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This is what a Packers fan had to say about the Bears!!



Let’s re-title this article Matt:


“Forte gets new deal – makes Bears a major threat in the NFCN” – IF:


1. Their O Line doesn’t get Cut head decapitated by week 2.


2. Brandon Marshall doesn’t punch some stripper on the south side after a loss and get himself arrested.


3. Cut head decided he wants to put away the pouty face for a whole season (has not happened once yet in his career)


4. Their Defense doesn’t suddenly (and finally) give up the ghost and submit to their age.


5. Their new Safeties and CB’s other than Tillman can actually play. (I’ll believe it when I see it)


6. Mike Tice suddenly becomes intelligent. (not likely from the man that invented the Randy Ratio)

In other words, the Bears are a talented but not well rounded team. Every single year they’ve resorted to a hope and a prayer. Once every 5 years, it works.


They’ll compete for a wildcard this year if all these things go well for them, but they are NOT a threat to the Packers in the NFCN.


GB wins the division this year by 3 games. At the very least.



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This is what a Packers fan had to say about the Bears!!



Let’s re-title this article Matt:


“Forte gets new deal – makes Bears a major threat in the NFCN” – IF:


1. Their O Line doesn’t get Cut head decapitated by week 2.

2. Brandon Marshall doesn’t punch some stripper on the south side after a loss and get himself arrested.

3. Cut head decided he wants to put away the pouty face for a whole season (has not happened once yet in his career)

4. Their Defense doesn’t suddenly (and finally) give up the ghost and submit to their age.

5. Their new Safeties and CB’s other than Tillman can actually play. (I’ll believe it when I see it)

6. Mike Tice suddenly becomes intelligent. (not likely from the man that invented the Randy Ratio)


In other words, the Bears are a talented but not well rounded team. Every single year they’ve resorted to a hope and a prayer. Once every 5 years, it works.


They’ll compete for a wildcard this year if all these things go well for them, but they are NOT a threat to the Packers in the NFCN.


GB wins the division this year by 3 games. At the very least.



I'm not seeing this list as anything other than completely accurate.


1. The OL has sucked for multiple years. Cutler has been pounded more than a girl on the bang bus.

2. Marshall has a personality disorder, a DUI, suspicions of domestic abuse, more than one battery charge, and was stabbed by his wife. Not to mention other random run-ins with the law.

3. Cutler is a sour-puss. I don't know if this really matters on the field, and I think it's been played up, but some on this board have even said his demeanor affects the team.

4. The defense is getting old. The window is closing.

5. Until I see otherwise, I don't know for sure if the safeties can play. The Bears have been looking for a safety since Mike Brown left.

6. I don't know if intelligence is the issue - and I certainly don't think the Randy Ratio is a bad idea (giving the ball to the most talented player in the league as much as possible is bad?) - but we have yet to see him call an offensive gameplan. And judging from his personnel decisions on the OL, I can't say I'm very confident he will be able to produce a product much better than before.

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The Bears really closed the talent gap on offense against the Pack with the addition of Marshall, Bush, and Jeffery. We have a better running game, by far, and our passing game will be a lot closer to theirs this year. We are much more well-rounded on offense and the only thing holding us back is the O-Line.

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The Bears really closed the talent gap on offense against the Pack with the addition of Marshall, Bush, and Jeffery. We have a better running game, by far, and our passing game will be a lot closer to theirs this year. We are much more well-rounded on offense and the only thing holding us back is the O-Line.

Did you guys read the comments by the bloggers on that article, cheese is not a good subsitute for a brain.

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The Bears really closed the talent gap on offense against the Pack with the addition of Marshall, Bush, and Jeffery. We have a better running game, by far, and our passing game will be a lot closer to theirs this year. We are much more well-rounded on offense and the only thing holding us back is the O-Line.


IMHO I really think that there is no talent cap now when it comes to the Bears and Packers.they have 4 good WR's...so do we. they have a pro bowl QB.....so do we. they have below average RB's....we don't we have a good 1-2 punch. They have a pass catching TE...so do we. They have an average Oline ....so do we, but we have a better defense than they do......so taking in account everything about the two teams...I would say we are equal right about now.

