe Stafford).


6. San Diego will be a tough game, but if the secondary plays like this again, no game will be tough.

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This is the exact shit I'm talking about.


1. In terms of the offense, there isn't much to say. It's hard to judge because they were pretty much handed a 34-6 lead.

READ: Can't blame the offense for playing vanilla because of the huge D/ST advantage they had.


3. Hey Martz, where were the rollouts this week?

READ: Blame Martz for calling a vanilla game with a 34-6 lead.


Consistency, please.



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The offensive line wasn't all that bad but they were no where near as good as they were against the Eagles but who was really holding them to such a standard? They played okay, and as long as they can atleast play average football we should be in good shape. Mike Martz still is calling too many 7 step drops (Even in the game against the Eagles) and wasn't calling as many roll outs as he did last week, granted we played "run the clock out" the entire second half but I'd like to see that Eagles offensive approach in every game the rest of the way.

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Here is something I didn't factor in for this game and that is Detroit had a bye week before this game and the Bears had a short week to get ready for this game so no matter what the Bears called the Lions should have been ready for just about every play that the Bears called. OTOH on offense that was a piss poor effort by the Lions offense after having all that time to prepare.

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This is the exact shit I'm talking about.


1. In terms of the offense, there isn't much to say. It's hard to judge because they were pretty much handed a 34-6 lead.

READ: Can't blame the offense for playing vanilla because of the huge D/ST advantage they had.


3. Hey Martz, where were the rollouts this week?

READ: Blame Martz for calling a vanilla game with a 34-6 lead.


Consistency, please.

How is this being inconsistent? Martz never ran any rollouts. That isn't being vanilla, that's being f***ing stupid. That should be part of the everyday gameplan, seeing how well Cutler plays when he's rolled out.


I'm not BLAMING the offense or BLAMING Martz. I said it's impossible to judge the offense off a game where they were handed a lead. Where did I say they sucked? Where did I say they were average? Did I say they were good or great? Here are the answers: nowhere, nowhere, and no. Also, Martz needs to run rollouts, up 30, down 30, or tied. If you have Rodgers, don't you roll him out and throw it down the field as much as you can? Yes.


Learn how to read and comprehend sentences. Nobody here appreciates you constantly being a smartass and your know-it-all attitude. Just because the majority of Bears fans don't love Martz like you do and some Bears fans don't think OL is a huge need because of how well they're playing right now and how Lovie wouldn't find a spot for a rookie doesn't make us wrong and you right. You "consistently" underline, bold, and italicize your words in an attempt to be neat and tough. Nobody cares.


Everyone is welcome to share their opinion. This is a forum. But respect everyone's opinions. You don't need to say "exact shit" when you're trying to prove a point.


The Bears need a scout and a draft helper. Send in an application.

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How is this being inconsistent? Martz never ran any rollouts. That isn't being vanilla, that's being f***ing stupid. That should be part of the everyday gameplan, seeing how well Cutler plays when he's rolled out.


I'm not BLAMING the offense or BLAMING Martz. I said it's impossible to judge the offense off a game where they were handed a lead. Where did I say they sucked? Where did I say they were average? Did I say they were good or great? Here are the answers: nowhere, nowhere, and no. Also, Martz needs to run rollouts, up 30, down 30, or tied. If you have Rodgers, don't you roll him out and throw it down the field as much as you can? Yes.


Learn how to read and comprehend sentences. Nobody here appreciates you constantly being a smartass and your know-it-all attitude. Just because the majority of Bears fans don't love Martz like you do and some Bears fans don't think OL is a huge need because of how well they're playing right now and how Lovie wouldn't find a spot for a rookie doesn't make us wrong and you right. You "consistently" underline, bold, and italicize your words in an attempt to be neat and tough. Nobody cares.


Everyone is welcome to share their opinion. This is a forum. But respect everyone's opinions. You don't need to say "exact shit" when you're trying to prove a point.


The Bears need a scout and a draft helper. Send in an application.



