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What about Forte


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Has there been any movement on a long term deal with Forte? I'm listening to the conference call and they mentioned that Forte and his agent indicated they felt disrespected by the signing of Michael Bush. Are the Bears and Forte that far apart that we haven't seen a deal yet. Was the Bush signing to give the bears a good 1-2 punch or is it insurance should Forte's deal not get done and he holds out. Also in that conf call they said he is going to hold out. At this point I'm siding with Forte, the man has played his butt off for the Bears from day one, has been the focal point of the offense. To me he's earned his pay day... I've watched and I'm sure he has too, watched other bears get extensions and new players signed and here he sits with a franchise tag keeping him in Chicago. I would like to see the Bears work out a deal for Forte and have him in camp and on the field this season. Give him a 4-5 year deal and have a solid 1-2 backfield with a solid back up in Bell. That's just my opinion though...

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Are the Bears and Forte that far apart? Yes


Is Bush a backup or insurance? Both


I understand you say the Bears should pay the man but you have to pony up with what salary you think he's worth. The Bears have offered him a good deal with I believe over $15mil guaranteed and in the area of $30mil total but I can't recall if that was for 4 or 5 years. From there they should be able to negotiate something similar to what Gore or Lynch has. I think Forte wants the deal Arian Foster got but I don't see him in the same level as Foster. I don't see him as a good as Gore either.

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Are the Bears and Forte that far apart? Yes


Is Bush a backup or insurance? Both


I understand you say the Bears should pay the man but you have to pony up with what salary you think he's worth. The Bears have offered him a good deal with I believe over $15mil guaranteed and in the area of $30mil total but I can't recall if that was for 4 or 5 years. From there they should be able to negotiate something similar to what Gore or Lynch has. I think Forte wants the deal Arian Foster got but I don't see him in the same level as Foster. I don't see him as a good as Gore either.


Thats funny...not on the same level as Foster, not as good as Gore....lol. Foster nor Gore didn't lead their team in rushing and receiving in the same year twice! Foster had better blocking and so did Gore but you cant see the forrest because you are looking at a tree. Foster and Gore are good back yes i give you that, but 1. they are mostly runners 2. had better blocking 3. had better WR'S maybe than we did (Johnson for sure)and him being hurt increased Foster's catching the ball


Here you compare the three players....and keep in mind Forte missed the last 4 games.



Forte 203 carriers 997 yards 4.9 average 52 catches 490 yards 9.9 average


Gore 287 carries 1,211 yards 4.3 average 17 catches 114 yards 6.7 avarage


Foster 278 carries 1,224 yards 4.4 average 53 catches 617 yards 11.6 average(Johnson was hurt)


And you say Forte is not as good as the other two????

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Professional athletes are the only people who can go on a 1 person strike and it's ridiculous. Sure I think I should make an extra 50K a year because the guy down the street makes that but guess what that doesn't mean s***.


The fact of the matter here is that Forte was offered a long term fair contract...he declined...then he starts running his mouth on twitter and some DBag TE on another team starts running his mouth. If Matt had never been offered anything then maybe this could be a sign of disrespect, but this is a business. In a league that there is a salary cap it makes no sense to lock all your money up into a few players especially in positions that have a short shelf life. I am sick of this nonsense and egos and money money money. Crying about it makes me realize you only care about the money and not about winning, therefore I could give a s*** if you are on my team anymore. I'd gladly trade him for a 1st or 2nd round pick, grab another receiver, a de, and shore up the oline and be good. Show me a top 5 money RB on the last 10 SB winning teams...you wont find one...



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Are the Bears and Forte that far apart? Yes


Is Bush a backup or insurance? Both


I understand you say the Bears should pay the man but you have to pony up with what salary you think he's worth. The Bears have offered him a good deal with I believe over $15mil guaranteed and in the area of $30mil total but I can't recall if that was for 4 or 5 years. From there they should be able to negotiate something similar to what Gore or Lynch has. I think Forte wants the deal Arian Foster got but I don't see him in the same level as Foster. I don't see him as a good as Gore either.

