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Interesting grades. Better is relative. No player is a lock. In the draft, nearly nothing is certain.


What are certainties, however, are the holes on the Bears' roster.


A solid draft approach should be neither BPA nor need-based; it should be a combination of the two. If you have a C and an F, it makes a lot more sense to get that F to a C before you try to turn the C into an A. A bunch of C's aren't pretty, but they won't tank the overall score. An F will bury you in all facets of life. Only as strong as your weakest link, and all that.


Agreed. The thing is, with first round talent, chances are there may be a linebacker with a 92 grade and a DE with a 90 grade. In that case it's close enough to take the DE because they're pretty damn close, and DE is a greater need. Unless another talent is clearly above and beyond everyone else, you take the top player available to fit your need.


You also have to consider economics. With the rookie scale, players are going to make "x" amount of dollars. Offensive tackles and d-lineman are worth far more on the open market than RB's, OG's and safeties. We have to take that into consideration.

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Christ.. What the hell are you even talking about? You couldn't find the grades on NFL.com so I decided to help you out by showing you. I'm not sure what your problem is but there's no need to get all defensive about everything you write. Instead of bashing someone for no reason, why don't you try spending time formulating a thought that actually adds something to the conversation?


And as for the irrelevant and untimely comment on the cap, I wasn't going to say it but since you brought it up, it turned out that the number seemed to be right on track to what was mentioned on the CBMB. Sean Jensen tweeted the amount of space left a couple weeks ago that was on par with what was predicted weeks before by the man we were discussing.


I just gave reasons as to why some of those other players weren't better players than Dre but instead of responding with something substantive, you revert to belittling and spouting off nonsense about something that happened weeks ago that is completely unrelated to the topic at hand.

The point is you irritate me. You make comments( and I am not saying all your comments are bad ones) you stick with one and no matter how far its off, you never change your stance. I tried to show you many different opinions about Kirkpatrick not being the BPA when you list others at less valve that have a better grade but are a need.I gave you something else to look at, but I dont have any content to my responses. You were way off base and you still stick with that stupid( the cap figures were right) thats why you irritate me.

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The point is you irritate me. You make comments( and I am not saying all your comments are bad ones) you stick with one and no matter how far its off, you never change your stance. I tried to show you many different opinions about Kirkpatrick not being the BPA when you list others at less valve that have a better grade but are a need.I gave you something else to look at, but I dont have any content to my responses. You were way off base and you still stick with that stupid( the cap figures were right) thats why you irritate me.

This whole paragraph is just a series of sentences consisting of made up non sequiturs. I don't even know where to begin. I'll just say that you seem to take issue to people that can carry a debate past your initial points, which looks to be about as far as your debating prowess lets you get to before you start with the whole 'I'm right you're wrong, I'm going to say something stupid' bit.

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This whole paragraph is just a series of sentences consisting of made up non sequiturs. I don't even know where to begin. I'll just say that you seem to take issue to people that can carry a debate past your initial points, which looks to be about as far as your debating prowess lets you get to before you start with the whole 'I'm right you're wrong, I'm going to say something stupid' bit.

You are right it is stupid, it bothers me that you make statements and stick to it when you are wrong and actually it is the cap space one that bothers me. You state it was proved to be right when you give nothing more than I told you so as a back lash and give no support to your statement. I will tonignt after work give you a detailed list of what money we spend and show you you were wrong, but then you will say, who says that source is correct. Give a little support to your arguement and I will be glad to admit I was wrong, but I am sure facts with not be good enough for you. You actually have a lot of good input in these blogs, but not all do you support you statements, and I need to give more support to mine as I will tonight when I give you our money spent list.

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You are right it is stupid, it bothers me that you make statements and stick to it when you are wrong and actually it is the cap space one that bothers me. You state it was proved to be right when you give nothing more than I told you so as a back lash and give no support to your statement. I will tonignt after work give you a detailed list of what money we spend and show you you were wrong, but then you will say, who says that source is correct. Give a little support to your arguement and I will be glad to admit I was wrong, but I am sure facts with not be good enough for you. You actually have a lot of good input in these blogs, but not all do you support you statements, and I need to give more support to mine as I will tonight when I give you our money spent list.


Sigh.. You're really dragging this thing through the mud, man. But, I wouldn't bother. I don't care enough to give it a thought because it doesn't matter to me, nor does it seem to matter to anyone else on the board except you. Your 'over the top' reactions are getting more frivolous by the post as you continue to persist, and it makes you look pathetic. If you'd like to go back a month and search through Jensen's timeline and then make the comparison to what's on the CBMB feel free. It was brought up here too and I made a comment about it and then went on with the rest of my day. I'm not going to waste another second talking about this subject.


Furthermore, if you'd like to continue on with this pointless exercise of beating an old topic to the point of exhaustion, please do so by sending me a private message. That way, I can read it, laugh at it, and then ignore it, while the rest of the board doesn't have to sift through a page of nothing while trying to find people who actually want to talk about the important issues regarding the Bears.



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