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Cutler press conference today

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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-Said he can't wait to get on the field. He said being hurt sucks because it's uncharted territory for him.

-Claimed Martz needs to tone down the play calls for Hanie (right after Hanie said he's fine with the plays).

-Made a point to say "we need to get Matt going" about 3 times.

-Told the media he has 2 pins and 3 screws (or vice versa, I can't recall) in his thumb right now.

-Stated he would love to play now but he obviously can't.

-Said he might be out for the year (in other words, "I'll be back sooner than later")

-Confirmed the report that he is engaged again.

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Guest TerraTor
-Said he can't wait to get on the field. He said being hurt sucks because it's uncharted territory for him.

-Claimed Martz needs to tone down the play calls for Hanie (right after Hanie said he's fine with the plays).

-Made a point to say "we need to get Matt going" about 3 times.

-Told the media he has 2 pins and 3 screws (or vice versa, I can't recall) in his thumb right now.

-Stated he would love to play now but he obviously can't.

-Said he might be out for the year (in other words, "I'll be back sooner than later")

-Confirmed the report that he is engaged again.



I'm guessing he thinks He'll play whether they like it or not....

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Listening to his press conference, it was difficult for me to gauge whether or not he was anticipating coming back this season or if he was just trying to lay the ground work for what may be the end of the season for him. He did say on Waddle and Silvy later that he could technically play with pins AND screws in his thumb and told them that his cast was already off because in his words "My thumb can't go anywhere anyways." Hopefully the bone heals properly and he can start throwing in another 2 weeks and then try and build his strength up enough to give it a go in the Vikings game to shake the rust off before the playoffs (If we even make it that far).


Bottom line, if Cutler can't go, we might as well just fold the tents a build up better draft position. This team won't win any playoff games with Haine as their quarterback.

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The most important thing I got from his press conference and interview on Waddle and Silvie is that the pins can be removed anywhere from 3 to 10 weeks time. That in itself is a far cry from what the ever optomistic Dr. Smith's decree that he will be back by the end of the regular season. BTW Jay was very candid during the press conference and his interview with Waddle and Silvie giving direct answers to questions andalso stated that if a player gets mad because he says he was pissed at them then they shouldn't be on the team. IMO he is still being a team leader with the way he handled the media and his solid answers about how he will try to help Hanie and his comments about Martz.

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