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Jamarcus Webb


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For one reason or another, I ended up on Jamarcus Webb's Facebook page. And, let me tell you, it's definitely full of his personality. So what's wrong with that? Allow me to extrapolate...


He doesn't seem to be a very serious person. Everything seems to be a big game, a big joke to him. It all seems to be about smiling, doing internet contests, and giving away free tickets. He makes regular, late-night runs to fast food restaurants - something I doubt someone like Adrian Peterson or Thomas Jones does.


I guess what I'm saying is, I don't like his attitude. For that much money, I expect more. For that much money, he should be more professional, more dedicated. For that much money, and that atrocious play, I'd think he would spend the majority of his time improving his craft, his fitness, his physique, his strength, his knowledge of the game, etc. Matt Forte posted videos of some of his brutal workouts in the offseason, and it showed he was busting his ass to improve. I highly doubt Webb did anything near as difficult.


Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

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For one reason or another, I ended up on Jamarcus Webb's Facebook page. And, let me tell you, it's definitely full of his personality. So what's wrong with that? Allow me to extrapolate...


He doesn't seem to be a very serious person. Everything seems to be a big game, a big joke to him. It all seems to be about smiling, doing internet contests, and giving away free tickets. He makes regular, late-night runs to fast food restaurants - something I doubt someone like Adrian Peterson or Thomas Jones does.


I guess what I'm saying is, I don't like his attitude. For that much money, I expect more. For that much money, he should be more professional, more dedicated. For that much money, and that atrocious play, I'd think he would spend the majority of his time improving his craft, his fitness, his physique, his strength, his knowledge of the game, etc. Matt Forte posted videos of some of his brutal workouts in the offseason, and it showed he was busting his ass to improve. I highly doubt Webb did anything near as difficult.


Maybe I'm reading too much into it.


I have ranted a few times about his lack of maturity. One time in his causing the team to have to use a timeout to get his shoe on and the another time when he lost his shoe during a game because, I'm sure, he didn't tie his shoe. In fact it eventually caused another timeout as Cutler had to tie his shoe for him and Cutler didn't have enough time to get the play together. So two times for a damn shoe issue? My 8 year old kid has more sense than that. Give him velcro shoes for pete's sake!

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