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Hester looking great?


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I dont understand why Cutler and Marshall are blowing smoke up Hesters ass. He will just be a special play guy, not even going to be on the field 33% of offensive snaps, but everybody is lauding him. I dont get it. Marshall pretty well wont be leaving the field, Bennett and Jeffery will be the primary Wrs on the field and then Hester. We will see more two TE sets . Where is all the snaps for Hester. There is a reason he hasnt stood out as a WR since he got here, and I dont see him being special now. A PACKAGE PLAYER, sure he can get some plays, but dont see him geting more than 35 catches in his new row. What say you. :shakehead

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Hester having the best camp. Marshall is learning a new offense. Jeffrey (who I think some are anointing to a starting role bit too quickly) is trying to figure out why there are so many pages in the playbook.


Weems is a KR. The dude from NY hasn't been much of a WR either in his career and both of these special teamers are learning a new offense.


That means Hester in the first 2 (yes 2) practices is performing better than Mr. Utility Earl Bennett (and I like Earl a lot but that is what he is).

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We hear this same garbage every year and every year we get the same result. We've been down this road. Remember when Lovie Smith went out of his way to tell every Bears beat writer that Devin Hester was a true #1 receiver? I don't get this love fest the Bears have with this guy as a wide receiver. It seems like it's forced. Either that or he's the greatest practice player of all time.

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Well put.


Until further notice, seeing will be believing.


We hear this same garbage every year and every year we get the same result. We've been down this road. Remember when Lovie Smith went out of his way to tell every Bears beat writer that Devin Hester was a true #1 receiver? I don't get this love fest the Bears have with this guy as a wide receiver. It seems like it's forced. Either that or he's the greatest practice player of all time.


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Geez the conspiracy theorists are running wild. You all m,ake it sound like Lovie took Marshall into a room and made him say that stuff? Maybe , Just maybe Marshall seen something that he admired. or Better yet, The routes they have Hester running are finally to his strength. I for one minute do not feel that this is all made up scenario or that Jay and Brandon are stating things that are not true. Now Lovie would be a different story. But this is from Players and 2 of them that voiced opinions that were not tolling the line.

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Hester had more catches in one year than the two assclowns we signed in freeagency over their crap careers

Are you EVER going to give this up? At least contribute to the thread, dude. Weems was brought in here to be a RETURNER. Let me repeat- A RETURNER. Okay? And Devin Thomas came here to be a special teams ace. Let me repeat- A SPECIAL TEAMS ACE. Emery gave them each small contracts. I repeat- SMALL CONTRACTS. Stop acting like he gave them each 4 year, $16M deals to be the Bears 3 and 4 WR's. What if they had let Graham walk and didn't replace him? Let me be clear- Graham is a GREAT special teams player. You can't replace him with ONE guy. Instead, they boosted their WR and LB depth with the following signings: Costanzo, Weems, and Thomas. Again, they are BARELY paying these guys. Relax.


Can you at least be happy they drafted Jeffery and traded for Marshall? My god.

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I am not angry, just dont understand it, and I can see you dont have an answer to that question. I do enjoy the humor.


Well I do have an answer. Why not wait to see Tice's offense before critiquing Hester. When was the last time any Bear receiver thrived in the offense? Let's hope that Tice puts an end to streak of having one mentally challenged OC after another.

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Hester should thrive a la Ron Harper from Dallas. Given the greatness of Marshall, Hester should be more open more often. By his lonesome, Hester can't do it. Just like Harper proved... Totally different players/styles. But I expect somewhat similar results.


Well I do have an answer. Why not wait to see Tice's offense before critiquing Hester. When was the last time any Bear receiver thrived in the offense? Let's hope that Tice puts an end to streak of having one mentally challenged OC after another.


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Don't get me wrong, I like having Hester and too agree that he should be able to thrive better now with two serious threats on the outside. Teams will have to respect the fact that Jeffrey and Marshall can break one tackle and then they are gone. It's not necessarily their speed that causes defenses to align differently. That should open things up inside for Hester, or even make it easier to work underneath outside routes. IMO this just means Hester will be more effective for us on a per snap basis, not necessarily that he'll be the focal point of the offense.


I am not surprised at the fact Hester is having a great camp. He's a workout warrior and the last couple years has found the right balance in strength vs speed/quickness. The fact he's making plays all over the field is not only good sign how hell be as a receiver but also for his punt returns.


I also have to think some of the reason for this is Tice scaling back what he has to do. Over the years we've said we'll have Hester line up all over the field, now is it just scaled back so he has 10-15 things to focus on and do well? It's not just for Hester either, several offensive players have already spoken up about how things were simplified and it will be easier to play faster.

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Guest TerraTor
Are you EVER going to give this up? At least contribute to the thread, dude. Weems was brought in here to be a RETURNER. Let me repeat- A RETURNER. Okay? And Devin Thomas came here to be a special teams ace. Let me repeat- A SPECIAL TEAMS ACE. Emery gave them each small contracts. I repeat- SMALL CONTRACTS. Stop acting like he gave them each 4 year, $16M deals to be the Bears 3 and 4 WR's. What if they had let Graham walk and didn't replace him? Let me be clear- Graham is a GREAT special teams player. You can't replace him with ONE guy. Instead, they boosted their WR and LB depth with the following signings: Costanzo, Weems, and Thomas. Again, they are BARELY paying these guys. Relax.


Can you at least be happy they drafted Jeffery and traded for Marshall? My god.




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Don't get me wrong, I like having Hester and too agree that he should be able to thrive better now with two serious threats on the outside. Teams will have to respect the fact that Jeffrey and Marshall can break one tackle and then they are gone. It's not necessarily their speed that causes defenses to align differently. That should open things up inside for Hester, or even make it easier to work underneath outside routes. IMO this just means Hester will be more effective for us on a per snap basis, not necessarily that he'll be the focal point of the offense.


I am not surprised at the fact Hester is having a great camp. He's a workout warrior and the last couple years has found the right balance in strength vs speed/quickness. The fact he's making plays all over the field is not only good sign how hell be as a receiver but also for his punt returns.


I also have to think some of the reason for this is Tice scaling back what he has to do. Over the years we've said we'll have Hester line up all over the field, now is it just scaled back so he has 10-15 things to focus on and do well? It's not just for Hester either, several offensive players have already spoken up about how things were simplified and it will be easier to play faster.

His speed will always impress people, but that doent always translate on the field with success. He never gets double covered, but maybe playing the slot he will get a LB or SS covering him which will allow him to be more open. With our weakness as WR over the last few years, he never stood out, and in a package role, maybe will have some moments. With Marshall saying he will have a pro bowl year, is just a major reach.

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Speed in the NFL is not a huge factor. You have to have it to compete in on the field but there are so many fast players in the league it doesn't guarantee success. If things go well it seems a player will get just a few chances to showcase their speed on a play. Then there's the whole team aspect of the game. How far from his coverage will Hester get before some DE runs past Webb into Cutler? That's where coaching and play calling comes into play....they have to scheme correctly to get more opportunities for players to use their abilities.

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