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HC and OC options

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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My choices, in order:

Bruce Arians (interim head coach in IND)

Greg Roman (OC in SF)

Dirk Koetter (OC in ATL)

Vic Fangio (DC in SF)

Kyle Shanahan (OC in WSH)

Kevin Gilbridge (OC NYG)

Dom Capers (DC in GB)

David Shaw (head coach at Stanford)

Mike Riley (head coach at Oregon State)

Nick Saban (head coach at Alabama)


OC choices:

Tom Drevno (OL coach in SF)

Promote Bates

Carl Smith (QB coach in SEA)

Sean Ryan (QB coach in NYG)

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My choices, in order:

Bruce Arians (interim head coach in IND)

Greg Roman (OC in SF)

Dirk Koetter (OC in ATL)

Vic Fangio (DC in SF)

Kyle Shanahan (OC in WSH)

Kevin Gilbridge (OC NYG)

Dom Capers (DC in GB)

David Shaw (head coach at Stanford)

Mike Riley (head coach at Oregon State)

Nick Saban (head coach at Alabama)


OC choices:

Tom Drevno (OL coach in SF)

Promote Bates

Carl Smith (QB coach in SEA)

Sean Ryan (QB coach in NYG)

Nice list!


I still want the chin! After that, I really like your top 2...

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Not a bad list. This is just me personally, but I automatically am disqualifying any defensive guy for head coach. I think it's time for the franchise to move away from a defensive dominant team to an offensive one, because that's what wins Superbowls now. Offense acts. Defense reacts. I want someone that can bring an offense out on the field that will dictate to the defense what they are able to do, and not the other way around. Also, if you get a head coach who knows offense, you won't have to deal with anymore changes in philosophy in case the OC decides to leave for another gig after a big year. Lord knows Cutler needs this in the worst way.


Without going in depth about my list, I have basically 3 tiers.


Top Tier:


1- Sean Payton

2- Bruce Arians

3- Mike Holmgren


Middle Tier:


1- Greg Roman

2- Rob Chudzinski

3- John Gruden


Lower Tier:


1- Bill Obrien

2- Jay Gruden

3- Mike McCoy

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My choices, in order:

Bruce Arians (interim head coach in IND)

Greg Roman (OC in SF)

Dirk Koetter (OC in ATL)

Vic Fangio (DC in SF)

Kyle Shanahan (OC in WSH)

Kevin Gilbridge (OC NYG)

Dom Capers (DC in GB)

David Shaw (head coach at Stanford)

Mike Riley (head coach at Oregon State)

Nick Saban (head coach at Alabama)


OC choices:

Tom Drevno (OL coach in SF)

Promote Bates

Carl Smith (QB coach in SEA)

Sean Ryan (QB coach in NYG)

My only concerns would be the college coaches, because most don't make the transition very well.

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Not a bad list. This is just me personally, but I automatically am disqualifying any defensive guy for head coach. I think it's time for the franchise to move away from a defensive dominant team to an offensive one, because that's what wins Superbowls now. Offense acts. Defense reacts. I want someone that can bring an offense out on the field that will dictate to the defense what they are able to do, and not the other way around. Also, if you get a head coach who knows offense, you won't have to deal with anymore changes in philosophy in case the OC decides to leave for another gig after a big year. Lord knows Cutler needs this in the worst way.


THIS X 1,000,000

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i have been a strong advocate for hiring a GOOD progressive (not ditkaish) offensive minded head coach with NFL experience for a long, long, time and i still am pushing for this scenario especially in light of today's NFL rules. shanny is the case in point or even kubiak (our GM's/owners missed both giving lovie their support and "confidence"). but...


there are a few really good head coach candidates in the NFL that i could and would/would have, targeted HARD who are defensive minded but bring a lot more to the table than the lovie mindset of complete ignorance of the offensive side of the ball. they understand what it takes to win in the nfl and surround themselves with 'superior' talented coaches to compensate and work in their system.


one was jeff fisher who we passed on to continue with the lovie death spiral. you can say whatever you want, this guy can put together very good staffs who work very well together on both sides of the ball. he also puts together a good system when losing key coaching personnel and players and has worked with idiot owners before so would have been able to work in chicago well. he also motivates players to play hard.


the other is bill cowher. from what i have seen he is a great player motivator who gets his teams ready to play on sunday afternoons. he can adjust well not ONLY in weekly game prep but can adjust on the fly during a game. he doesn't need to look at the game film 3 days later to see what isn't working. he has coached in one of the toughest divisions over the years and done more than just ok.


his biggest attribute might be his ability to bring good coaching staffs together who really know how to coach players to be better. even through attrition he lands on his feet with good coaches when his staff might move on to other teams and good ball players when he loses key players to free agency or injury.


in my opinion, since shanny is gone, this is my absolute top pick for the bears head coaching position to move this franchise up the ladder to win superbowls and not just 'make the playoffs' or lose that miracle superbowl appearance every 10 years. if our GM is worth a can of spit and can supply cowher with good draft picks we could start challenging the rest of the NFL for that top spot within the next 3 years.


the second choice for me would be payton. he has a ton of experience coaching and the results are credible. a TOP choice pick for chicago to move ahead.


next: i really would like andy reid as our head coach and if he is mentally ready to continue at this point with all the turmoil in his family then he is my third choice. it might be a hard call on him though at this time. it would take some serious conversations with reid through our GM to determine this.


my next choice would be a flyer on bruce arians. it's a fair sized gamble at this point as he has never put together a staff of his own. he does have a lot of NFL coaching experience though and is an offensive minded coach who has worked with the best qb's. a LOT would depend upon emery as to whether arians would succeed or not.


after this it is a crap shoot on coordinators moving up. i would seriously stay away from any college rank coaches to lead this franchise from where it is at right now. it's just to risky especially considering the absolute lack of quality players currently on this team.