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I'm not seeing this list as anything other than completely accurate.


1. The OL has sucked for multiple years. Cutler has been pounded more than a girl on the bang bus.

2. Marshall has a personality disorder, a DUI, suspicions of domestic abuse, more than one battery charge, and was stabbed by his wife. Not to mention other random run-ins with the law.

3. Cutler is a sour-puss. I don't know if this really matters on the field, and I think it's been played up, but some on this board have even said his demeanor affects the team.

4. The defense is getting old. The window is closing.

5. Until I see otherwise, I don't know for sure if the safeties can play. The Bears have been looking for a safety since Mike Brown left.

6. I don't know if intelligence is the issue - and I certainly don't think the Randy Ratio is a bad idea (giving the ball to the most talented player in the league as much as possible is bad?) - but we have yet to see him call an offensive gameplan. And judging from his personnel decisions on the OL, I can't say I'm very confident he will be able to produce a product much better than before.


I wonder sometimes if you do this just "for the sake of arguing". Your counterpoints are somewhat laughable. The fact the you attempt to legitimize a Packer's fan perspective of our team is almost treasonous.


1. How do you explain the 7-3 (?) record prior to Cutlers injury departure? The line seemed to be coming into its own as the season progressed. More on the offense scheme to come in a min....


2. Is that so? "suspicions" of this and that? I pity whomevers jury panel you serve on for their criminal trial. Marshall is not the "basket case" as many have alleged. He'll be fine in Chicago.


3. A "sour puss"? The fact he derides what he doesn't like (aka "tell Martz to f*ck himself") is more a conviction of his leadership ability rather than lack. He's calling it like he sees it.


4. There is a difference between getting and being old. I'll take a current Urlacher over any other LB and nine times on Tuesday. Tillman is still good as is Peppers. Many key players are aging but still good at what they do.


5. Again, your propensity for pessimism clouds your ability to accept that maybe, just maybe the team has a gem hidden in the group of youngsters at Safety.


6. The fact that Tice is allowing Cutler the idea of calling audibles and doing away eight the 5-7 dropback passes speaks volumes of his judgement abilities. Cutler by far will be able to do more if he is given the ability to call the play he wants if the need is there. And his innate ability to throw on the run will be showcased again.


Don't give up just yet. The season hasn't started yet.


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I wonder sometimes if you do this just "for the sake of arguing". Your counterpoints are somewhat laughable. The fact the you attempt to legitimize a Packer's fan perspective of our team is almost treasonous.


1. How do you explain the 7-3 (?) record prior to Cutlers injury departure? The line seemed to be coming into its own as the season progressed. More on the offense scheme to come in a min....

2. Is that so? "suspicions" of this and that? I pity whomevers jury panel you serve on for their criminal trial. Marshall is not the "basket case" as many have alleged. He'll be fine in Chicago.

3. A "sour puss"? The fact he derides what he doesn't like (aka "tell Martz to f*ck himself") is more a conviction of his leadership ability rather than lack. He's calling it like he sees it.

4. There is a difference between getting and being old. I'll take a current Urlacher over any other LB and nine times on Tuesday. Tillman is still good as is Peppers. Many key players are aging but still good at what they do.

5. Again, your propensity for pessimism clouds your ability to accept that maybe, just maybe the team has a gem hidden in the group of youngsters at Safety.

6. The fact that Tice is allowing Cutler the idea of calling audibles and doing away eight the 5-7 dropback passes speaks volumes of his judgement abilities. Cutler by far will be able to do more if he is given the ability to call the play he wants if the need is there. And his innate ability to throw on the run will be showcased again.


Don't give up just yet. The season hasn't started yet.


I'm not trolling; I'm serious. Every one of the original debate points were made by Bears fans on this board.


