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Cutler's head not in the game


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From early, it looked like he was rushing things. He's just got sloppy since, he's to scared pressure is there and throwing scared. It's definitely the Oline's fault he is in that state, but his fault for staying in it and letting it get to him. He's playing almost as bad as Webb tonight.

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You got that right.


I blame the OL much more than Cutler. The OL is entirely to blame for their own performance, and partially responsible for Cutler's bad performance. It's tough to constantly be under pressure, constantly get hit, constantly have to run for your life, and still keep your eyes up field. Much less make good decisions.


The OL has been a problem for several years, and the front office has not done enough to protect their franchise player. The Bears have drafted a defensive lineman in the first three rounds for SEVEN STRAIGHT YEARS for Lovie's damn baby. The OL deserves the same attention. Cutler deserves the protection. This shit is not new! Fix the stinking problem.

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You got that right.


I blame the OL much more than Cutler. The OL is entirely to blame for their own performance, and partially responsible for Cutler's bad performance. It's tough to constantly be under pressure, constantly get hit, constantly have to run for your life, and still keep your eyes up field. Much less make good decisions.


The OL has been a problem for several years, and the front office has not done enough to protect their franchise player. The Bears have drafted a defensive lineman in the first three rounds for SEVEN STRAIGHT YEARS for Lovie's damn baby. The OL deserves the same attention. Cutler deserves the protection. This shit is not new! Fix the stinking problem.

Bullshit! Cutler is far more to blame than the OL tonight. Not even debatable. He was horrible.

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Bullshit! Cutler is far more to blame than the OL tonight. Not even debatable. He was horrible.


I don't know what the hell you're watching, but Cutler has been under pressure 95% of the plays. And when he does get some time, the WRs are not open. I'm literally getting texts from friends across the world who are watching this game and telling me how bad the Bears OL sucks. Fans of every team you could think of.


If you honestly think this is more on Cutler than the OL, then you should train your seeing eye dog to bark when there is pressure, because you obviously haven't seen what's happening.

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My confidence has been totally shot with Cutler. The loss doesn't hurt as much as the poor performance. It's become more than a trend with him and GB. If we can't beat them in the regular season, how in the hell do we beat them in the playoffs, and how would we ever win a Super Bowl without him imploding again?

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My confidence has been totally shot with Cutler. The loss doesn't hurt as much as the poor performance. It's become more than a trend with him and GB. If we can't beat them in the regular season, how in the hell do we beat them in the playoffs, and how would we ever win a Super Bowl without him imploding again?


The thing I worry about is whether or not Cutler's confidence is shot.

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Offensive line played like absolute crap. Cutler was sacked 7 times and hit over 20 times. Yeah, he threw some picks but he has no time to throw the ball.


The only way this team is going to win going forward is on offense. They best sign the best offensive lineman available in the offseason and draft offensive lineman in the first round or second round.


Peace :dabears


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The offensive line was awful but Cutler played a big part in probably 3 or 4 of the 7 sacks by holding onto it. Give Mike Tice some blame too. How many slants or curl routes did we see tonight? I could have sworn we dusted off an Old Mike Martz playbook from last year. Awful, awful play calling to go along with poor quarterback, offensive line play. That was the very definition of an abomination.

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can't dissagree one bit. Some good offensive linemen on the board and we take Shea to be a situational passrushing DE who's undersized for DE. He's a LB playing DE part time. Wasted pick.


The OL was atrocious and that has lead to Cutler never being able to feel comfortable. But why did we not go to max protect? We made no adjustments at all to protect Jay. Supposedly that is priority one.... could have fooled me.


Insult to injury... did they call a single penalty on GB? Jay took several late hits, our players were getting hit out of bounds like that one on Hester, no flag, the play where I think it was Bush was tackled by the head nearly taking his helmet off and no call. But every friggin close call goes GB's way the 12 man call when the guy was off the field when the ball was snapped. The men in stripes didn't help but didn't cost the bears a win. Chicago beat itself.


As it's been said before this team will go as far as the offensive line will take it and if tonight is an indication the Line will take us down into the sewer with them. A set of turnstiles would hold up better than our offensive line, at least they'd provide some resistance....



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The offensive line was awful but Cutler played a big part in probably 3 or 4 of the 7 sacks by holding onto it. Give Mike Tice some blame too. How many slants or curl routes did we see tonight? I could have sworn we dusted off an Old Mike Martz playbook from last year. Awful, awful play calling to go along with poor quarterback, offensive line play. That was the very definition of an abomination.


