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Andy Reid thread


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There's about 12 guys on my coaching wish list, and Andy Reid is not one of them. Don't like going to retread route unless it's for a guy like Holmgren. Maybe even Jon Gruden. Mike McCoy and Greg Roman would top my list as of this moment. I wouldn't be surprised to see Bill Obrien's name pop up a ton, if Lovie gets canned. Part of that Patriot way. I don't know why you wouldn't like targeting a coordinator, seeing as how that's where most new HC's come from.

Ask the Giants how that worked for them. Coughlin won two superbowls as a retread. Andy Reid is an incredible mind and a proven coach. He's much better then Holmgren. I'm not opposed to Holmgren but I'm curious as to what clowns would be on the list prior to Andy Reid.


There aren't 12 better current head coaches then Andy Reid so I don't know how their are 12 better assistants. I'll chalk this up to the grass is always greener argument.

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There's about 12 guys on my coaching wish list, and Andy Reid is not one of them. Don't like going to retread route unless it's for a guy like Holmgren. Maybe even Jon Gruden. Mike McCoy and Greg Roman would top my list as of this moment. I wouldn't be surprised to see Bill Obrien's name pop up a ton, if Lovie gets canned. Part of that Patriot way. I don't know why you wouldn't like targeting a coordinator, seeing as how that's where most new HC's come from.

The Patriot way has been a colossal failure everywhere else. freak the Patriot way. Unless you are getting Bill Belliceck, odds are it will be a joke. Crennell, Weiss, McDaniels. All great offensive minds who have failed miserably. Pioli in KC will get axed (and has been a complete train wreck). I'll pass.

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There's about 12 guys on my coaching wish list, and Andy Reid is not one of them. Don't like going to retread route unless it's for a guy like Holmgren. Maybe even Jon Gruden. Mike McCoy and Greg Roman would top my list as of this moment. I wouldn't be surprised to see Bill Obrien's name pop up a ton, if Lovie gets canned. Part of that Patriot way. I don't know why you wouldn't like targeting a coordinator, seeing as how that's where most new HC's come from.

98% of new HC's would be lucky to ever have the success that Reid/Lovie have had. We aren't replacing some bum, we are replacing a pretty good coach (I know I know..Bears fans think otherwise but the rest of the league respects the hell out of Lovie and he'll be hired to another HC job and probably get paid pretty well too). Grass is always greener.


If we were replacing a total turd, I'd be more then willing to take a total shot in the dark, but reality is, we are in a win now situation and there aren't many excellent coordinator candidates out their. Andy Reid has done wonders with some mediocre QB's and has been very very successful. Much like Lovie, they could benefit a lot from a change in scenery.

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Why does another candidate have to be a clown? I understand the fact that you are trying to build up Reid, but just because someone else might be a viable candidate doesn't make them a clown. Every head coach at some point has to go through the trials of being an assistant or coordinator in some regard before being given the keys to a franchise. That's just how it works. I'm not sure why it would be a huge issue. In fact, I don't think the Bears have ever hired a head coach who actually had previous HC experience before at an NFL level.


I don't want Andy Reid coaching this team because I think he has shown some of the very same things we are criticizing Lovie for. The lack of preparation, the lack of understanding game situations, refusing to run the ball with the 2nd best RB in all of football, and just overall dysfunction that leaves you shaking your head at a team that should be better than what they show on the field. I look at the Bears and Eagles and see two teams that have really underachieved. I personally would like to see the Bears move in another direction. Do what they did with Lovie, except this time make sure it's somebody that knows offense.

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Reid isn't a bad hire but he wouldn't be at the top of my list. Greg Roman and Dirk Koetter would be interesting hires. I know Cutler loves Koetter. Hey, Bill O'Brien maybe? The guy I want, however, is Arians. His team and offense was 7th this year with a rookie QB who had 1 WR + a solid rookie WR. That's kind of similar weaponry that Cutler had.


The only realistic options are unproven guys. I doubt Emery brings in Reid, Cowher, Gruden, etc. All of those will probably want personnel power. I can see a college coach before those type of guys.






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While I respect what Andy Reid has accomplished overall in Philly his last few seasons leave me to wonder what he has left in the tank. He has not shown the ability to adapt to his team's talent at times similar to Lovie with his team often looking unprepared to play. He has also had recent troubles finding or hiring the right assistants falling prey to hiring his buddies similar to what Lovie did here with Babich.


Ruling out college coaches is ridiculous too IMO when you consider what Jim Harbaugh has done in SF. That doesn't mean I'd go for the guys that run gimicky offenses in college even if they are successful. That stuff doesn't translate to the NFL. Find a coach who knows how to win with the talent he's given and knows how to make those athletes better football players. I don't think we should rule out college coaches but if we look in that direction I prefer someone who has some NFL background as well.


I'm not saying I want him here but Dirk Koetter is an interesting name in this sense having seen him here at ASU and then what he's done at the NFL level. He hasn't had great success at either level but has always been respected for his ability to run an offense and has the HC experience here at ASU. Would he have be ability to hire the right DC? I could see him keeping Marinelli while he focused on fixing the offense. Having said this I'm reminding myself that Lovie and Mike Martz also came up through ASU.

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just heard unconfirmed on the score... he was hired?


hope not, he was high on my list as our next HC.

I struggle to believe it could move that quickly, but it could be at the foregone conclusion stage.


The report they were probably going off of was this one, from PFT, saying that they're "Very close" to hiring him.

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Again I have to say this has got to be one of the most lively times posting in years. If I had to formulate a list Tom Clements would be at the top but I can't rule out bringing Holmgren in just to give the finger to the packer fans.There is an NFL films documentary about the 95 Cleveland Browns that have the names of Belichick, Ferentz, Saban and others . The packer staff headed by Holmgren that had Jauron, Reid, Gruden,Ray Rhodes and others on it . McCarthy is also starting to develop some good viable assistants with Philbin getting the Miami job and I believe Shurmer was on his staff also is why I want to at least take a look at Clements.

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It is amazing how everyone falls for all the people from the Patriot organization except the main two Brady and Belichick,who prior to Brady didn't win anything either.

I agree, however, I will say that there is something about O'Brien that is different. He isn't a smug, arrogant jackass, which is something I can't say about some of the other Belliceck guys (specifically Weiss, Pioli, and McDaniels). However, I don't necessarily have a problem looking at the failures and deciding you want no part with O'Brien(e.g., Crennell, the other Jets coach whose name escapes me that is now an ESPN commentator, Weiss, and McDaniels), however, you should at least have the conversation.


He seems like such a great candidate. Classy face of an organization (potential for at least) with a brilliant offensive mind and the ability to handle adversity (did a great job despite all of the stuff swirling around PSU).

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Interesting that Reid would rather go there than ARZ or SD. I assume he has to like having the 1st pick, and they must be giving him more control than in other positions. They did have 5 Pro Bowlers, but they didn't seem like the best place to go compared to Chicago, Arizona, or San Diego.

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Chicago had no interest to my knowledge. No SD. Only AZ I thought had interest in Reid.


Interesting that Reid would rather go there than ARZ or SD. I assume he has to like having the 1st pick, and they must be giving him more control than in other positions. They did have 5 Pro Bowlers, but they didn't seem like the best place to go compared to Chicago, Arizona, or San Diego.


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