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Circle the wagons!


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We can weather this!


If Cutler can make it back for the playoffs, we have a chance...


Our D is playing great.

Our return game is still amazing.

Our running game, if it can return to form from a few weeks ago, should be solid.

Our O line is playing better than expected.

Our WR's are playing better than expected.


Toss Hanie in the mix, and don't ask for him to do do much...and we could get in just winning 50% of our games.


in OAK - Will be tough, but maybe we can pull it off.

KC - We should win this one regardless

in DEN - tough, but not as tough as OAK. The D will have to go off.

SEA - very winnable

at GB - We should lose this

at MIN - We should win this


I see OAK, DEN and GB as potential losses. We go 10-6, and we have a great chance of getting in. Dallas has a pretty easy schedule, and should take thir division. NYG could be in big trouble playing NO, GB, DAL *2, ATL could sail...but we have the tie breaker, the Lionesses have GB, NO, OAK, SD and GB...tough! So, if we can hold a bit, we could eek in , then make some noise.


Bear down!!!

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The question becomes, can Cutler reclaim his rhythm and timing that he lost sitting out that last 5 or 6 weeks? If he doesn't come back until a playoff game, then I'm not so sure about our chances. I think he needs atleast one game to get his feel back for the offense. It has been done before though. I think it was McNabb who broke his ankle and Jeff Garcia lead them through their next 6 before McNabb came back and won a playoff game. I still would like him back for atleast that Minnesota game.

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If this had to happen, it happened at a non-horrific time. We have a slate of very winnable games for Caleb to manage. If the current thought of a return for the Minny game is correct, Jay will have one very winnable game to get re-seasoned in. Then off to the races...


Seriously, if we are playoff bound with Cutler coming back, could we ask for a better Christmas gift?


The question becomes, can Cutler reclaim his rhythm and timing that he lost sitting out that last 5 or 6 weeks? If he doesn't come back until a playoff game, then I'm not so sure about our chances. I think he needs atleast one game to get his feel back for the offense. It has been done before though. I think it was McNabb who broke his ankle and Jeff Garcia lead them through their next 6 before McNabb came back and won a playoff game. I still would like him back for atleast that Minnesota game.


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I'm here to circle the wagons..........


just not right at this minute.


I'll get over this, but it's tough to deal with for now. Regardless, the Bears were potenitally a top 5 team in the NFL with Cut and I believe they can rebound from this.


Lovie has showed great immediate leadership and playoffs are still very possible for our boys.

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Guest TerraTor

I can't honestly believe that another 3 wins is possible with no threat of a passing game. The OL is marginal at best and Cutler made plays with his big arm that Hanie won't. Only thing workin for us is how awful the rest of the scheduled teams are (minus GB of course).... 2 i think can be won by simply defense (KC and Denver)...

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Without Cutler I don't see us going into Minnesota winning that game, but if he indeeds comes back for the last regular season game, I think we are in. If we beat Oakland, I think we are in for sure because after that we get to face Tyler Palko, Tim Tebow, and Tavaris Jackson consecutively before we get to the GB game. The Denver game though does scare me the most after the Raiders because they have a pretty athletic defense that gets after the quarterback and if you let Tim Tebow hang around in the 4th quarter, history has shown he can be pretty tough to handle in clutch time. Assuming Cutler comes back for the Minnesota game, I think we go 11-5. If he doesn't then I say 10-6 which may or may not be enough to make it to the postseason.

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Hanie just needs to manage the offense, as a previous post put it. No turnovers. Special teams and turnovers forced by our D will put our O in position to score maybe 10 ppg without doing anything, from there if Hanie and co. can manage 3 field goals or 1 TD and 1 field goal per game, we'll win 3 out of the next six. As long as we limit turnovers. That's not asking much.


Hanie is capable, especially if Martz designs and calls his offense smartly for him. We need a John Shoop offense about now.

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10-6 is no guarantee, but given the circumstances, it's not bad.


Without Cutler I don't see us going into Minnesota winning that game, but if he indeeds comes back for the last regular season game, I think we are in. If we beat Oakland, I think we are in for sure because after that we get to face Tyler Palko, Tim Tebow, and Tavaris Jackson consecutively before we get to the GB game. The Denver game though does scare me the most after the Raiders because they have a pretty athletic defense that gets after the quarterback and if you let Tim Tebow hang around in the 4th quarter, history has shown he can be pretty tough to handle in clutch time. Assuming Cutler comes back for the Minnesota game, I think we go 11-5. If he doesn't then I say 10-6 which may or may not be enough to make it to the postseason.


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No shoop n' poop!


It's time for Marty-ball!


Hanie just needs to manage the offense, as a previous post put it. No turnovers. Special teams and turnovers forced by our D will put our O in position to score maybe 10 ppg without doing anything, from there if Hanie and co. can manage 3 field goals or 1 TD and 1 field goal per game, we'll win 3 out of the next six. As long as we limit turnovers. That's not asking much.


Hanie is capable, especially if Martz designs and calls his offense smartly for him. We need a John Shoop offense about now.


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I think we're going to go 11-5. I think we lose to oakland, we beat KC, Den and Seattle, we lose to GB and we beat minn. I think NYG might be in big trouble maybe losing 3 more. Atlanta could lose 2 more. I think Detroit could lose 3 more maybe 4 as they play GB twice and NO as well as a pissed off San Diego team. who cares what anyone else does. We're in.

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Just asking but why would we want Cutler to return on a game in a dome when we have struggled mightily inside this year? Then there is the Jared Allen factor versus Webb. I'm not sure that it would be wise to have Cutler come back and have the possiblity of him hitting that hard Metrodome turf with a just healed hand. I would like for him to get completely healed like Carimi and if his first game has to be a playoff game so be it.


WTBS 5-1 Lovie has a decent record coaching against the AFC West and I believe that trend will continue. I also believe that we can shock the packers up at Lambeau.

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After being out for so many weeks, it's good to get in an get reps. Also, if we need the win. All this of course depends on so many factors. But, I think you plan for him to start once he's cleared to do so.


I don't think we can compete with the Packers w/o Cutler. But, here's hoping!


Just asking but why would we want Cutler to return on a game in a dome when we have struggled mightily inside this year? Then there is the Jared Allen factor versus Webb. I'm not sure that it would be wise to have Cutler come back and have the possiblity of him hitting that hard Metrodome turf with a just healed hand. I would like for him to get completely healed like Carimi and if his first game has to be a playoff game so be it.


WTBS 5-1 Lovie has a decent record coaching against the AFC West and I believe that trend will continue. I also believe that we can shock the packers up at Lambeau.


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