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Fairley busted for ganja


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Seriously, when is this s*** going to just be legalized? I don't smoke it, but Christ, tobacco is worse for you than this stuff, and this just causes too much crime in its own. They put these people in jail and then they fight which causes more crime. They put people in jail for selling it and that causes crimes due to fights as well. It's a mess.


As for the Lions...good. It couldn't have happened to be a bigger group of strokes. It's too bad it's not that big asshat Suh or their crybaby coach. Mikel LeShoure has been arrested twice for dope this offseason also.

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Yeah, it is pretty silly already. It was made illegal back in the day as an easy way to put minorities in jail. Sadly, it still is.


Agreed...with that said, dumb Lions!


Seriously, when is this s*** going to just be legalized? I don't smoke it, but Christ, tobacco is worse for you than this stuff, and this just causes too much crime in its own. They put these people in jail and then they fight which causes more crime. They put people in jail for selling it and that causes crimes due to fights as well. It's a mess.


As for the Lions...good. It couldn't have happened to be a bigger group of strokes. It's too bad it's not that big asshat Suh or their crybaby coach. Mikel LeShoure has been arrested twice for dope this offseason also.


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Seriously, when is this s*** going to just be legalized? I don't smoke it, but Christ, tobacco is worse for you than this stuff, and this just causes too much crime in its own. They put these people in jail and then they fight which causes more crime. They put people in jail for selling it and that causes crimes due to fights as well. It's a mess.


As for the Lions...good. It couldn't have happened to be a bigger group of strokes. It's too bad it's not that big asshat Suh or their crybaby coach. Mikel LeShoure has been arrested twice for dope this offseason also.


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I agree!


I guess the heads of states(Goverment) dont see the money they can make if the just make the stuff legal. I had never seen or heard of anyone going on a killing spree from smoking it.LOL.....well maybe they went to McDonald and bought out the menu and killed all the hamburgers because they were hungry as hell. But really you smoke it and two things happen(seen this from my college friends) you get relaxed and go to sleep and you get the urge to eat up everything you see. These are really bad side effects?????? LOL

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Everytime I hear about a player of ours and weed, I think of Rashaan Salaam. No thanks. I don't want any of our players habitually smoking something known for making people lazy.


That's exactly why I say let him go. :)

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If beer is legal (and thank God for that) so should pot be legal. I don't use any drugs at all but feel it'd be hypocritical of me as a beer drinker to feel any other way. And from what I understand, beer is worse for my health.


Power to the people! Ha


Sorry but you have not been reading the latest medical studies. Beer, in moderation of 1 to 2 beers per day, is good for your health and has the same benefits that red wine does for lowering cholesterol. :cheers

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Meh, at this point no one even visits the other 2 "forums" on this page.


I completely disagree with your stance on this. It goes against everything everyone has done and said on this board. Whether the other boards are used or not, that should not default all conversations into the Bearstalk main section. Unless of course you'd like to open a thread about Devin Hester's comments regarding the Treyvon Martin case?


Talking abuot Fairley getting busted, how it affects the Lions, how it benefits the Bears, etc. = Appropriate

Talking about the political implications of legalization = Inappropriate


Remember your decision when the shitstorm hits on the next politically-laced article.

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I completely disagree with your stance on this. It goes against everything everyone has done and said on this board. Whether the other boards are used or not, that should not default all conversations into the Bearstalk main section. Unless of course you'd like to open a thread about Devin Hester's comments regarding the Treyvon Martin case?


Talking abuot Fairley getting busted, how it affects the Lions, how it benefits the Bears, etc. = Appropriate

Talking about the political implications of legalization = Inappropriate


Remember your decision when the shitstorm hits on the next politically-laced article.


I'd agree if anyone (but you) was mildly annoyed by this off topic discussion. I think most political stripes are in agreement on this issue now. Hell, Willie Nelson is the biggest pothead alive!

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