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Forte unhappy?


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He has 32 million reasons to be happy. I think this is being overblown by the media. Forte stated he takes pride in being a complete back and no doubt he does not like the label that he can't score on the goal line. It's not surprising from a professional who works hard at his craft. Bush on the other hand doesn't want the label of being a battering ram and wants to be used in the open field as well.


There's enough carries to go around for both and this will fade away.

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Aw, poor baby. I hope he's ok. The guy is making almost 1/3 over the course of his deal as you are over your's. If you don't like "being treated badly" before the new deal and this has bugged you over your whole career, you should've demanded a trade. The team wins by 20 points and this baby is b****ing already.

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He is simply a competitor, a gamer, and wants to score TDs. I read the article again, had read it before, and I think the only negative was the headline designed to catch a readers attention and fabricated by the author to do so. Forte was very complementary of Bush and I see no reason to over react to what the writer is trying to drum up. I think Forte is a happy camper.

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Aw, poor baby. I hope he's ok. The guy is making almost 1/3 over the course of his deal as you are over your's. If you don't like "being treated badly" before the new deal and this has bugged you over your whole career, you should've demanded a trade. The team wins by 20 points and this baby is b****ing already.

It IS a TEAM sport. We got the TDs. Shut up and do your job Forte.

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Well said...


I think we may well have the best 2 RB's combined in the league.


He is simply a competitor, a gamer, and wants to score TDs. I read the article again, had read it before, and I think the only negative was the headline designed to catch a readers attention and fabricated by the author to do so. Forte was very complementary of Bush and I see no reason to over react to what the writer is trying to drum up. I think Forte is a happy camper.


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Oh be quiet Matt. You got your contract, having Bush take the bigger hits in short yardage might well extend your career by a couple years, if you're worried about your numbers then just put Bush on your fantasy team.


Agreed- I don't believe this to be a huge issue as he never said much about this LAST year as it went on when Marion was the short yardage guy.


Unless Bush is getting stuffed on short yardage or at the goal maybe I'll listen to Forte on this.........but until then he needs to stop talking.

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just read the article and the whole thing is fabricated around a few quotes by Forte.


“It’s been happening my whole career here, so I don’t know,’’ Forte said when asked about not finishing drives. “That’s the coordinator’s call.’’

He's simply stating a fact when answering a question.


Forte said, “I don’t pay attention to the carries, stuff like that. [Running backs coach Tim Spencer] lets us go a couple of series, then he’ll put Mike in there for a little bit. Just to keep us fresh for the third and fourth quarter, so when it comes down to the running game running out the clock, we can be fresh for that.’’

Oddly this quote seems to more contradict the theme of the article rather than support it. It shows Forte knows and understands the benefit of both getting carries.



“Mike can do it all, as well,’’ Forte said. “He can catch the ball on third downs, so there are no limitations when I come out of the game. It’s not like if I come out on third down, he can’t do the same thing.’’

This comment is more of a compliment to Bush and how the offense doesn't change when he's in there vs when Bush is and that they are both capable of doing everything.



All in all just a nothing article with an writer implying drama/conflict when there isn't any. This is really a non-issu IMHO, I think Forte's smart enough to know that they are going to need both of them and doing this keeps them both fresher. Forte has been a team first guy his whole time here, he may have gotten a little me first in the contract talks but I believe that had he not gotten the extension he would have signed his tender and shown up and played ball 100% as he always has. There will always be articles like this to try and stir up trouble when there isn't. It's written to get a reaction from fans and it did.



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Well said.


Let's not give this writer any more time...Next!


just read the article and the whole thing is fabricated around a few quotes by Forte.


“It’s been happening my whole career here, so I don’t know,’’ Forte said when asked about not finishing drives. “That’s the coordinator’s call.’’

He's simply stating a fact when answering a question.


Forte said, “I don’t pay attention to the carries, stuff like that. [Running backs coach Tim Spencer] lets us go a couple of series, then he’ll put Mike in there for a little bit. Just to keep us fresh for the third and fourth quarter, so when it comes down to the running game running out the clock, we can be fresh for that.’’

Oddly this quote seems to more contradict the theme of the article rather than support it. It shows Forte knows and understands the benefit of both getting carries.



“Mike can do it all, as well,’’ Forte said. “He can catch the ball on third downs, so there are no limitations when I come out of the game. It’s not like if I come out on third down, he can’t do the same thing.’’

This comment is more of a compliment to Bush and how the offense doesn't change when he's in there vs when Bush is and that they are both capable of doing everything.



All in all just a nothing article with an writer implying drama/conflict when there isn't any. This is really a non-issu IMHO, I think Forte's smart enough to know that they are going to need both of them and doing this keeps them both fresher. Forte has been a team first guy his whole time here, he may have gotten a little me first in the contract talks but I believe that had he not gotten the extension he would have signed his tender and shown up and played ball 100% as he always has. There will always be articles like this to try and stir up trouble when there isn't. It's written to get a reaction from fans and it did.


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