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Randy Moss Signs 1yr Deal W/Niners


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He's a better #2 option in FA than anyone else that has been mentioned. 50 yards a game would not be difficult for him to get at all, and that would be 800 yards a season. Add in a guaranteed 6 or so TDs, at least, and the threat of red zone jump balls, and he's a bigger upgrade than just about anyone else out there being considered for other than a #1 gig.


IDK if the price would have been driven up on him if the Bears had jumped in early. Nobody was buying at first. Same as TO. If they had him in for a visit/try-out, and liked what they saw, they could have been prepared with a contract right then. It's entirely possible he would have taken it, or at least been more apt to work towards an agreement during negotiations, since he wasn't getting other offers. Now, however, he knows that other teams are looking at him as a viable alternative. Before they were not.


If he does well this year, I view this as Emery's first mistake. When a team has a problem, it needs to be addressed by whatever means possible. All avenues need to be exhausted until it is no longer a problem.

Do you play fantasy football? You can take him as your #1 WR where ever he plays, for all the love you have for him. Just because you were the first to think of Moss doesnt mean its still a good idea. If we add some quality, picking him up would be a bonus, but to be our focus going forward, not very smart.

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Do you play fantasy football? You can take him as your #1 WR where ever he plays, for all the love you have for him. Just because you were the first to think of Moss doesnt mean its still a good idea. If we add some quality, picking him up would be a bonus, but to be our focus going forward, not very smart.


Nice, comparing apples to dump trucks. Please try to keep up with the various posts related to Randy Moss. Reading comprehension also helps...the comment you replied to even says that I think he's a great #2 option.


Not only was this an idea I've been talking about for years, it's one that fits the Bears this season VERY well. Hopefully he wouldn't be the #1, and the Bears would actually sign a #1, but if everything else went to hell and he was the only WR signed, he would be a better #1 than anyone currently on the team. Ideally, however, either the Bears get a #1 in FA (Colston/VJax) or spend a high pick on a stud with upside (Floyd). Pairing either creates a situation where Moss can't be double-teamed and he torches defenses. This is something I've said numerous times. If he's good enough to interest the Saints and the Niners, he should be good enough to interest the Bears. Regardless of whether they want him to be the #1, #2, #3, or a decoy.

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hahaha...good call.


2 FA WRs + the first rounder as a WR = Cutler still getting pounded


Attention needs to be at the very least split between OL and WR.


Yes you are right.........how many times did Rodgers get sacked in the 5 wide set or Manning or Brees when they ran it???? You dont understand that this spreads the defense so once you get the ball oyt quick there will e hole for the WR to run.

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Oh this is just great.......he goes to the 49ers............ and we play them this year....I dont want to say I told you so but now watch what he will do against us!!!!


Moss was worthless in 2010 and out of the league in 2011. Off plus old typically equals bad.

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Moss was worthless in 2010 and out of the league in 2011. Off plus old typically equals bad.



Agreed. The only route he runs full speed is a go route, and thats on the plays specifically designed for him. All this talk of 1000 yards and 10 TD's is hilarious. Must not understand the niners offense.


Count me as one who is glad he signed elsewhere.

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Agreed. The only route he runs full speed is a go route, and thats on the plays specifically designed for him. All this talk of 1000 yards and 10 TD's is hilarious. Must not understand the niners offense.


Count me as one who is glad he signed elsewhere.

OK i get what you are saying....but i just hope that his 6'4 ass does not line up against 5'8 Jennings all day!!

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Yes you are right.........how many times did Rodgers get sacked in the 5 wide set or Manning or Brees when they ran it???? You dont understand that this spreads the defense so once you get the ball oyt quick there will e hole for the WR to run.


You don't understand that the Bears don't have the OL any of the other QBs have. Particularly Manning or Brees. Rodgers had a below average OL, but still better than the Bears. Also, you have to factor in the offense they play is considerably different than the Bears, one that actually utilizes quick-slants. We all should know since that pattern has absolutely destroyed the Bears for over a decade when playing the Packers.


In an ideal world, spreading out the D with a 5-WR set creates a favorable mismatch for the offense because someone slower on D ends up covering a WR. But that's an ideal world. The problem is, either the #1 option has to get open a very large percentage of the time, or the OL has to hold up long enough to get to option #2. Which is, surprise, surprise, why the Bears need a #1 WR and OL help. Neither of the situations were true, and 5-WR sets resulted in Cutler getting his ass handed to him.

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Agreed. The only route he runs full speed is a go route, and thats on the plays specifically designed for him. All this talk of 1000 yards and 10 TD's is hilarious. Must not understand the niners offense.


Count me as one who is glad he signed elsewhere.


10/1000 was mentioned as what I thought he could do with the Bears (because of the lack of surrounding WR talent), not on other teams. He most likely will not get those numbers with the Niners because Alex Smith sucks, and they're a running team.

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