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WONDER no more...

Lucky Luciano

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if there was ever any doubt about the owners ONLY concern in regards to NFL football...


it's NOT about the preservation of football

it's NOT about the quality of the game of football

it's NOT the integrity of the game of football

and it's CERTAINLY NOT a single concern about the fans who lay down hard earned money to enrich these million/billionaires


it's pure and simple... MONEY.


ladies and gentlemen, with these scab refs this is not professional football we are watching anymore. it's sandlot anything goes and there are no guidelines or foundation in reality to the games we are watching anymore.


how sad is it that a multi-billion dollar a year corporation is serving up this crap to save themselves PENNIES in ref salaries and pensions. it's beyond comprehension. this season is like watching scab replacement players and will taint the entire season whether is shows in the record books or not.


after watching the end of the monday night packer game there can be no other conclusions. this $#!+ is purely ridiculous!!! even as much as i was glad the packers lost it was a horrendously officiated game and even worse than a poorly officiated ending.


so to the NFL, their owners and rog GODell... thanks for NOTHING!!!!

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I remember when the "real" referees robbed the Seattle Seahawks of a Super Bowl victory. Robbed the Oakland Raiders of a Super Bowl birth. Robbed Julius Peppers of countless holding penalties the last couple seasons.


Green Bay had plenty of opportunities, 4 quarter's worth, to put this game away and couldn't do it. As long as the Packers complain about the bulls..t pass interference call that extended their drive to what would be their only TD in the game then it's fair.but they won't complain about that bogus call. Therefore bad officiating gave the Packers one TD and gave the Seahawks one TD and that's a wash....Seattle should have won 7-6.

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I remember when the "real" referees robbed the Seattle Seahawks of a Super Bowl victory. Robbed the Oakland Raiders of a Super Bowl birth. Robbed Julius Peppers of countless holding penalties the last couple seasons.


Green Bay had plenty of opportunities, 4 quarter's worth, to put this game away and couldn't do it. As long as the Packers complain about the bulls..t pass interference call that extended their drive to what would be their only TD in the game then it's fair.but they won't complain about that bogus call. Therefore bad officiating gave the Packers one TD and gave the Seahawks one TD and that's a wash....Seattle should have won 7-6.




My conspiracy theory is that the NFL actively wants the Packers to do well, and they try to institute changes to the rules and how the officials manage the game, so that the Packers get the advantages when possible. And now that those old hats are gone, and the new guys are there, the new guys don't have the subtle ability to pull it off. Or don't know about it. And as a result, the monster that was Green Bay's offense is currently 25th in total offense.

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Great points...


If it were any other team than the Packers, this would just be a bad call. Because it's the golden boy team of the NFL and media, this call is being hailed as the biggest crime against America since the Kennedy assassination...


The experts are failing to see reality...


1. The call on the field was justified. Possession requires complete control on the ground. Ask Megatron... When the ref came over, both guys had the ball. Tie to the offensive player.

2. In the booth, it was probably too close to reverse. Then on top, I've heard that the booth can't judge a possession call. I can't attest to that, but it that's the case, then the call on the field also stands.


At worst, this is a slightly bad call. Not like giving Jim Harbaugh 2 extra challenges, or Vinny Testverde a TD with bonus yards, or botching a coin flip... But since this happened to the darling of the NFL...HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A FUDGIE SCORNED!


I would prefer better officiating, but I say that every year regardless if it's the replacements or real ones.


F you Green Bay. Welcome to 1-2.




I remember when the "real" referees robbed the Seattle Seahawks of a Super Bowl victory. Robbed the Oakland Raiders of a Super Bowl birth. Robbed Julius Peppers of countless holding penalties the last couple seasons.


Green Bay had plenty of opportunities, 4 quarter's worth, to put this game away and couldn't do it. As long as the Packers complain about the bulls..t pass interference call that extended their drive to what would be their only TD in the game then it's fair.but they won't complain about that bogus call. Therefore bad officiating gave the Packers one TD and gave the Seahawks one TD and that's a wash....Seattle should have won 7-6.

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My conspiracy theory is that the NFL actively wants the Packers to do well, and they try to institute changes to the rules and how the officials manage the game, so that the Packers get the advantages when possible. And now that those old hats are gone, and the new guys are there, the new guys don't have the subtle ability to pull it off. Or don't know about it. And as a result, the monster that was Green Bay's offense is currently 25th in total offense.


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I remember when the "real" referees robbed the Seattle Seahawks of a Super Bowl victory. Robbed the Oakland Raiders of a Super Bowl birth. Robbed Julius Peppers of countless holding penalties the last couple seasons.


Green Bay had plenty of opportunities, 4 quarter's worth, to put this game away and couldn't do it. As long as the Packers complain about the bulls..t pass interference call that extended their drive to what would be their only TD in the game then it's fair.but they won't complain about that bogus call. Therefore bad officiating gave the Packers one TD and gave the Seahawks one TD and that's a wash....Seattle should have won 7-6.

