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OT: Explain your username and how you became a Bears fan


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  bradjock said:
Good question about the history. Could somebody fill this in?


I joined bearstalk.com in the March of 2004. At the time I wanted to know if we were going to sign John Tait. Since I wanted more information I googled "chicago bears chat" or something like that. Bearstalk.com came up right away. On a side note, would that method work today? This seems to be sort of an exclusive club with few new members. We don't have many random people finding this site like I did. Am I wrong about that?


I still fell like a newbie compared to those who were here long before me. I remember hearing there was a site before bearstalk.com. I think it was called the same, it just had a different format.


Yeah I been thinking about those days as well, with Jeff Dawebmaster, and Issac It was a good forum overall, But left it 2004 due to many jerks flooded it with negativity. At that time I did not need that in my life. But it was good and Honest back then. Miss allot of those guys.

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It was, from my recall, originally called the BearsDen and run by Jeff Timms, DaWebmaster, from Ohio.


It moved twice that I recall do to different issues with the hosts (and renamed BearsTalk), and then finally found a home here and was renamed from BearsTalk to TalkBears to avoid issues with the last host. DaBearsDaBomb was kind enough to give us a new home.


There was a lot of great people involved over the years, a lot of fond memories. I cannot remember exactly when I joined, but I know it was when I still owned a hobby shop in West Dundee and I sold it back in 2002 so it has been over 10 years that I have been hanging out here.





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Yep The Bears Den was the first and then Jeff moved it to nfltalk.comor something like that, Then they changed the format of forums used and Bears talk was no longer. Several forums popped up after that and emailed Jeff to ask him where everyone went, He sent me this link.

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Yeah, I'm a carryover from the "BearsTalk" site...


  Pixote said:
It was, from my recall, originally called the BearsDen and run by Jeff Timms, DaWebmaster, from Ohio.


It moved twice that I recall do to different issues with the hosts (and renamed BearsTalk), and then finally found a home here and was renamed from BearsTalk to TalkBears to avoid issues with the last host. DaBearsDaBomb was kind enough to give us a new home.


There was a lot of great people involved over the years, a lot of fond memories. I cannot remember exactly when I joined, but I know it was when I still owned a hobby shop in West Dundee and I sold it back in 2002 so it has been over 10 years that I have been hanging out here.


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  bradjock said:
Good question about the history. Could somebody fill this in?


I joined bearstalk.com in the March of 2004. At the time I wanted to know if we were going to sign John Tait. Since I wanted more information I googled "chicago bears chat" or something like that. Bearstalk.com came up right away. On a side note, would that method work today? This seems to be sort of an exclusive club with few new members. We don't have many random people finding this site like I did. Am I wrong about that?


I still fell like a newbie compared to those who were here long before me. I remember hearing there was a site before bearstalk.com. I think it was called the same, it just had a different format.

It was originally DABEARSSHRINE, which was led by Jeff (DAWEBMASTER). Part of the old rivals network (which crashed and burned and then started up again). When rivals went under, some people split off and had there own network and at that time, the site changed to Bearstalk.com. The Bearstalk domain was lost and at that point, TalkBears become the new domain, which is something that is now owned by us (vs. a 3rd party).

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It was originally DABEARSSHRINE, which was led by Jeff (DAWEBMASTER). Part of the old rivals network (which crashed and burned and then started up again). When rivals went under, some people split off and had there own network and at that time, the site changed to Bearstalk.com. The Bearstalk domain was lost and at that point, TalkBears become the new domain, which is something that is now owned by us (vs. a 3rd party).


DaBearsShrine? I swore it was the BearsDen. You are probably right, God knows my memory does not serve me as well as I would like it to.

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  Stinger226 said:
Who on here has the most posts? Without much investaging, it looks like MadL. wins that one.


Don't worry about quantity, just quality.


Some posters make hundreds of posts and all the posts are comprised of is one or two words or an emoticon.


On occasion it is fine, sometimes that one word is enough.


However, I look for posters that express an opinion or information they have come across in a well written dialog with other posters.


Just my preference.

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Dang! Harshin' on me pix! ;)


My batting average may not be great, but it's not that bad!



  Pixote said:
Don't worry about quantity, just quality.


Some posters make hundreds of posts and all the posts are comprised of is one or two words or an emoticon.


On occasion it is fine, sometimes that one word is enough.


However, I look for posters that express an opinion or information they have come across in a well written dialog with other posters.


Just my preference.


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  MadLithuanian said:
Dang! Harshin' on me pix! ;)


My batting average may not be great, but it's not that bad!


Not Harshin' on you at all. Hope it did not come across that way. Everyone marches to a different drummer.

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Daventry Bears Fan was an unfortunate quick sign-up after being banned with another S/N name and being determined to return....and working in Daventry at the time.


For those not familiar with the UK, Daventry is a smallish town in Northamptonshire....not too far from where Lady Diana grew up and is said to be buried.



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  DaventryBearsFan said:
Daventry Bears Fan was an unfortunate quick sign-up after being banned with another S/N name and being determined to return....and working in Daventry at the time.


For those not familiar with the UK, Daventry is a smallish town in Northamptonshire....not too far from where Lady Diana grew up and is said to be buried.



I remember on the old site, there was an assload of wallpapers? What happened to all of them? :pray

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  BearsFan1974 said:
I remember on the old site, there was an assload of wallpapers? What happened to all of them? :pray

I came from the bearstalk site also and remember Pix saying that I was one of the fastest ever to reach my first 500 posts, obviously I have mellowed a little since then but love the fact that we still have a place to be a Bears' fanatic.

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The official Bears forums are just too big. These forums are just big enough that there's always someone to represent a certain perspective, but not so many that the threads end up umpteen pages long and you have to hear every perspective 10 times from 10 different people. I sometimes still visit when these forums are slow, but to actually post replies there, you'll just get lost in the white noise.

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  Pixote said:
DaBearsShrine? I swore it was the BearsDen. You are probably right, God knows my memory does not serve me as well as I would like it to.


It was definitely dabearsshrine. Jeff Timms named the site after his "shrine" of Bears memorabilia that he had in his home. His original home page for the site had pictures of it. Some clever googling turned this up for me: http://www.nflfans.com/bears/newtrivia.html


My moniker is my initials and an incremental counter of how many times I had to change my ID back in the days when that was easier than affecting an actual password change. If we're counting posts from past board iterations, I think Pixote and I would probably be 1 & 2 considering we've lost multiple thousands due to domain changes and board software upgrades where that info didn't come across.


I've lived in northern Ilinois my whole life and became a diehard Bears fan at about age 10 when we drafted a pretty good RB from Jackson state. ;)

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  selection7 said:
The official Bears forums are just too big. These forums are just big enough that there's always someone to represent a certain perspective, but not so many that the threads end up umpteen pages long and you have to hear every perspective 10 times from 10 different people. I sometimes still visit when these forums are slow, but to actually post replies there, you'll just get lost in the white noise.


I agree.


And I don't have too many posts here but I was loud mouth, to my recollection, on BearsTalk.com. I guess I've just mellowed with age. Like moldy cheese.

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