I've blocked him so I don't read the stuff anymore unless someone replies with a quote. On that note, well said.

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Here is something I didn't factor in for this game and that is Detroit had a bye week before this game and the Bears had a short week to get ready for this game so no matter what the Bears called the Lions should have been ready for just about every play that the Bears called. OTOH on offense that was a piss poor effort by the Lions offense after having all that time to prepare.

Obviously, bye teams play non-bye teams all the time, but a bye team playing a short week team is less common.

I forget where I heard it, but i believe before this game I heard (or read) a stat that said even though you'd think the team coming off a bye would have the advantage against a team coming off a short week, the last five short week teams have beat bye teams...so now make that 6!

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How is this being inconsistent? Martz never ran any rollouts. That isn't being vanilla, that's being f***ing stupid. That should be part of the everyday gameplan, seeing how well Cutler plays when he's rolled out.


I'm not BLAMING the offense or BLAMING Martz. I said it's impossible to judge the offense off a game where they were handed a lead. Where did I say they sucked? Where did I say they were average? Did I say they were good or great? Here are the answers: nowhere, nowhere, and no. Also, Martz needs to run rollouts, up 30, down 30, or tied. If you have Rodgers, don't you roll him out and throw it down the field as much as you can? Yes.


Learn how to read and comprehend sentences. Nobody here appreciates you constantly being a smartass and your know-it-all attitude. Just because the majority of Bears fans don't love Martz like you do and some Bears fans don't think OL is a huge need because of how well they're playing right now and how Lovie wouldn't find a spot for a rookie doesn't make us wrong and you right. You "consistently" underline, bold, and italicize your words in an attempt to be neat and tough. Nobody cares.


Everyone is welcome to share their opinion. This is a forum. But respect everyone's opinions. You don't need to say "exact shit" when you're trying to prove a point.


The Bears need a scout and a draft helper. Send in an application.


The implication of your initial post, HOWEVER, is that the offense couldn't be expected to do much more than they did. A couple points after that, HOWEVER, you still manage to take a shot at Martz.

1. In terms of the offense, there isn't much to say. It's hard to judge because they were pretty much handed a 34-6 lead.

3. Hey Martz, where were the rollouts this week?


THAT is inconsistent. You either have a situation where "there isn't much to say," which is synonymous for "It's hard to judge because they were pretty much handed a 34-6 lead," AND you can't really ask Martz about the rollouts (because it would be contradictory), or you have a situation where you criticize Martz. But you can't do both. If anyone needs a lesson in reading and comprehension, it's not me. It's not my fault you contradicted yourself.


Also, in regards to being a smart-ass & having a know it all attitude: This is a message board; people disagree. So should I call you a smart ass and say you have a know it all attitude when you disagree with me? Please. Grow up. Adults disagree. Adults who cheer for football teams disagree even more. Adults who care for and cheer for the Bears as much as we all do are going to disagree even more than that. It's what people do when they care deeply about something and believe it can be improved. But I find it humorous that you try to condemn me for saying the word shit, but you actively call me a smart ass. Yet another contradiction. As for the bold, underline, etc., there is no other way to place emphasis on words while typing. Besides, isn't that why they're available to use?


By the way, this just in, the Bears OL didn't play well against the Lions. Regardless of how some fans think the Bears OL is progressing or doing right now, if they believe the Bears don't badly need to address OL, then, it absolutely does make them wrong and make me right. Whether you think WR is a position of greater need is up for debate, and I can respect your opinion while continually disagreeing with it.


Finally, yes, they do need help in the scouting and drafting departments. But that weak "you should apply for the job" argument is so ignorant that I won't even respond to it.

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I've blocked him so I don't read the stuff anymore unless someone replies with a quote. On that note, well said.


AWESOME! I'll continue to be an adult and read your posts about how, even though Martz ran a vanilla, run-heavy offense, with a massive lead, you still probably think he called a bad game.