Personally I think Forte is better than Gore.

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The Bears have made many offers to Forte over the past year or so and all from what I am understanding were very nice offers, would have set the man up for life just on the guaranteed money alone, yet Matt continues to want more than offered and turns down all terms given by the Bears.


Now, I am sorry, but if he was offered, as was indicated above, 30 Million with 15 Million Guaranteed, what the hell is his complaint? Maybe he wants to try and up that figure but how in the hell is that showing disrespect to him?


Then the Bears sign Bush and that is disrespect? Many teams employ 2 RBs and quite frankly, after all the mileage that has taken place on Forte since arriving, we better damn site lessen his load or he will never be able to finish out his next contract.

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There is a very fine line for me when respecting a player to siding with the team. Sure you can argue market value this market value that but in the end it all turns to greed and ego. You were blessed with natural ability that most people only dream about. You are paid a ridiculous amount of money (even at the league minimum) for a small amount of work compared to the rest of us. You are paid this amount because normal people give their weekly (maybe even monthly) salary to your employer so they can take there family to a game or buy them some over priced swag.


Sure play the disrespect card if the team has totally ignored you or offered you a laughable amount for your service this is understandable. But you disrespect us, the fans, when you put money before winning. At this point it is obviously only about money. Security and an above average contract were offered and was declined. Forte went from being respected in my book to a whiny ego driven man in the matter of 20 minutes. As soon as he wrote "GOOD GUYS finish last" he lost my respect.

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The Bears have made many offers to Forte over the past year or so and all from what I am understanding were very nice offers, would have set the man up for life just on the guaranteed money alone, yet Matt continues to want more than offered and turns down all terms given by the Bears.


Now, I am sorry, but if he was offered, as was indicated above, 30 Million with 15 Million Guaranteed, what the hell is his complaint? Maybe he wants to try and up that figure but how in the hell is that showing disrespect to him?


Then the Bears sign Bush and that is disrespect? Many teams employ 2 RBs and quite frankly, after all the mileage that has taken place on Forte since arriving, we better damn site lessen his load or he will never be able to finish out his next contract.

Well said, Pix. Yes, I agree.

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Did Ray Rice get a new deal after being tagged? Ray Rice is better in basically every single stat and has outproduced Forte over the last 4 years even though he was not starting that much in his first year. I would take what Rice gets, then subtract about 10% since Rice is younger. If Rice is not complaining, then Forte is really coming across as whining.


Also, I think this has more to do with the new franchise tag values than anything else. The Bears have to maximize their cap space, and if Forte's cap hit is going to exceed the franchise tag, then the Bears should not offer him a deal that does.

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I don't see all the Forte hate. He's been a top running back in the league, behind of one of the worst lines in the league. He's also done it while playing out a contract where he wasn't paid that much. I think he deserves a big contract, not only for what he will do, but to reward him for what he has done so far while playing on a peanuts contract.

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The Bears have made many offers to Forte over the past year or so and all from what I am understanding were very nice offers, would have set the man up for life just on the guaranteed money alone, yet Matt continues to want more than offered and turns down all terms given by the Bears.


Now, I am sorry, but if he was offered, as was indicated above, 30 Million with 15 Million Guaranteed, what the hell is his complaint? Maybe he wants to try and up that figure but how in the hell is that showing disrespect to him?


Then the Bears sign Bush and that is disrespect? Many teams employ 2 RBs and quite frankly, after all the mileage that has taken place on Forte since arriving, we better damn site lessen his load or he will never be able to finish out his next contract.


we need a "like" button. Could not have said it better myself Pix

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I don't see all the Forte hate. He's been a top running back in the league, behind of one of the worst lines in the league. He's also done it while playing out a contract where he wasn't paid that much. I think he deserves a big contract, not only for what he will do, but to reward him for what he has done so far while playing on a peanuts contract.

