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Could this Hurd mess be an indictment in JA?


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So we not only blame JA for players not performing up to their abilities on the field but we also blame him for their off-field problems?


I guess he was to blame for the issues between Urlacher and his wife.


He was probably the driver of Briggs' car when he had the accident on the express way.


Hell, I bet he was behind the Cedric Benson issues as well.


Maybe he supplied fire arms to Tank Johnson.


To answer your question, NO! I am sure the Bears run background checks on every player they bring in but you cannot expect them to find out everything a player is involved with. How were the Bears to know that Hurd was spelled with a T and not an H?



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Pix, your pendulum swung too far...


I'm sure he's also not to blame for the housing bubble either...or Justin Bieber.


The legitimate question of did the Bears do enough due diligence on Hurd is valid. That is JA's responsibility. He tells us that they did. I simply question if that truly is the case.


I personally have to think the Bears probably did all they could. But a black eye it is nonetheless. And it occurred on JA's watch. Add this to a different long list of failures, and one could construe that it is time to move on.





So we not only blame JA for players not performing up to their abilities on the field but we also blame him for their off-field problems?


I guess he was to blame for the issues between Urlacher and his wife.


He was probably the driver of Briggs' car when he had the accident on the express way.


Hell, I bet he was behind the Cedric Benson issues as well.


Maybe he supplied fire arms to Tank Johnson.


To answer your question, NO! I am sure the Bears run background checks on every player they bring in but you cannot expect them to find out everything a player is involved with. How were the Bears to know that Hurd was spelled with a T and not an H?


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It certainly seems like the initial stages of what led to his arrest was going on at the time the contract was signed...and a guy doesn't become this big of a drug dealer overnight. He's been doing this for years to get to this point. He's basically been a drug dealer with an NFL career as cover for it, based on the amounts of material he was looking to move.


There has to be some way to catch something this big. If your screening process can't catch "is also one of the biggest drug dealers in the state", then there's something wrong with your screening process.

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It certainly seems like the initial stages of what led to his arrest was going on at the time the contract was signed...and a guy doesn't become this big of a drug dealer overnight. He's been doing this for years to get to this point. He's basically been a drug dealer with an NFL career as cover for it, based on the amounts of material he was looking to move.


There has to be some way to catch something this big. If your screening process can't catch "is also one of the biggest drug dealers in the state", then there's something wrong with your screening process.

He has been caught. Expecting JA and the Bears to be more thorough than the police is a reach. If this was so evident earlier, then Hurd would already have gone down. So me, I don't blame JA or the Bears for anything here. Hurd is the turd in all this.

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He has been caught. Expecting JA and the Bears to be more thorough than the police is a reach. If this was so evident earlier, then Hurd would already have gone down. So me, I don't blame JA or the Bears for anything here. Hurd is the turd in all this.

Here's the stuff that was known by the authorities before the Bears signed him in August.

Hurd hit authorities' radar in July, when a confidential informant told police that a man was attempting to obtain four kilograms of cocaine for an unknown buyer in the Dallas area. That man was later stopped by police with $88,000 in a canvas bag. He said that the car and the money belonged to Hurd. Police confiscated the money, and Hurd later contacted authorities trying to get the money back.


Hurd was interviewed by police and admitted that he owned the car and had taken the money out of the bank, but authorities found that bank records did not match the amount.


Then in August, text messages and cellular phone records from a number used by Hurd showed up in relation to four individuals who were detained in California with currency, narcotics and weapons. The complaint states that the text message content "appeared to be consistent with narcotics trafficking and possible money laundering."

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It certainly seems like the initial stages of what led to his arrest was going on at the time the contract was signed...and a guy doesn't become this big of a drug dealer overnight. He's been doing this for years to get to this point. He's basically been a drug dealer with an NFL career as cover for it, based on the amounts of material he was looking to move.


There has to be some way to catch something this big. If your screening process can't catch "is also one of the biggest drug dealers in the state", then there's something wrong with your screening process.


How are the Bears supposed to be able to collect more information than law enforcement when most of their info comes from law enforcement? Do you think that they are supposed to be able to get more info from people that might know someone's secrets than the police?


Another point here (and I'm not saying this to excuse anything Hurd did, but perhaps explain why there was nothing for the Bears front office to find) is that there is no evidence that Hurd ever did any actual drug dealing - just that he was looking to get into it. The information suggesting that he's a big time dealer is based on what he said to undercover operatives that he believed were also criminals that he may have been trying to impress to get a better price on product.


I don't have any real salary history on Hurd, but I don't think he had the cash flow to really go big time before he signed his contract with the Bears. His buddy got busted in Texas a couple of days before he signed his contract with the Bears that gave him a million plus signing bonus. I think prior to that, he probably had a buddy that was a small time drug dealer who kept telling him something like "If we had some REAL money to start with, we could go BIG TIME and make LOTS of money." I think that prior to that, it was the other guy's ball game and Hurd might have helped with some cash flow here and there for a small profit. When the prospect of going big time is a possibility, Hurd wants to get more "hands on" and gets himself busted on his first time out..


I really don't know what was going on, but the timing of Hurd getting his first big contract and this being his first series of run-ins with law enforcement seems a bit more than coincidental to me.

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Here's the stuff that was known by the authorities before the Bears signed him in August.


Whether or not this was going on when Hurd was signed by the Bears, this information would probably not be shared with an employer (in this case the Bears) especially given the magnitude and confidential nature. You can probably imagine how damaging to the case it would be if the the investigation was divulged, to anyone outside the "know" before its completion?

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Yes, it is a reach... But it is a possibility the Bears did not do enough due diligence. Was there a reason Dallas wan't so sad to see him go? It's just curious...


I make no bones I dislike JA. So, add something like this on top of his numerous errors and blunders, and it's like nailing Capone on taxes instead of racketeering. But, at least he was nabbed...


You are really reaching here, dude.


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I think there's a fine line between relentlessness and Don Quizote-ness... And I think I'm starting to lean too heavily at jousting at windmills!


I fear Ruskell could be next in line. It may be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. But dammit if I don't think Ruskell will forget to check a box... And depending on how exatly JA goes, Georgie-Boy may clean house of management. I think Smith is more than safe regardless, which I am OK with for now.


Lol. Love your tenacity.


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I think there's a fine line between relentlessness and Don Quizote-ness... And I think I'm starting to lean too heavily at jousting at windmills!


I fear Ruskell could be next in line. It may be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. But dammit if I don't think Ruskell will forget to check a box... And depending on how exatly JA goes, Georgie-Boy may clean house of management. I think Smith is more than safe regardless, which I am OK with for now.

Put me on record as screaming "hell no" to Ruskell. As loudly as I screamed against the Martz hiring.


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