1. The 7-3 record can be explained many ways. It's true the OL played better during the winning streak, but don't pretend they played great. This topic has been covered a hundred times in the past, and you could easily go back and see where individual games were broken down, graded, and discussed by more than one person. How can it be explained? The D, ST, QB, RB, WR, etc. made one more play in various games, and the OL didn't suck enough to cause the loss.


2. So you know Marshall personally? Where there is smoke there is fire.


3. I'm not debating the implications of the pouty face. I'm just saying it's true that Cutler has a pouty face almost all the time. That was the original point. There is no debating this.


4. You're losing track of what the original post was about. It was "The Bears will be good if..." And one of those ifs is whether the D can beat back father time for another year. They are, in NFL terms, older. The key pieces are getting older and don't have many more productive years left. So, the original point is completely valid. The Bears defense doesn't have many years left and they will be good as long as (read: if) they don't take that sudden negative turn many older players suddenly take.


5. Again, you aren't paying attention to the original post. The Bears will be good if the Safeties can actually play. There is nothing even remotely up for debate on this one, because, like most teams, the Bears will need good production from their safeties in order to field a good defense. What's so difficult to understand about that? They may be future studs (I hope so), two Fenciks (please let it be), but I won't hold my breath until they make the Pro Bowl, that's for damn sure.


6. The Tice thing is like evaluating backup QBs. And as the saying goes, everyone loves the backup QB. The fact remains that we don't know what Tice can or will do as an OC. He may talk positive, and feed us what we want to hear, and feed Cutler what he wants to hear, and then call a 80% run / 20% pass game. We simply don't know. It's not like we haven't been upset with OCs in the past.


BTW - Did you notice I didn't mention the ending portion of the original packer post? I just mentioned the list. I think the Bears should be damn good, but that's if all of the above works out.

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Guest TerraTor
IMHO I really think that there is no talent cap now when it comes to the Bears and Packers.they have 4 good WR's...so do we. they have a pro bowl QB.....so do we. they have below average RB's....we don't we have a good 1-2 punch. They have a pass catching TE...so do we. They have an average Oline ....so do we, but we have a better defense than they do......so taking in account everything about the two teams...I would say we are equal right about now.



we have 4 good Wr?...... and pass catching Te?......

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All kidding aside, all this is like a professional witness. Either side can usually come up with reasons one way or another.


The only thing I take away is that some dolt Packers fans is actually worried about us. Most people don't bring things up unless they bother them.


I'm personally readying my Scotch and cigar to celebrate our Super Bowl win this season... One of many in a row to come. We are going to kick ass. In '85 it was D with a sufficient O. In '12, it'll be O with a sufficient D.




I'm not trolling; I'm serious. Every one of the original debate points were made by Bears fans on this board.


1. The 7-3 record can be explained many ways. It's true the OL played better during the winning streak, but don't pretend they played great. This topic has been covered a hundred times in the past, and you could easily go back and see where individual games were broken down, graded, and discussed by more than one person. How can it be explained? The D, ST, QB, RB, WR, etc. made one more play in various games, and the OL didn't suck enough to cause the loss.


2. So you know Marshall personally? Where there is smoke there is fire.


3. I'm not debating the implications of the pouty face. I'm just saying it's true that Cutler has a pouty face almost all the time. That was the original point. There is no debating this.


4. You're losing track of what the original post was about. It was "The Bears will be good if..." And one of those ifs is whether the D can beat back father time for another year. They are, in NFL terms, older. The key pieces are getting older and don't have many more productive years left. So, the original point is completely valid. The Bears defense doesn't have many years left and they will be good as long as (read: if) they don't take that sudden negative turn many older players suddenly take.


5. Again, you aren't paying attention to the original post. The Bears will be good if the Safeties can actually play. There is nothing even remotely up for debate on this one, because, like most teams, the Bears will need good production from their safeties in order to field a good defense. What's so difficult to understand about that? They may be future studs (I hope so), two Fenciks (please let it be), but I won't hold my breath until they make the Pro Bowl, that's for damn sure.