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Obviously, bye teams play non-bye teams all the time, but a bye team playing a short week team is less common.

I forget where I heard it, but i believe before this game I heard (or read) a stat that said even though you'd think the team coming off a bye would have the advantage against a team coming off a short week, the last five short week teams have beat bye teams...so now make that 6!


Interesting. I would have thought the opposite because of conventional wisdom. Maybe it has something to do with a team still "feeling it" from the previous week and the other team being a little rusty. You'd think from purely an injury standpoint it would benefit the rested team.

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The constant media chatter that I have been hearing is that the Lions are a little full of themselves and may have taken the Bears lightly. Some suggest that includes their coaching staff who may have gone with what looked like a similar game plan as the previous game but, the one adjustment they didn't count on was the Bears played more man coverage this time around. Hopefully they are arrogant enough to think that was a blip and continue to put forth sub par efforts as they come up against some more playoff contending teams. The Lions fortunes will rise and fall with their coach and his lack of emotional control. When he was the DC in Tenn, he had a certain tackle that kicked a player in the head and now you see some of that same crap with this group in Detroit. We've been through this same scenario when Forrest Gregg was the HC of the packers.

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Good points...


Damn do I hate Gregg,,,,


The constant media chatter that I have been hearing is that the Lions are a little full of themselves and may have taken the Bears lightly. Some suggest that includes their coaching staff who may have gone with what looked like a similar game plan as the previous game but, the one adjustment they didn't count on was the Bears played more man coverage this time around. Hopefully they are arrogant enough to think that was a blip and continue to put forth sub par efforts as they come up against some more playoff contending teams. The Lions fortunes will rise and fall with their coach and his lack of emotional control. When he was the DC in Tenn, he had a certain tackle that kicked a player in the head and now you see some of that same crap with this group in Detroit. We've been through this same scenario when Forrest Gregg was the HC of the packers.


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The implication of your initial post, HOWEVER, is that the offense couldn't be expected to do much more than they did. A couple points after that, HOWEVER, you still manage to take a shot at Martz.

1. In terms of the offense, there isn't much to say. It's hard to judge because they were pretty much handed a 34-6 lead.

3. Hey Martz, where were the rollouts this week?


THAT is inconsistent. You either have a situation where "there isn't much to say," which is synonymous for "It's hard to judge because they were pretty much handed a 34-6 lead," AND you can't really ask Martz about the rollouts (because it would be contradictory), or you have a situation where you criticize Martz. But you can't do both. If anyone needs a lesson in reading and comprehension, it's not me. It's not my fault you contradicted yourself.


Also, in regards to being a smart-ass & having a know it all attitude: This is a message board; people disagree. So should I call you a smart ass and say you have a know it all attitude when you disagree with me? Please. Grow up. Adults disagree. Adults who cheer for football teams disagree even more. Adults who care for and cheer for the Bears as much as we all do are going to disagree even more than that. It's what people do when they care deeply about something and believe it can be improved. But I find it humorous that you try to condemn me for saying the word shit, but you actively call me a smart ass. Yet another contradiction. As for the bold, underline, etc., there is no other way to place emphasis on words while typing. Besides, isn't that why they're available to use?


By the way, this just in, the Bears OL didn't play well against the Lions. Regardless of how some fans think the Bears OL is progressing or doing right now, if they believe the Bears don't badly need to address OL, then, it absolutely does make them wrong and make me right. Whether you think WR is a position of greater need is up for debate, and I can respect your opinion while continually disagreeing with it.


Finally, yes, they do need help in the scouting and drafting departments. But that weak "you should apply for the job" argument is so ignorant that I won't even respond to it.

You're still having trouble, aren't you? The offense can't be given a grade on this game. Neither can Martz, since he's in charge of it. All I'm saying is I'd like to see more rollouts. Wouldn't a 34-6 lead be a nice time to continue to practice that?


