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Saints Guilty of putting Bounties on Players


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NFL announces a comprehensive investigation find Saints defense and coaches guilty of violating NFL rules by having bounties on opponents...



NFL determined that former Saints DC Gregg Williams administered the program with knowledge of other defensive coaches.




According to the NFL, the bounty pool totaled upwards of $50K at times w/ payments for "knock-out hits" w/ players and coaches contributing




NFL investigations found that neither Mickey Loomis nor Sean Payton took action when apprised of the bounty system.


What a joke. That explains the hits on Cutler and Earl Bennett back in week 2 when they were blitzing all over. I can't believe how anyone on that staff could go along with trying to get their guys to send their opponents off in a cart and then pay them for it. Sean Peyton, I've lost all respect for you. I wonder what Goodell is going to do. You have to think there is going to be a loss of draft picks. A huge fine is not enough and won't get teams to stop doing this. I can't say that I'm surprised by this though. The Saints have been notoriously dirty ever since Greg Williams was their coordinator. They need to investigate Detroit now..

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Dang...I too have lost respect for them.



What a joke. That explains the hits on Cutler and Earl Bennett back in week 2 when they were blitzing all over. I can't believe how anyone on that staff could go along with trying to get their guys to send their opponents off in a cart and then pay them for it. Sean Peyton, I've lost all respect for you. I wonder what Goodell is going to do. You have to think there is going to be a loss of draft picks. A huge fine is not enough and won't get teams to stop doing this. I can't say that I'm surprised by this though. The Saints have been notoriously dirty ever since Greg Williams was their coordinator. They need to investigate Detroit now..


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There were whispers out recently (Heard it on the radio) that Goodell might try something creative and strip New Orlean's franchise tag for the year, thus making Drew Brees an unrestricted FA. Either way, I don't think Greg Williams is going to be coaching any time soon and the Saints will be losing something costly, possibly the forfeit of draft picks or no franchise tag for the season among a hefty fine.

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I totally agree there's no place in today's game for it, especially as it amounts to cheating now that it's officially against the rules, but it has has to be mentioned...the first bounties on players I can remember hearing about was Buddy Ryan's Bear defense in the 80's. Though I'm sure it was going on before then too.

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It is one thing for players to be in agreement on doing this on their own (not that I condone it) and entirely different when the coaches are involved. It is just flat out disrespectful of the game and the athletes who play it. This obviously goes for the defense side of the ball but the players union represents both sides so I'll be very anxious to hear what the union says about this.



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But what really gets me, is that these same players that were purposely injuring their opponents were probably the same guys that were involved in prayer circles while a player was getting carted off the field. And if I remember correctly, the Saints were the ones that started the whole solidarity thing two seasons ago with the Vikings when the league was entering its final year of the CBA. What a bunch of Con Artists..

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What I don't understand is that these bounties were supposedly for $1,500-$2,000. Why do those players need that? That's like $10 to all of us. Some of those players made $300,000+/game.


I really don't like Earl Bennett saying "I hope we play them again." What are you going to do? Catch a pass and swerve right at a defender? Wow, that'll do a lot.

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What I don't understand is that these bounties were supposedly for $1,500-$2,000. Why do those players need that? That's like $10 to all of us. Some of those players made $300,000+/game.

I wondered the same thing, so thinking it out...

If one of them is making 10MIL/yr, then that 100 times what someone making $100,000/yr is making, so in a sense, $2000 is like $20 to them, but since football players salaries over only about 12 years has to last them until retirement, we should at least double it, so yeah...about 40 bucks to a guy making 10MIL/yr or $200 to a guy making 2MIL/yr. It's not that much, but it's enough to psychologically motivate I'd imagine.


You know I've read about oldtimers like Butkus and that player I once read about who necessitated implementing the "no spearing" rule decades ago, and I'm sure they were as mean of SOBs as people say, but they also weren't 6'4", 255lbs of muscle running a 4.5 40. Can you imagine having someone like Urlacher out to hurt you by any means necessary?

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Easy fix.


Ban Loomis, Sean Payton and Greg Williams from ever coaching int he NFL again. I guarantee, you'll never see another coach turning a blind eye again... Let's see how heavy handed the NFL is now. That moves hurts the coaches involved, and the teams involved. It also hurts the Rams, but they should have done more due dilligence just like when we picked up Hurd.

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Easy fix.


Ban Loomis, Sean Payton and Greg Williams from ever coaching int he NFL again. I guarantee, you'll never see another coach turning a blind eye again... Let's see how heavy handed the NFL is now. That moves hurts the coaches involved, and the teams involved. It also hurts the Rams, but they should have done more due dilligence just like when we picked up Hurd.