I agree that Cutler held the ball several times, but I have to wonder why.


A few times it was because the WRs were not open.

A couple other times it was because Cutler tried to make a second read.

More than one or two other times it was because the routes were run poorly.


I'm sorry, but if Cutler does not have time to go into his 5 step drop, plant his foot, take a look, and throw the ball, then that's a huge problem. And if he doesn't have time to go to his second read, that's a pretty big damn problem too.


The one INT that definitely appears to be 100% on Cutler is the deep out to Marshall. He had enough time to throw the ball, and the route was sufficient, and the WR was open, but Cutler just underthrew it.

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The entire offense shit the bed. The OL's was the runs...


Just garbage.


I agree that Cutler held the ball several times, but I have to wonder why.


A few times it was because the WRs were not open.

A couple other times it was because Cutler tried to make a second read.

More than one or two other times it was because the routes were run poorly.


I'm sorry, but if Cutler does not have time to go into his 5 step drop, plant his foot, take a look, and throw the ball, then that's a huge problem. And if he doesn't have time to go to his second read, that's a pretty big damn problem too.


The one INT that definitely appears to be 100% on Cutler is the deep out to Marshall. He had enough time to throw the ball, and the route was sufficient, and the WR was open, but Cutler just underthrew it.


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Apparently he hasn't had any against Green Bay ever.


I will assume we will lose to Green Bay indefinitely as long as Cutler is under center. Or we get an entire new and improved OL...or a new head coach...or...


Green Bay owns us. I accept it. Time to try to just beat the Lions and Vikings because we are not in the same class as GB.


The thing I worry about is whether or not Cutler's confidence is shot.


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I agree that Cutler held the ball several times, but I have to wonder why.


A few times it was because the WRs were not open.

A couple other times it was because Cutler tried to make a second read.

More than one or two other times it was because the routes were run poorly.


I'm sorry, but if Cutler does not have time to go into his 5 step drop, plant his foot, take a look, and throw the ball, then that's a huge problem. And if he doesn't have time to go to his second read, that's a pretty big damn problem too.


The one INT that definitely appears to be 100% on Cutler is the deep out to Marshall. He had enough time to throw the ball, and the route was sufficient, and the WR was open, but Cutler just underthrew it.

Here's the problem...you could go into this game knowing the Packers were going to send 7-8 guys after Cutler on a lot of plays. You ought to have known the blitz was coming...and it came early.


Even a good offensive line needs help against a good defensive front. The Bears did nothing to help the O-Line out. They came out the entire first half determined that they were going to throw the ball down the field, and they did nothing to make that happen.


There was nothing to break the pass rush up. Cutler never rolled out of the pocket. There were no quick slants or hot reads. I can barely recall anything resembling a play fake the entire first half (I turned it off when I realized it wasn't going to change).


For crying out loud, you've got Brandon Marshall on this roster now...expect the blitz and have him either run a few quick slants or quick out routes, get yourself a 6-7 yard completion, and dare the defense to tackle him before he takes it 70 yards!


When you come out against a team like the Packers and you try to throw the ball downfield on every passing play, you can't be surprised when your QB starts taking hits. It was the Mike Martz offense all over again.

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If you honestly think this is more on Cutler than the OL, then you should train your seeing eye dog to bark when there is pressure, because you obviously haven't seen what's happening.


Lol! Good one. I actually have a blind seeing eye cat and he can actually smell shit through a TV screen. It was combo ugly, but Cutler as compared to Rodgers lost his composure which was the true difference in the game. Not the OL, as bad as they were.

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Here's the problem...you could go into this game knowing the Packers were going to send 7-8 guys after Cutler on a lot of plays. You ought to have known the blitz was coming...and it came early.


Even a good offensive line needs help against a good defensive front. The Bears did nothing to help the O-Line out. They came out the entire first half determined that they were going to throw the ball down the field, and they did nothing to make that happen.


There was nothing to break the pass rush up. Cutler never rolled out of the pocket. There were no quick slants or hot reads. I can barely recall anything resembling a play fake the entire first half (I turned it off when I realized it wasn't going to change).