6. The Tice thing is like evaluating backup QBs. And as the saying goes, everyone loves the backup QB. The fact remains that we don't know what Tice can or will do as an OC. He may talk positive, and feed us what we want to hear, and feed Cutler what he wants to hear, and then call a 80% run / 20% pass game. We simply don't know. It's not like we haven't been upset with OCs in the past.


BTW - Did you notice I didn't mention the ending portion of the original packer post? I just mentioned the list. I think the Bears should be damn good, but that's if all of the above works out.


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we have 4 good Wr?...... and pass catching Te?......


Yes we do in Marshall, Jeffrey, Bennett and Hester. Say what you will but they will perform on the field. With marshall & Jeffret being the big body WR we have been needing for so long hester the speed guy streching the field and Bennett being Mr. Clutch. Yes Davis will be the pass catching TE. Sure he may not have monster number like some of the othe TE in the NFL but 18 catches for 5 TD's...thats a TD every 3.6 times he caught the ball.......so me better numbers than that. I did'nt say we had great WR I said good.

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This is what a Packers fan had to say about the Bears!!



Let’s re-title this article Matt:


“Forte gets new deal – makes Bears a major threat in the NFCN” – IF:


1. Their O Line doesn’t get Cut head decapitated by week 2.


2. Brandon Marshall doesn’t punch some stripper on the south side after a loss and get himself arrested.


3. Cut head decided he wants to put away the pouty face for a whole season (has not happened once yet in his career)


4. Their Defense doesn’t suddenly (and finally) give up the ghost and submit to their age.


5. Their new Safeties and CB’s other than Tillman can actually play. (I’ll believe it when I see it)


6. Mike Tice suddenly becomes intelligent. (not likely from the man that invented the Randy Ratio)

In other words, the Bears are a talented but not well rounded team. Every single year they’ve resorted to a hope and a prayer. Once every 5 years, it works.


They’ll compete for a wildcard this year if all these things go well for them, but they are NOT a threat to the Packers in the NFCN.


GB wins the division this year by 3 games. At the very least.


1. Cutler is concerned. Williams is moving back to LT. and the Bears OL was ranked 27th. It's a legit statement.

2. Flea agrees and Connorbear says there is baggage with Marshall.

3. selection7 says Jay has a pouty, mopey on-field demeanor

4. Mongo is concerned about our defense

5. An entire thread about the Bears' recent problems at Safety

6. Bears4Ever's worst fear is Mike Tice being our OC

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Devil's Advocacy...


They will be a major threat regardless...


A. We are a divisional foe. History has shown you can virtually throw out records, etc. The odd team will win a game it shouldn't in rivalries such as ours.


But to address the points head on:


1. If Cutler is decapitated in week 2, besides holding a very sentimental memorial service...the Bears will employ Jason Campbell to run the show who did a pretty good job with the hapless Raiders last season before getting hurt. Obviously Campbell is no Cutler, but he is a legit threat.


2. Odds are if Marshall punched a stripper, she probably threw a bottle at a group of nuns and children trying to get donations for schooling. Thus defending the defenseless and would get a pass from Goodell. In fact, maybe an award.


3. Putting away a pouty face has no impact on results what so ever. Moot point if ever there was one. Devil's advocate or not. I don't like mayonaise. Someone doesn't like Cutler's face. Bears win regardless of either 2 dislikes.


4. Our D are not in line for elderly housing or Geritol shots yet. They are older, but not decrepid. Even if we lose 1 or 2 of those guys, someone else is bound to take charge and make it happen. It's Bears' tradition to do so.


5. Conte looked pretty damn good as a rookie. I think he can play. So there's at least one. The law of averages are on our side. We're bound to strike gold with something after so many misses.


6. I could care less what Tice's IQ is. I just care that he can have the O ready to play. I think he can. And given that he's given some more leeway to Cutty, by default, the O should be smarter than last season.


Even if all the bad things happen that this Packers dolt sees as negatives, we'll still be in the mix for a Wild Card. You can play the same game about the Packers as well.


I'd like to take this fool's bet that the Packers will be 3 games better than any NFC divisional foe...