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I agree, however, that won't happen with Lovie here (and Lovie doesn't deserve to have the right to hire another OC). I think if the Bears make a hire, they should be hiring an offensive coach. Ideally I'd keep Marinelli, but I doubt he'd stay.

I think all of these threads are based on the obvious assumption that Lovie Smith will not return unless there is a miraculous turnaround.

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Even though I'm still one of the last Lovie supporters, I can see the writing on the wall. As much as I would like for Lovie to turn it around and go one more year, I don't think it will happen.


My thought on the matter is how about someone like Tom Moore? Currently of Tennessee Titans formerly of Indy Colts noteriety? He's an OC and has "been there, done that".

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Even though I'm still one of the last Lovie supporters, I can see the writing on the wall. As much as I would like for Lovie to turn it around and go one more year, I don't think it will happen.


My thought on the matter is how about someone like Tom Moore? Currently of Tennessee Titans formerly of Indy Colts noteriety? He's an OC and has "been there, done that".


He's like 75 years old.

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Some interesting choices here however, I am hesitant on a few. I believe Gilbride did not do well as a head coach with a 6-16 which tells me that Gilbridge is a good coordinator however, not so good as a head coach. Capers is another coach who is good as a coordinator however, failed as a head coach with a 49-81 record including 1-1 in the post season. Saban was 15-17 with Miami who we all know have had problems for quite a while down there in Florida however, Saban bailed out and returned to the college ranks as he apparently could not handle the pressures of the NFL. Riley is another one who did not fare to well in the NFL with a record of 14-34. I am just not sure that I would want these retreads who did not have success and not sure even now that they would. Others have replied having Andy Reid come over from Philadelphia however, I do not think Reid is the answer at this point with how things are imploding with the Eagles.


Who is the answer in my opinion, I am really not aure however a change is definitely needed as it appears that Smith is getting further and further away from reality of what is happening this season as he did not feel that this past game against the Cheese Heads was not a must win. Huge game against your most hated/storied rival and it is not important is just completely wrong way to look at a match up against that team ever. My wife told me something that I had totally forgotten about, if you are a good or great head coach any lose should be aggravating and make you want to figure out what the mistakes were and correct them and loses should never be acceptable in any fashion. Smith as basically dismissed poor play, whether in victories or losses by saying that we are not where we want to be etc. We're now preparing for the fifteenth game of the season and not where we want to be or what ever, WTF are you waiting for Smith??????!!!!!! Emery needs to convince the family that a full coaching staff change is needed to hopefully and finally get it right to make this team more competitive.



My choices, in order:

Bruce Arians (interim head coach in IND)

Greg Roman (OC in SF)

Dirk Koetter (OC in ATL)

Vic Fangio (DC in SF)

Kyle Shanahan (OC in WSH)

Kevin Gilbridge (OC NYG)

Dom Capers (DC in GB)

David Shaw (head coach at Stanford)

Mike Riley (head coach at Oregon State)

Nick Saban (head coach at Alabama)


OC choices:

Tom Drevno (OL coach in SF)

Promote Bates

Carl Smith (QB coach in SEA)

Sean Ryan (QB coach in NYG)


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Carroll coached in the NFL before going to USC (and he sucked at it).


Even though Harbaugh hadn't coached in the NFL he was an NFL QB for years. He was around the game.


Peace :dabears

This is somewhat off topic and don't want to take anything away from Harbaugh, but Singletary built that team and they still resemble what he was teaching. Just take Vernon Davis as the poster child for what I am saying. Harbaugh has the same team, they just score points now.

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Some interesting choices here however, I am hesitant on a few. I believe Gilbride did not do well as a head coach with a 6-16 which tells me that Gilbridge is a good coordinator however, not so good as a head coach. Capers is another coach who is good as a coordinator however, failed as a head coach with a 49-81 record including 1-1 in the post season. Saban was 15-17 with Miami who we all know have had problems for quite a while down there in Florida however, Saban bailed out and returned to the college ranks as he apparently could not handle the pressures of the NFL. Riley is another one who did not fare to well in the NFL with a record of 14-34. I am just not sure that I would want these retreads who did not have success and not sure even now that they would. Others have replied having Andy Reid come over from Philadelphia however, I do not think Reid is the answer at this point with how things are imploding with the Eagles.

I know it's never fun to do the retread assistant route, but the counterpoint to all of your "assistants who failed in their first stint as head coach" is forever going to be Bill Belichik. Dude was bad enough with Cleveland that they wound up moving the team, and now he's a hall of famer. Sometimes there can be a right candidate buried in a retread, but there's an element of "Finding the right guy" required too.


Just no McDaniels.


Re: the college coaches. You're completely right. I wouldn't want any part of a guy who had bailed on a team before (Saban/Petrino), and I'm not sure how you judge when a guy might do that again.

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