For crying out loud, you've got Brandon Marshall on this roster now...expect the blitz and have him either run a few quick slants or quick out routes, get yourself a 6-7 yard completion, and dare the defense to tackle him before he takes it 70 yards!


When you come out against a team like the Packers and you try to throw the ball downfield on every passing play, you can't be surprised when your QB starts taking hits. It was the Mike Martz offense all over again.


I never absolved Tice of the responsibility or blame. I didn't like the inside-hire, and after two games he appears to possibly be in over his head. Most of the people on this board could have called a better game than Tice last night.

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I agree with everything said because it was horrible offense all the way around:


Bad play calling --this did feel like I was watching the Martz offense with Cutler sitting back there for 5 seconds, 2-3 before he started running. Where were the quick reads? The running plays...we had some and they were effective especially with Bush in there.


Bad Oline play...nobody knew who they were blocking and if they did, they couldn't block them anyway.


Bad QB play...Jay looked lost yet determined to hit big play after big play and held the ball way too long on many plays.


Kellen Davis...this is your last year as a Bear. You got your big payday and relaxed all offseason.


Matt Forte...if one more announcer claims he's an outstanding pass protector they should turn in their microphone and go home. Far too often he blocks like he's wearing a skirt. Somebody needs to sit him down in the film room and watch some clips of Walter blocking.



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The thing I worry about is whether or not Cutler's confidence is shot.


Who cares if his "confidence is shot"? He had plenty going in with wishing luck to the Green Bay secondary. At least when Liam was given the opportunity he was able to back it up. "If you can talk the talk, you'd better walk the walk.". And I think Jay is getting that much closer to needing to think of doing just that.

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You got that right.


I blame the OL much more than Cutler. The OL is entirely to blame for their own performance, and partially responsible for Cutler's bad performance. It's tough to constantly be under pressure, constantly get hit, constantly have to run for your life, and still keep your eyes up field. Much less make good decisions.


The OL has been a problem for several years, and the front office has not done enough to protect their franchise player. The Bears have drafted a defensive lineman in the first three rounds for SEVEN STRAIGHT YEARS for Lovie's damn baby. The OL deserves the same attention. Cutler deserves the protection. This shit is not new! Fix the stinking problem.

OL was terrible and the play-calling was terrible. The Bears could have ran the ball all night long, but for some stupid reason they didn't. Where was the mis-direction plays to throw the scent off. Where was the constant use of our running game (which was effective all night). Those are just some of the things the Bears could have done. Where were the adjustment (3 step drops). I could have sworn Martz was calling the plays.


However, I don't think this game was as bad as it would appear. This wasn't like past games against GB, where the Packers beat the Bears. This game had much more to do with the Bears self-imploding. Consistent drops (and Bennett single-handedly causing an interception on what would have been a 1st down), bad play calls, and stupid penalties (Carimi's penalty was brutal and cost the Bears what would have been at the time some points).


Cutler had a brutal night, however, to be honest, I fully expected him to suck ass from late in the 3rd on. He was spent after yelling at everyone and getting hit. The last couple sacks were 100% on him being an idiot holding onto the ball too long. Jason, I think it was you, but you talked about how Cutler was spending too much time looking at Marshall and last night, that is exactly what happened. He kept waiting for Marshall but with the double-coverage and the play taking too long, by the time he realized he didn't have him, it was too late. I really hope the Bears use the next 10 days to realize they have a lot of work to do (and I expected this offense to struggle a bit out of the gate at time as they still learn what is going on and get comfortable working with each other).


Hopefully Forte isn't too badly injured and the 10 days off will mean we get him at near 100%.

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Who cares if his "confidence is shot"? He had plenty going in with wishing luck to the Green Bay secondary. At least when Liam was given the opportunity he was able to back it up. "If you can talk the talk, you'd better walk the walk.". And I think Jay is getting that much closer to needing to think of doing just that.


I care. You better care if you want the Bears to do well. Cutler without confidence is what you saw last night. Cutler with confidence is what you saw against the Colts. I prefer the latter.

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Cutler had a brutal night, however, to be honest, I fully expected him to suck ass from late in the 3rd on. He was spent after yelling at everyone and getting hit. The last couple sacks were 100% on him being an idiot holding onto the ball too long. Jason, I think it was you, but you talked about how Cutler was spending too much time looking at Marshall and last night, that is exactly what happened. He kept waiting for Marshall but with the double-coverage and the play taking too long, by the time he realized he didn't have him, it was too late. I really hope the Bears use the next 10 days to realize they have a lot of work to do (and I expected this offense to struggle a bit out of the gate at time as they still learn what is going on and get comfortable working with each other).


