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Justin Blackmon


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I was floored to hear about it. You might not know it, but he already had one a couple of years ago. That time he was barely drunk, and he's not known for being a head case. It was an "isolated" incident after a visit to a Dallas Cowboys game. Still not good, but we live in a society where people have trained themselves to think it's ok to "make a mistake once in a while" because "everybody does it". That attitude needs to change, but to some degree, I won't begrudge him being a product of his times.


Nevertheless, a second offense...and WAY over the limit. You almost hope he's got a drinking problem, because the alternative, that he unilaterally decided it was worth the risk of maiming or killing half of some happy family is much worse than him having a disease (that leads to irresponsibility and apathy towards being self-destructive).

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I was floored to hear about it. You might not know it, but he already had one a couple of years ago. That time he was barely drunk, and he's not known for being a head case. It was an "isolated" incident after a visit to a Dallas Cowboys game. Still not good, but we live in a society where people have trained themselves to think it's ok to "make a mistake once in a while" because "everybody does it". That attitude needs to change, but to some degree, I won't begrudge him being a product of his times.


Nevertheless, a second offense...and WAY over the limit. You almost hope he's got a drinking problem, because the alternative, that he unilaterally decided it was worth the risk of maiming or killing half of some happy family is much worse than him having a disease (that leads to irresponsibility and apathy towards being self-destructive).

The other incident was when he was 20 (under age), and he was also speeding (92 in a 60 - yikes). This time he was going 60 in a 35 and crossing the center line. Thank god no one was hurt due to this idiot. Two incidents in about 18 months is pretty significant and shows his lack of self control/judgement. Like everyone else stated, how hard is it to call a cab or pay for a driver?


I remember everyone mentioning Floyd's drinking problems. It looks like we definitely dodged some bullets avoiding these guys.


Does this warrant a suspension for the league conduct policy? He was 3x times over the legal limit AND speeding. I could see a game or two for something like this.

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The other incident was when he was 20 (under age), and he was also speeding (92 in a 60 - yikes). This time he was going 60 in a 35 and crossing the center line. Thank god no one was hurt due to this idiot. Two incidents in about 18 months is pretty significant and shows his lack of self control/judgement. Like everyone else stated, how hard is it to call a cab or pay for a driver?


I remember everyone mentioning Floyd's drinking problems. It looks like we definitely dodged some bullets avoiding these guys.


Does this warrant a suspension for the league conduct policy? He was 3x times over the legal limit AND speeding. I could see a game or two for something like this.


I hope its the game against us that he sits out if they do indeed give him a suspension

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Obviously, I don't make any excuses for him. It somehow feels a little embarrasing for me, even, because he's a hometown guy, but here's an example of why I had previously had confidence his first DUI was a aberration:


"Sources at the school described Blackmon as smart, hard-working and reliable. He wasn't late to meetings or workouts. He showed up on time, worked extremely hard and set a good example for the younger players on the team. The sources said Blackmon never let his national accolades go to his head. He was raised in a strict military family and always was accountable, both on and off the field.


Scouts who interviewed Blackmon during the pre-draft process believed he was an honest, country kid who was easy to talk to and had nothing to hide. I talked to several of his teammates at various all-star games, and they were very positive in their comments about Blackmon. He wasn't described as a high-maintenance diva. Those who were close to the receiver actually described him as somewhat of a "nerd."



He's no thug. But then, you don't have to be a thug to be a menace.

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This is idiotic on Blackmon's part. He needs to be sat down by his family, teammates, and the Jaguars' front office, and he needs to be told that this s*** has to stop a.s.a.p.


DUI's are so much worse than cocaine abuse, marijuana allegations, domestic abuse, etc.


If you drive with 3x the legal limit of alcohol in your system, not only are you endangering yourself (cocaine abuse), you're endangering 2, 4, 6+ people. If he hits one car, and that car hits a family of four, he just killed himself and 5 others.

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I'm not sure it's worse than domestic abuse...the potential is there certainly. But, I follow your train of thought regardless...


This is idiotic on Blackmon's part. He needs to be sat down by his family, teammates, and the Jaguars' front office, and he needs to be told that this s*** has to stop a.s.a.p.


DUI's are so much worse than cocaine abuse, marijuana allegations, domestic abuse, etc.


If you drive with 3x the legal limit of alcohol in your system, not only are you endangering yourself (cocaine abuse), you're endangering 2, 4, 6+ people. If he hits one car, and that car hits a family of four, he just killed himself and 5 others.


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I hope its the game against us that he sits out if they do indeed give him a suspension

I believe from the moment he was drafted he would be entering the league's substance abuse program since he already has prior issues with it. Thus, I'd think a suspension is actually likely.


Here's food for thought: If this had happened in March, could it have knocked him down to 19?

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