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Marshall calls out team in presser


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1. He shouldn't have had to get rid of the ball when there are 3 more blockers than defenders.

2. Why should he get rid of the ball when it's one of the last two or three plays of the game and they're down a score? That would have been a horrible decision. He 100% should not have just gotten rid of the ball in that situation.


Wrong. I don't care how many players were rushing, at some point you have to do something. You can't stand around forever and not do anything. Get ouside the pocket, take off and run, throw the ball down field etc.. Pretty much anything other than falling down and taking a sack. At least allow something to happen. Taking a sack is the worst thing possible because you don't even give yourself a chance to win the game.

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those are good choices. also throw the moon cowhers way and get him out of retirement. even as a defensive minded coach he surrounds himself with good coaching talent.


in my opinion if we had launched lovie and company 2 years ago and gone after shanny we would be sitting pretty well right now. we also missed the boat in my opinion on passing up on fisher.


whatever happens we need a change for the better and not some knucklehead with his first NFL job cause he works cheap.

Agree with all you wrote

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Wrong. I don't care how many players were rushing, at some point you have to do something. You can't stand around forever and not do anything. Get ouside the pocket, take off and run, throw the ball down field etc.. Pretty much anything other than falling down and taking a sack. At least allow something to happen. Taking a sack is the worst thing possible because you don't even give yourself a chance to win the game.


I don't see how you can say that. It's craziness. With 5 blockers and 2 rushers he should feel confident he can sit in the pocket as long as it takes to find an open receiver. Period. He shouldn't have to get outside the pocket because the pocket should never be threatened. He shouldn't have to run for the exact same reason.


Taking the sack is something he should not have done, but under the situation I don't see what the alternative was. Throwing it away would have been colossally ignorant considering the score, field position, and game clock. So now he's back to either running or throwing. Running is also a dumb decision considering the score, field position, and game clock. The only possible chance the Bears have of actually pulling off a play that can get them the score is a deep pass. Therefore, he had to basically wait for a receiver to break open. While doing so, he had two choices: 1-wait in the pocket, 2-wait outside the pocket. Either way he should never have seen a hint of pressure.

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I don't see how you can say that. It's craziness. With 5 blockers and 2 rushers he should feel confident he can sit in the pocket as long as it takes to find an open receiver. Period. He shouldn't have to get outside the pocket because the pocket should never be threatened. He shouldn't have to run for the exact same reason.


Taking the sack is something he should not have done, but under the situation I don't see what the alternative was. Throwing it away would have been colossally ignorant considering the score, field position, and game clock. So now he's back to either running or throwing. Running is also a dumb decision considering the score, field position, and game clock. The only possible chance the Bears have of actually pulling off a play that can get them the score is a deep pass. Therefore, he had to basically wait for a receiver to break open. While doing so, he had two choices: 1-wait in the pocket, 2-wait outside the pocket. Either way he should never have seen a hint of pressure.

I agree, there is no way any rusher should've even sniffed his panties on that play. It actually looked like the OLine was just casually playing out the game, not really attempting to block. I believe 2 of the OLine were blocking air, and the air did a swim move and helped with the sack.


I can't imagine how practice looks when tackling dummies and sleds are getting past the OLine.

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I don't see how you can say that. It's craziness. With 5 blockers and 2 rushers he should feel confident he can sit in the pocket as long as it takes to find an open receiver. Period. He shouldn't have to get outside the pocket because the pocket should never be threatened. He shouldn't have to run for the exact same reason.


Taking the sack is something he should not have done, but under the situation I don't see what the alternative was. Throwing it away would have been colossally ignorant considering the score, field position, and game clock. So now he's back to either running or throwing. Running is also a dumb decision considering the score, field position, and game clock. The only possible chance the Bears have of actually pulling off a play that can get them the score is a deep pass. Therefore, he had to basically wait for a receiver to break open. While doing so, he had two choices: 1-wait in the pocket, 2-wait outside the pocket. Either way he should never have seen a hint of pressure.




The time of the game and where they were on the field, given the situation don't allow you to be cute with the ball. The chances of the Bears actually tying the game with no timeouts and being backed up on their own 3 yard line are incredibly slim. You don't have time to wait for things to develop. The ball needs to get out because you can't waste any time. He danced around the pocket for a day and a half without even attempting any kind of pass. He literally could have done ANYTHING else and it would have been a better decision than what ultimately happened, because taking a sack essentially ends the game. Waiting all day in the pocket isn't necessarily a good thing either.


There were really 2 options. Either take the 10-12 yard chunks in the middle of the field 3-4 times, and spike the ball to stop the clock, or hope for a lot of luck by getting a bunch of yards in one play via the deep pass.


He had the time to throw it down field. Hell, he had time to tie both of his shoes. If they weren't going to run any short-intermediate plays and just go for the long pass, which it appeared like that's what they were doing, then he should have launched the ball in the air during the 12 seconds he had in the pocket before being taken down. Nobody was going to be open down the field anyways because the Packers coverage wasn't going to allow it. If you're going to throw it, then THROW it, and hope you have another Brandon Marshall/Seattle miracle to get you into position to take another shot at the endzone before time runs out.

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The time of the game and where they were on the field, given the situation don't allow you to be cute with the ball. The chances of the Bears actually tying the game with no timeouts and being backed up on their own 3 yard line are incredibly slim. You don't have time to wait for things to develop. The ball needs to get out because you can't waste any time. He danced around the pocket for a day and a half without even attempting any kind of pass. He literally could have done ANYTHING else and it would have been a better decision than what ultimately happened, because taking a sack essentially ends the game. Waiting all day in the pocket isn't necessarily a good thing either.


1. There were really 2 options. Either take the 10-12 yard chunks in the middle of the field 3-4 times, and spike the ball to stop the clock, or hope for a lot of luck by getting a bunch of yards in one play via the deep pass.


2. He had the time to throw it down field. Hell, he had time to tie both of his shoes. If they weren't going to run any short-intermediate plays and just go for the long pass, which it appeared like that's what they were doing, then he should have launched the ball in the air during the 12 seconds he had in the pocket before being taken down. Nobody was going to be open down the field anyways because the Packers coverage wasn't going to allow it. If you're going to throw it, then THROW it, and hope you have another Brandon Marshall/Seattle miracle to get you into position to take another shot at the endzone before time runs out.


1. And if that 10-12 yard chunk is covered? What then?

2. I agree he should have probably thrown it after a few seconds or so. Just put it up into double (triple?) coverage to Brandon Marshall and taken a chance. But, in his defense, he would have been butchered for that as well because it would have been interpreted as "Cutler doesn't care about actually winning." He was in a no-win situation really, and you're nit-picking him because he was trying to keep a slim hope of chance alive by looking for a WR who was actually open, rather than one covered by multiple defenders, in a situation where he should never have felt a hint of pressure.

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