It was me. But like I've said elsewhere, it'd be great if the OL held up every once in a while and allowed Jay to go to his 2nd, 3rd, or 4th read. As it stands now, if his 1st read isn't open, he is probably going to get sacked or pressured.


Does he need to do a better job of making decisions? Yes. Does he need to avoid the throws into coverage late? Yes. But I feel for the guy. He's trying to do something. Anything. And the OL just won't let him. He sets his back foot, looks downfield, and when that guy isn't open, Cutler is in trouble shortly thereafter.

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It was me. But like I've said elsewhere, it'd be great if the OL held up every once in a while and allowed Jay to go to his 2nd, 3rd, or 4th read. As it stands now, if his 1st read isn't open, he is probably going to get sacked or pressured.


Does he need to do a better job of making decisions? Yes. Does he need to avoid the throws into coverage late? Yes. But I feel for the guy. He's trying to do something. Anything. And the OL just won't let him. He sets his back foot, looks downfield, and when that guy isn't open, Cutler is in trouble shortly thereafter.

That's part of the problem though...for some ungodly reason, the Bears keep thinking that up against teams that can rush the passer they can still look downfield to start the game. I don't know if that's just Lovie, if that's Tice/Martz, if that's something Cutler insists upon, but that's not how it works in the NFL. You can sit back in the pocket when your opponent can't rush the passer and when they're sending 6-7 guys.


When an opponent can get pressure, you have to do something to break it. You have to complete a couple quick passes against the blitz and start moving the ball, so that the defense pays a penalty for sending extra men. You have to run the ball and break a 10+ yard carry or two because the defense is going after the QB. Then you have to add in the play fake.


This was the book on how the Patriots beat Peyton for 5 years. Get in his face, overload one side of his line and break through with a blizter, and make sure that he doesn't have time to read a defense. How did he adapt? They developed that Manning-to-Wayne quick slant where every time a team sent a blitz, Manning made it go for at least 8 yards, with an occasional missed tackle for a long play. No reads, no progressions, dare the defense to blitz because he'll eat it alive.

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I'm glad you brought up Manning because it leads me right into what's missing from this offense, and that being a no huddle. What allows Peyton to do what he does is that no huddle, being able to use the extra seconds on the play clock to survey the defense and bait them into showing blitzes with hard counts.


Did anyone watch the game against the Steelers last week? There was a point in that game where the Broncos were in the redzone, looking to take control of the game with a late touchdown, and Manning used the no huddle and the hard count again and again to completely neutralize Troy Palimalu's attempt at a blitz. With that extra time on the play clock, Manning was able to get the play he wanted and take advantage of the matchups that were there to exploit. The result of the drive ended in a touchdown.


That's just an example of how the no huddle can be used. It's also a way to not only keep defensive players on the field, but also keep them in a base defense. It completely dumbs down everything they can run because they don't have the time to call a play. It wears them out along the way. I have no idea why this has not been installed yet for this offense. Last time I can remember seeing it was in the Ron Turner days. It's a MUST, especially with this line. It keeps everything simple, and simple is good.

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I'm glad you brought up Manning because it leads me right into what's missing from this offense, and that being a no huddle. What allows Peyton to do what he does is that no huddle, being able to use the extra seconds on the play clock to survey the defense and bait them into showing blitzes with hard counts.


Did anyone watch the game against the Steelers last week? There was a point in that game where the Broncos were in the redzone, looking to take control of the game with a late touchdown, and Manning used the no huddle and the hard count again and again to completely neutralize Troy Palimalu's attempt at a blitz. With that extra time on the play clock, Manning was able to get the play he wanted and take advantage of the matchups that were there to exploit. The result of the drive ended in a touchdown.


That's just an example of how the no huddle can be used. It's also a way to not only keep defensive players on the field, but also keep them in a base defense. It completely dumbs down everything they can run because they don't have the time to call a play. It wears them out along the way. I have no idea why this has not been installed yet for this offense. Last time I can remember seeing it was in the Ron Turner days. It's a MUST, especially with this line. It keeps everything simple, and simple is good.

This is a really interesting concept. It might well keep the Bears from overthinking things sometimes too.

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