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Ray Lewis

Alaskan Grizzly

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So, as much as I despise the guy, Ray Lewis announced he is going to retire after the playoffs. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/...,0,959581.story


Oddly enough I used him as a prime example for my teenage kid on how players that are good at what they do build up and sustain intensity for a game. Of course I realize that most players have their own routines but Lewis without question is one of the most visible when it comes to his intensity. For that I thank him and for what appears to be a dedicated player to the sport I cherish.


So, why post that here on a Bears board? I heard earlier this year that if the Bears were to have made the Super Bowl, Urlacher said he would have retired. I wonder if he still is considering that? Or will he wait until after the new coach is brought in and assess whether he thinks the team will contend next season? Or will he persue the FA market to see if other fans boo their teams?

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So, as much as I despise the guy, Ray Lewis announced he is going to retire after the playoffs. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/...,0,959581.story


Oddly enough I used him as a prime example for my teenage kid on how players that are good at what they do build up and sustain intensity for a game. Of course I realize that most players have their own routines but Lewis without question is one of the most visible when it comes to his intensity. For that I thank him and for what appears to be a dedicated player to the sport I cherish.


So, why post that here on a Bears board? I heard earlier this year that if the Bears were to have made the Super Bowl, Urlacher said he would have retired. I wonder if he still is considering that? Or will he wait until after the new coach is brought in and assess whether he thinks the team will contend next season? Or will he persue the FA market to see if other fans boo their teams?

I believe hes going to wait til new coach is hired and assess where we are then. Although i believe he will be back on either a 1 or 2 yr deal as i think we will stick with the 4-3 D at least for now as we don't have the personel to run a 3-4

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I have no idea what's in store for Url. What he wants or what the team wants... I really would love him to stick around w/o handcuffing the team financially. But, I'm prepared to go on regardless.


Lewis is a sure fire HOF'er. He played w/ and intensity rivalled by few. He played like Lambert, Buktus, Singletary... I will miss seeing his highlights. The biggest compliment I can give him is that he played like a Bear.


So, as much as I despise the guy, Ray Lewis announced he is going to retire after the playoffs. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/...,0,959581.story


Oddly enough I used him as a prime example for my teenage kid on how players that are good at what they do build up and sustain intensity for a game. Of course I realize that most players have their own routines but Lewis without question is one of the most visible when it comes to his intensity. For that I thank him and for what appears to be a dedicated player to the sport I cherish.


So, why post that here on a Bears board? I heard earlier this year that if the Bears were to have made the Super Bowl, Urlacher said he would have retired. I wonder if he still is considering that? Or will he wait until after the new coach is brought in and assess whether he thinks the team will contend next season? Or will he persue the FA market to see if other fans boo their teams?


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