This is what a Packers fan had to say about the Bears!!



Let’s re-title this article Matt:


“Forte gets new deal – makes Bears a major threat in the NFCN” – IF:


1. Their O Line doesn’t get Cut head decapitated by week 2.


2. Brandon Marshall doesn’t punch some stripper on the south side after a loss and get himself arrested.


3. Cut head decided he wants to put away the pouty face for a whole season (has not happened once yet in his career)


4. Their Defense doesn’t suddenly (and finally) give up the ghost and submit to their age.


5. Their new Safeties and CB’s other than Tillman can actually play. (I’ll believe it when I see it)


6. Mike Tice suddenly becomes intelligent. (not likely from the man that invented the Randy Ratio)

In other words, the Bears are a talented but not well rounded team. Every single year they’ve resorted to a hope and a prayer. Once every 5 years, it works.


They’ll compete for a wildcard this year if all these things go well for them, but they are NOT a threat to the Packers in the NFCN.


GB wins the division this year by 3 games. At the very least.


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6. The Tice thing is like evaluating backup QBs. And as the saying goes, everyone loves the backup QB. The fact remains that we don't know what Tice can or will do as an OC. He may talk positive, and feed us what we want to hear, and feed Cutler what he wants to hear, and then call a 80% run / 20% pass game. We simply don't know. It's not like we haven't been upset with OCs in the past.


The Randy Ratio, need I say more?

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This is what a Packers fan had to say about the Bears!!



Let’s re-title this article Matt:


“Forte gets new deal – makes Bears a major threat in the NFCN” – IF:


1. Their O Line doesn’t get Cut head decapitated by week 2.


2. Brandon Marshall doesn’t punch some stripper on the south side after a loss and get himself arrested.


3. Cut head decided he wants to put away the pouty face for a whole season (has not happened once yet in his career)


4. Their Defense doesn’t suddenly (and finally) give up the ghost and submit to their age.


5. Their new Safeties and CB’s other than Tillman can actually play. (I’ll believe it when I see it)


6. Mike Tice suddenly becomes intelligent. (not likely from the man that invented the Randy Ratio)

In other words, the Bears are a talented but not well rounded team. Every single year they’ve resorted to a hope and a prayer. Once every 5 years, it works.


They’ll compete for a wildcard this year if all these things go well for them, but they are NOT a threat to the Packers in the NFCN.


GB wins the division this year by 3 games. At the very least.


Im so sick of Packer fans. They are a one dimensional Offense, with a D that gives up waaayyyy too many point and yards.




Bears Packers Lions

Cutler Rodger Stafford




Bears Packers Lions

Marshal Jennings Johnson

Jeffrey Driver Burleson

Hester Nelson Young

Bennet Jones Broyles




Bears Packers Lions

Forte Starks Best

Bush Leshour




QB goes to Packer, Bears, Det

1st String WR goes to Det, followed By the Bears then Packers

RB- goes to Bears then DET and then Packers

WR corp- goes to Packers, Bears, DET




The Bears have as good a chance as the Packers and Lions do to win the NFC North.





















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It is ridiculous having to come on this board to defend the Bears against so-called Bears fans who are now nothing but shills for Packers fans. To simply side with Packers fans that they are better and offer only a critique of our team yet do ZERO analysis of their last ranked defense and other issues can only mean one thing...that's where your heart lies.



32 Green Bay Packers 16 22.4 359 1,049 411.6 6.3 22.4 83 195 43 4 16 25 122 948 29:31 19 7



Even if we had the worst record in the NFL I'd still want to kick the tar out of GB and I'd never ever bow down before one of their fans like that.

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I'm not seeing this list as anything other than completely accurate.


1. The OL has sucked for multiple years. Cutler has been pounded more than a girl on the bang bus.

---To be fair, Rodgers hasn't exactly been standing up straight for most of the past 2 years. Yes, his OL is better than the Bears' is, but it's not like it's better by light years.

2. Marshall has a personality disorder, a DUI, suspicions of domestic abuse, more than one battery charge, and was stabbed by his wife. Not to mention other random run-ins with the law.

