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What Dilfer Said...


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Heard Trent Dilfer talking QB's yesterday. Of one of the topics, he said Cutler would join the ELITE club this year. He talked about his tougness and maturity. Even mentioned that his body language changed. We all know Cutler has great talent, but I saw what Dilfer saw last year. Looking for great things from JC this year!



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Trent seems to have jumped on the Cutler bandwagon since midway through last year. He was singing a much different tune before that. Good to see his opinions on him have changed because I agree. With Marshall by his side and a new OC, we should expect to see major improvements from him this season.

He has the weapons he needs, he just needs to stay upright now.

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Heard Trent Dilfer talking QB's yesterday. Of one of the topics, he said Cutler would join the ELITE club this year. He talked about his tougness and maturity. Even mentioned that his body language changed. We all know Cutler has great talent, but I saw what Dilfer saw last year. Looking for great things from JC this year!


I saw that on ESPN. I do wish we'd do just a little bit more to help JC out this season.

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Heard Trent Dilfer talking QB's yesterday. Of one of the topics, he said Cutler would join the ELITE club this year. He talked about his tougness and maturity. Even mentioned that his body language changed. We all know Cutler has great talent, but I saw what Dilfer saw last year. Looking for great things from JC this year!


I'd like to hope Dilfer is right, but as we've seen in the past, once Cutler starts getting his ass handed to him, his mechanics change. Unless the Bears get Webb out of the starting rotation with a much better replacement, we could see whatever body language changes that have been made go right back to square one.

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Wow, I can't believe that jagoff finally has shut up regarding Cutler. :headbang :banghead



i cant agree more, I didnt think ol Tent "i sucked but won a SB with the 2nd best D in the history of the NFL so i think i know what im talking about" Dilfer would ever say a good thing about Cutler.



Even tho he may giving Cutler props now i still hate his guts, he is uber douche!!!!!

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i cant agree more, I didnt think ol Tent "i sucked but won a SB with the 2nd best D in the history of the NFL so i think i know what im talking about" Dilfer would ever say a good thing about Cutler.



Even tho he may giving Cutler props now i still hate his guts, he is uber douche!!!!!

So, a guy who was a 1st round pick and won a SuperBowl doesn't have the credibility to criticize or evaluate another player? Douche yes, not credible No.

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So, a guy who was a 1st round pick and won a SuperBowl doesn't have the credibility to criticize or evaluate another player? Douche yes, not credible No.


Agreed for two reasons:

1. It's a damn opinion. Sometimes the best evaluators are wrong and sometimes the worst evaluators are right. In the end, it doesn't mean a damn thing either way. I've never understood why people get pissed at someone like Dilfer for his football opinion. He was wrong about Cutler's injury. Now he's praising him. Either way, who gives a damn?

2. Most of us spend far too much time spouting our opinions. I concede to knowing far less than Dilfer about football.

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Agreed for two reasons:

1. It's a damn opinion. Sometimes the best evaluators are wrong and sometimes the worst evaluators are right. In the end, it doesn't mean a damn thing either way. I've never understood why people get pissed at someone like Dilfer for his football opinion. He was wrong about Cutler's injury. Now he's praising him. Either way, who gives a damn?

2. Most of us spend far too much time spouting our opinions. I concede to knowing far less than Dilfer about football.


Good points, especially number 2. But there's also a reason why "too far into the forest to see the trees" is a saying.

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So, a guy who was a 1st round pick and won a SuperBowl doesn't have the credibility to criticize or evaluate another player? Douche yes, not credible No.



Ryan Leaf was a first round draft pick, there are many more that were first round draft picks based on their talent and not their football IQ. The ravens did not win that SB because of Trent Dilfer, he sucked, he made bad throws and bad decisions, the only reason they won that superbeowl is because of their D, and i guess a good run game.


I do not agree with a lot of things that Trent Dilfer says, is he credible sure but not because he was a frist round draft pick and not because he was on a Superbowl winning team, because he played highschool, college and NFL football. He has a lot of experience ill give him that.

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Agreed for two reasons:

1. It's a damn opinion. Sometimes the best evaluators are wrong and sometimes the worst evaluators are right. In the end, it doesn't mean a damn thing either way. I've never understood why people get pissed at someone like Dilfer for his football opinion. He was wrong about Cutler's injury. Now he's praising him. Either way, who gives a damn?

2. Most of us spend far too much time spouting our opinions. I concede to knowing far less than Dilfer about football.



In response to you r #1= Do you really think i give a shit about what Trent Dilfer says??????? No, but if we are talking about him I will give my opinion on him. We are both apart of a Bears opinion site, i gave my opinion on a dickhead who gives his opinion on a Bears player, i think we can all agree that Trent really more so than others has taken the most shots at Cutler. If you dont want to talk about opinion why are you here????? You are right sometimes the best are wrong and worst are right every now and again. Trent has been the most vocal in ripping Cutler, I disagree with him. Does it matter what Trent says or I say or anyone says no.


2.= Him knowing more about football than you actually helps my point. It is not hard to see what was wrong with our Offense last year and the year before. Martz scheme with a very very very weak Oline and very weak WR corp is not going to do well. We were 7-3 with Cutler, Trent still talked a lot of smack about Cutler way more than Cutler deserved, now does Cutler have things he needs to improve on? Yes for sure, but what I really do not agree with is the amount shots he took and what some of his shots were.


Now Trent Dilfer sees that Cutler has a true #1 WR so he changes his tune on Cutler, had the Bears not traded for BM do you think Trent would be saying Cutler is going to join the elite group this year. I guess he doesnt want to eat crow this season. I hope Cutler does make him eat crow this year. Then we will all be celebrating all season long!!!!


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