Said eloquently! It's all human, and humans, all of us, make mistakes. Bottom line: Puckers lose!!!!!

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I remember when the "real" referees robbed the Seattle Seahawks of a Super Bowl victory. Robbed the Oakland Raiders of a Super Bowl birth. Robbed Julius Peppers of countless holding penalties the last couple seasons.


and this justifies more flagrant violations to you by completely incompetent referee's? if anything it is the poster boy for paying these refs to be full time employees of the NFL. instead of part-time dentists or proctologists deciding the entire outcome of a season in a multi-billion dollar enterprise!!! at least TRY to get the best of the best and train them to be better.


Green Bay had plenty of opportunities, 4 quarter's worth, to put this game away and couldn't do it. As long as the Packers complain about the bulls..t pass interference call that extended their drive to what would be their only TD in the game then it's fair.but they won't complain about that bogus call. Therefore bad officiating gave the Packers one TD and gave the Seahawks one TD and that's a wash....Seattle should have won 7-6.


again, if the BAD refs make one bad call it's only justified they make more to even it up? wow!!

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Great points...


If it were any other team than the Packers, this would just be a bad call. Because it's the golden boy team of the NFL and media, this call is being hailed as the biggest crime against America since the Kennedy assassination...


i have to disagree. stuff like this ruins the game and makes it questionable to the outcome at the end of the season. if a call like this caused a bears loss that resulted in them not making the playoffs at the end of the season it would be criminal. yet some want to justify this?


are there bad calls even with the regular refs? sure but isn't it the duty of the NFL to make sure they correct those situations if it is conceivably possible? everyone has to play by the rules and it's the duty and obligation of the people running this show to put the best product on the field at all times or it's ALL just meaningless minutia to grab your buck.

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Then we agree to disagree. I simply think bad calls happen all the time. The media is pouring on. Just like they did with Cutler's little push. They have nothing else to talk about. So, this'll get flogged like a dead horse. Yes, if this happened to the Bears I'd be pissed. I'm a full on hypocrite. Sorry. But I'm consistent. If it's good for the Bears I like it. If it's bad for the Bears I hate it. So, I happen to like this. A lot.


What do you want the NFL to do? The refs made a poor call. Then the regular booth official upheld the bad call. That was the check & balance. It happened to fail in this instance, like in many others. It's not perfect. The NFL is trying to do the right thing. No one is telling the refs to suck.


I personally think everyone would be complaining just as much if it were the regular officials. We do anyway. It's just that it's replacement refs, so our view is increased.


Bottom line, the replacement refs didn't get the memo. The regular refs are told to let Green Bay and New England win. Darn those replacement refs for not knowing that! ;)


(Seriously, money makes the world go round. These guys don't play for altruism. There is love of the game and it needs to be as solid as possible. The regular officials would be preferred, but until they settle their money differences, we need to deal...)



i have to disagree. stuff like this ruins the game and makes it questionable to the outcome at the end of the season. if a call like this caused a bears loss that resulted in them not making the playoffs at the end of the season it would be criminal. yet some want to justify this?


are there bad calls even with the regular refs? sure but isn't it the duty of the NFL to make sure they correct those situations if it is conceivably possible? everyone has to play by the rules and it's the duty and obligation of the people running this show to put the best product on the field at all times or it's ALL just meaningless minutia to grab your buck.


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Then we agree to disagree. I simply think bad calls happen all the time. The media is pouring on. Just like they did with Cutler's little push. They have nothing else to talk about. So, this'll get flogged like a dead horse. Yes, if this happened to the Bears I'd be pissed. I'm a full on hypocrite. Sorry. But I'm consistent. If it's good for the Bears I like it. If it's bad for the Bears I hate it. So, I happen to like this. A lot.


What do you want the NFL to do? The refs made a poor call. Then the regular booth official upheld the bad call. That was the check & balance. It happened to fail in this instance, like in many others. It's not perfect. The NFL is trying to do the right thing. No one is telling the refs to suck.


I personally think everyone would be complaining just as much if it were the regular officials. We do anyway. It's just that it's replacement refs, so our view is increased.


Bottom line, the replacement refs didn't get the memo. The regular refs are told to let Green Bay and New England win. Darn those replacement refs for not knowing that! ;)


(Seriously, money makes the world go round. These guys don't play for altruism. There is love of the game and it needs to be as solid as possible. The regular officials would be preferred, but until they settle their money differences, we need to deal...)


i prefer the highest quality one of the richest corporations in the world can produce and you seem content to live with an inferior product that they give you by pinching pennies.


to each his own.


so it goes

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I prefer it too.


This is a hiccup in the NFL. A deal will be made with the refs and we will return back to our normal officiating we can complain about. At least we will have the best there is making mistakes.




i prefer the highest quality one of the richest corporations in the world can produce and you seem content to live with an inferior product that they give you by pinching pennies.


to each his own.


so it goes


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