I remember after his sophomore season here having to defend him from people suggesting he wasn't a long-term solution. He's only averaged over 4ypc these last 2 years. He's a huge part of this offense, but that also has to do with us not having good pass blocking or WRs; it's not all him. He tailed off after the middle of last season and then got hurt. So I think Forte is overstating his case, though I don't blame him for trying, but I'm not fond of athletes playing the disrespect card either.


And frankly, franchising is a an option, so the Bears would be foolish not to use it. We can do it 2 years in a row, after which he'll have 6 years on his legs. If he can keep up the production over that period then he'll have more than proved his worth, but for now, we dont' have to assume the risk of injury, nor do we have to pay him that much more by franchising. This is exactly why the owners negotiated to have franchising in the CBA, might as well use it.

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At this rate and with Fortes apparent unhappiness. I say do what you can Bears to move him. They have three similar runners now in Forte, Bush and Bell. So why not? Maybe he'd enjoy playing for someone like Washington or Indy. I realize the team can't trade him until he signs something but let him know he's gone if that is really what he wants. Good luck Matty.

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That's about how I feel about Forte at this point.

We are a better team with Forte, I dont care if he whines, I just want him to play. I dont blame him for wanting a little security, but I understand the Bears position and totally agree with it. This is the year we have to make a run at the Super Bowl and we would be better served to be at full stength.

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I hadn't yet seen the twitter comments made by Matt, and that one about nice guys finishing last did rub me as a fan the wrong way. I knew he'd been offered contracts and that he'd turned them down. If the numbers I see here are accurate I'm starting to lose respect for Matt here. It seems he wants it both ways he wants big time money and has been offered fair contracts that would give him the security he claims to want and would pay him well. But he want's to act like the Bears are disrespecting him as if they aren't trying. I would love to see both Forte and Bush in the backfield. In this league you need two good backs you need depth at key positions. The Bush signing was a great move. Reality is the Bears haven't just low balled and left Forte out to dry. And the franchise tag is something that was bargained for in the CBA these players that are whining about being tagged, you signed that CBA including the current iteration of the tag. The Bears are using what is available to them to try and put the best team on the field they can to win. If he want's a contract in the Foster range or a CJ2k, etch then go ahead and walk. Play for Clevelend and enjoy spending your money while playing for a team that has no shot at winning. He is a good back but he is not in the top tier group. Signing bush is not a shot at him, or an attempt to replace him it makes the team better, and it helps extend his career. The Bears are working to put together a team that can push for a super bowl. I hope he realizes that signing here is a good situation for him and that winning is more important than a few more mil on the contract. If he's going to keep whining and force his way out then in a way it'd serve him right to leave the Bears only to see them win a SB. But I'd like to see him shut up, sign a fair deal, play football and help this team win a championship. If history says anything about Bears fans it's that if you win a championship you will be immortalized here. Bears fans are starving for a winner and if you help that happen you will be a hero.

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I hadn't yet seen the twitter comments made by Matt, and that one about nice guys finishing last did rub me as a fan the wrong way. I knew he'd been offered contracts and that he'd turned them down. If the numbers I see here are accurate I'm starting to lose respect for Matt here. It seems he wants it both ways he wants big time money and has been offered fair contracts that would give him the security he claims to want and would pay him well. But he want's to act like the Bears are disrespecting him as if they aren't trying. I would love to see both Forte and Bush in the backfield. In this league you need two good backs you need depth at key positions. The Bush signing was a great move. Reality is the Bears haven't just low balled and left Forte out to dry. And the franchise tag is something that was bargained for in the CBA these players that are whining about being tagged, you signed that CBA including the current iteration of the tag. The Bears are using what is available to them to try and put the best team on the field they can to win. If he want's a contract in the Foster range or a CJ2k, etch then go ahead and walk. Play for Clevelend and enjoy spending your money while playing for a team that has no shot at winning. He is a good back but he is not in the top tier group. Signing bush is not a shot at him, or an attempt to replace him it makes the team better, and it helps extend his career. The Bears are working to put together a team that can push for a super bowl. I hope he realizes that signing here is a good situation for him and that winning is more important than a few more mil on the contract. If he's going to keep whining and force his way out then in a way it'd serve him right to leave the Bears only to see them win a SB. But I'd like to see him shut up, sign a fair deal, play football and help this team win a championship. If history says anything about Bears fans it's that if you win a championship you will be immortalized here. Bears fans are starving for a winner and if you help that happen you will be a hero.