I might see that as a good option, but keep in mind that this kind of thing has been going on since the NFL began and if you doubted it then this is evidence that it has.


To keep all of those coaches, who are obviously quite good at their respective positions, from earning a wage and caring for their families, would be disastrous for them and ultimately unhelpful.


If one took such action, there is no way that any reasonable person would assume the problem would be resolved


The way to manage this is to take a significant, but fair, stance on the issue. Penalise but not too harshly, and give a clear signal to all what will be expected in the future.


Ultimately, the fans will determine what is appropriate.

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What I don't understand is that these bounties were supposedly for $1,500-$2,000. Why do those players need that? That's like $10 to all of us. Some of those players made $300,000+/game.


I really don't like Earl Bennett saying "I hope we play them again." What are you going to do? Catch a pass and swerve right at a defender? Wow, that'll do a lot.

Its just like in (well on my teams) high school and college. We didn't get money, but in high school we got a paw sticker (Jaguars) for every knockout, great hit, int, fumble recovery and touchdown...as a reward for playing good. In college we got a bone sticker(Bulldogs) for the same kinds of things as my high school team. It was just to excell in the game not to hurt anyone. But this is not the kind of thing you want these pros to be doing. Not only can they hurt themselves but another player as well, putting and end to their careers playing. I think they should be forced to play the players medical bills and some other form of compensation for the ones who got hurt because of this strategy.

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Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if Papa Bear himself started it... But that was then, this is now.


If the NFL wants to make a statement...make it.


It's not a right to coach. It's a privilege. They can coach in Canada, Arena or college next.


It's called a deturant. (sp?) You cannot guarantee anything. But smart men that want to keep their jobs will stop it vs turn a cold shoulder or condone it.


Like with player hits...if the penalty isn't harsh, there's no incentive to stop?


I'm sure the NFL with do something. How far they'll go will be curious. I am just a hardass... These guys knew better. There is simply no excuse. The NFL can only do so much to the players, but they can strike fear into the coaches.


I might see that as a good option, but keep in mind that this kind of thing has been going on since the NFL began and if you doubted it then this is evidence that it has.


To keep all of those coaches, who are obviously quite good at their respective positions, from earning a wage and caring for their families, would be disastrous for them and ultimately unhelpful.


If one took such action, there is no way that any reasonable person would assume the problem would be resolved


The way to manage this is to take a significant, but fair, stance on the issue. Penalise but not too harshly, and give a clear signal to all what will be expected in the future.


Ultimately, the fans will determine what is appropriate.


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I might see that as a good option, but keep in mind that this kind of thing has been going on since the NFL began and if you doubted it then this is evidence that it has.


To keep all of those coaches, who are obviously quite good at their respective positions, from earning a wage and caring for their families, would be disastrous for them and ultimately unhelpful.


If one took such action, there is no way that any reasonable person would assume the problem would be resolved


The way to manage this is to take a significant, but fair, stance on the issue. Penalise but not too harshly, and give a clear signal to all what will be expected in the future.


Ultimately, the fans will determine what is appropriate.



You have coaches intentionally encouraging their players to seriously injure opponents please tell me how that doesn't affect the players ability to earn a wage and take care of their family?

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You have coaches intentionally encouraging their players to seriously injure opponents please tell me how that doesn't affect the players ability to earn a wage and take care of their family?



Good point, but where do the players take responsibility for their actions?


Who is more wrong, the player who laid out the hit or the coach who looked the other way when their players are likely quite involved in making arrangements for an extra few bucks, which I might add they obviously sorely need, to put a bit hit on a fellow player?


Would you suggest that a coach get fired and allow the player to have a one-game suspension?


Ooops, I forgot, this is the age of no one taking responsibility for themselves and blaming authority for everything....never mind.

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Good point, but where do the players take responsibility for their actions?


Who is more wrong, the player who laid out the hit or the coach who looked the other way when their players are likely quite involved in making arrangements for an extra few bucks, which I might add they obviously sorely need, to put a bit hit on a fellow player?


Would you suggest that a coach get fired and allow the player to have a one-game suspension?


Ooops, I forgot, this is the age of no one taking responsibility for themselves and blaming authority for everything....never mind.


VERY good point


Any suspension given to a coach should be less than or equal to the same suspensions given to the players who participated.

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The reason why the GM and the coaches of the Saints should be fined more severly in this case is because they were warned to stop after the 2009 season. Since Gregg Williams has implemented this on all of his NFL stops he should receive the highest penalty. If the reports of Vilma offering 10 grand are true he will be punished pretty hard as well.




BTW Buddy Ryan did encourage knocking out the QB and also assigned players to go after the kickers at times.

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