---Obviously, you're correct, but I guarantee no Bears player who will at a strip club on the South Side of the city after a loss. I have no proof, but I truly believe Marshall's violent days are by him. He has his best friend as his QB and he's already done more interviews than his whole career. On top of it, he's been very forthcoming on his negative image.

3. Cutler is a sour-puss. I don't know if this really matters on the field, and I think it's been played up, but some on this board have even said his demeanor affects the team.

---I don't even know what this means anymore. A "sour puss." He wasn't a sour puss when they were a top 5 offense from weeks 4-8 last year. Watch the mic'd Cutler game vs Carolina. He and Urlacher are joking all game together. He hangs out with Moore and Bennett off the field. Does he make a mean face when he throws a pick? Yeah, and that's good. I'd much rather that than him throwing his teammates under the bus like Peyton Manning does every week. Does he call his OC out at times (Martz)? Yeah, and we all loved it because Martz was a dips***. Cutler is an intelligent guy. His moves are calculated. I don't think he's a sour puss. I think he's an ultra competitive guy who wants to lead a boring life off the field (which got 10x more difficult when he got Cavallari pregnant). Just because he doesn't open Jimmy John's all across North America like Brees or model Uggs and Under Armour like Brady doesn't make him a sour puss.

4. The defense is getting old. The window is closing.

---The defense is getting old? All 32 team's defenses got old this past year. They all added a year to their lives. Yes, their window is closing, as are many team's. If they hit on McClellin, Jeffery, and Hardin, it's not closing.

5. Until I see otherwise, I don't know for sure if the safeties can play. The Bears have been looking for a safety since Mike Brown left.

---Conte was pretty good last year. I believe SportingNews had him on their All-Rookie team. Don't forget, Green Bay might have the worst safeties in football outside of Minnesota.

6. I don't know if intelligence is the issue - and I certainly don't think the Randy Ratio is a bad idea (giving the ball to the most talented player in the league as much as possible is bad?) - but we have yet to see him call an offensive gameplan. And judging from his personnel decisions on the OL, I can't say I'm very confident he will be able to produce a product much better than before.

---Tice will still be the OL coach for the most part. He has the "OC" title, but he'll be primarily with the OL while Bates is the OC. Book it

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And FWIW, anyone can make a list of things like this for every team. The Packers will be good this year IF:


1. Woodson continues to play well. He's getting old.

2. Rodgers doesn't get hurt. His OL still isn't all that great, and he has a small history of concussions.

3. Their secondary isn't the worst in football like it was a year ago.

4. Matthews actually knocks a QB down in 2012, something he failed to do in 2011.

5. They have something that resembles a running game.


See? Every team has "if's" going into 2012.

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The world is made of visionaries, prognosticators, naysayers, zealots and fools. This board is a dichotomy. Why do we get so miffed when one of our own pisses in the kool-aid a little? Did any of you have the balls to refute this article on a Packer site? Yet we want to flame our guy for having a very valid opinion.


Save it for the Cheeseheads!

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The world is made of visionaries, prognosticators, naysayers, zealots and fools. This board is a dichotomy. Why do we get so miffed when one of our own pisses in the kool-aid a little? Did any of you have the balls to refute this article on a Packer site? Yet we want to flame our guy for having a very valid opinion.


Save it for the Cheeseheads!


I personally applaud the Cheesehead for doing a little research and being knowledgeable for the Bears. He actually through up valid points instead of the nonsense you would normally read. I personally couldn't make a solid list like that about any other team, even tho every team in the league has an equal list that can be made.


The Bears bed is made, the hand is dealt, so you won't be seeing me throwing up pointless threads at this point about the O-Line and so on. I'm just ready to see the Bears take the field, win some games, and cheer on the team. Next offseason, I'll be putting up posts about addressing the line and so on as needed, because at that point I'll be critical of the moves made to improve the team that I love. I'm excited for this year and koolaiding out the bad stuff, until games start being played.

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