I think its just a matter of seeing what the other guys (Foster & Lynch) have gotten that you value your worth. I think he is right up there with those two (he did go to the Pro Bowl) as for production goes. But from a players stand point you have to get your money in this NFL today because you will not be in it for long. NFL=Not For Long

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I think its just a matter of seeing what the other guys (Foster & Lynch) have gotten that you value your worth. I think he is right up there with those two (he did go to the Pro Bowl) as for production goes. But from a players stand point you have to get your money in this NFL today because you will not be in it for long. NFL=Not For Long

Then he could have probably had $12 million guaranteed if he'd signed an extension 2 years ago and he'd be almost to the place where the team would have been willing to renegotiate.

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Thats funny...not on the same level as Foster, not as good as Gore....lol. Foster nor Gore didn't lead their team in rushing and receiving in the same year twice! Foster had better blocking and so did Gore but you cant see the forrest because you are looking at a tree. Foster and Gore are good back yes i give you that, but 1. they are mostly runners 2. had better blocking 3. had better WR'S maybe than we did (Johnson for sure)and him being hurt increased Foster's catching the ball


Here you compare the three players....and keep in mind Forte missed the last 4 games.



Forte 203 carriers 997 yards 4.9 average 52 catches 490 yards 9.9 average


Gore 287 carries 1,211 yards 4.3 average 17 catches 114 yards 6.7 avarage


Foster 278 carries 1,224 yards 4.4 average 53 catches 617 yards 11.6 average(Johnson was hurt)


And you say Forte is not as good as the other two????


TDs are missing (Foster 10, Gore 8, Forte 3) so yep, that's how I see it. If the premise is that Forte is an elite back and the excuse is that Forte is taken off the field in short yardage situations so he can't get TDs then we have to ask why he is taken off the field. I'm pretty certain Lovie wants to win football games and wants his best players in for each situation. How many complete seasons has Forte had?

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TDs are missing (Foster 10, Gore 8, Forte 3) so yep, that's how I see it. If the premise is that Forte is an elite back and the excuse is that Forte is taken off the field in short yardage situations so he can't get TDs then we have to ask why he is taken off the field. I'm pretty certain Lovie wants to win football games and wants his best players in for each situation. How many complete seasons has Forte had?

Great point! That is the one glaring weakness to Forte's game scoring TDs in goaline situations and short yardage gains.Though his yards per carry is 4+,that basically occurs on first and second down between the 20s. A lot of Forte's career TDs have come on big plays. And yes they have replaced him at the goaline with Chester Taylor and Marion Barber. The last 2 OCs both would opt to do this and even at times when Forte was in the game they would attempt to call other players numbers or pass 3 straight times while most of us were confused as to why they weren't using Forte.

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I've yet to see a solid number on what the Bears have offered. Nor have I seen Forte's demands. Can anyone provide this info? I'm having a hard time believing they are that far apart.
Here's what the Trib wrote last fall.

Forte's contract seems destined to be an issue until season's end. The Bears offered an extension worth $6 million per season with close to $15 million guaranteed, an offer general manager Jerry Angelo maintained was lucrative and fair. Forte, earning $600,000 in the final year of his rookie deal, initially sought a five-year, $40 million extension with $20 million guaranteed, but his value seems to increase with each 100-yard rushing game.
I haven't seen anything really since Angelo was fired on those numbers, but I'd have to imagine it's still ballpark.
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