Yeah, I said people disagree and it's a message board. Did you miss that? Point is, we're all adults (probably) so calling people out because you think you're the best is unnecessary. And yes, I feel I have a right to call you a smartass. You also have a right to say "shit." However, nobody here appreciates it when you are ALWAYS disagreeing with EVERYONE. For example, you and Bears4Ever went at it about OL or WR in the 2012 draft. You kept going after him. We get it, you think the Bears need OL. It only says it in your sig. You don't need to keep reminding us and you're arrogance isn't going to get anyone to change their minds.


Did I say the Bears OL had a good game? IIRC, I said "rough patches." Did you not comprehend that either?


You just responded to it, though. Thanks.

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You're still having trouble, aren't you? The offense can't be given a grade on this game. Neither can Martz, since he's in charge of it. All I'm saying is I'd like to see more rollouts. Wouldn't a 34-6 lead be a nice time to continue to practice that?


Yeah, I said people disagree and it's a message board. Did you miss that? Point is, we're all adults (probably) so calling people out because you think you're the best is unnecessary. And yes, I feel I have a right to call you a smartass. You also have a right to say "shit." However, nobody here appreciates it when you are ALWAYS disagreeing with EVERYONE. For example, you and Bears4Ever went at it about OL or WR in the 2012 draft. You kept going after him. We get it, you think the Bears need OL. It only says it in your sig. You don't need to keep reminding us and you're arrogance isn't going to get anyone to change their minds.


Did I say the Bears OL had a good game? IIRC, I said "rough patches." Did you not comprehend that either?


You just responded to it, though. Thanks.


But when you or others constantly disagree with me, and say that WR is the priority, that's OK. Right? And I don't disagree with everyone, just people who actually believe that WR needs to be addressed before OL. But that makes me a smart ass and arrogant...even though when you disagree with me the other way it doesn't make you a smart ass or arrogant. Got it. That makes sense. :rolleyes: Also, is the point of the message board to agree? To disagree? To change others' minds? I'd say it's a little of everything. I've posted numerous times about the OL, and given stats, facts, anecdotes, and reasoned argument as to why it should be addressed before WR. If the sum of that effort doesn't change a detractor's mind, or at least recognize that distinct possibility that getting OL is better for this team than getting a WR, then I'd say that is the actual arrogance in this situation. (Even though I think BPA will probably force the Bears's hand this offseason because of where they will be drafting and who will be left)


As for Martz and the offense in the last game, fine, we agree it's a pretty impossible game to grade/judge. But yet you still question play-calling. That is exactly what judging is. You keep asking me about comprehension, but clearly you don't comprehend your contradiction. You say you can't judge, and then you judge. Sure, being up a lot of points is a great time to practice any play, but there are a myriad of reasons why he wouldn't/shouldn't call those plays. Not the least of which is the possibility of running the roll-out and Cutler turning around to face a DE head-on who didn't bite on the run fake. Did you ever think of that? And I guaran-damn-tee if he gets injured on that play the anti-Martz crowd rushes to post anger-filled rants. Do I think Martz called a brilliant game? No. Do I think he called it just about as expected for the type of game? Yes. Do I think that no matter what he called, some of his detractors would say something? Absolutely.

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I think Martz called an appropriate game for the scenario the defense handed him. I also believe he is good with a short leash. There were the gadget plays in the game that drove me nuts and that was it for my Martz wrath.


The flip toss to Forte was completely inappropriate for the down and distance. Now, if they were in a pro set and faked to Forte and flipped to Clutts, that may have worked. But, when Forte is X percent of your offense, he is always going to be keyed upon. (especially on 3rd and 1)


On the other hand, the halfback option is a great play call if you have the dominant running game. Maybe Martz saw an opportunity with a cheating safety earlier that we didn’t pick up on. My two issues with that play were that it was not needed and Forte did an atrocious job of selling it. I called that play on his first two steps. (as I think most of us did) I would have much rather he save that for Green Bay on Christmas or the playoffs. Better yet, when Forte knows how to sell it.


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