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Who are your must interview?


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Guys that if you were the GM, you'd have to interview (and would be disappointed if Emery didn't). For me it is as follows:


Mike Holmgren (my top choice)

Andy Reid

Bill O'Brien

Mike McCoy




Note: I'd have to at least put in a couple calls to Cowher's agent as well to see if there was any interest.

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I think we should calm down on big names....I'd be surprised if we got one.


Not because we couldn't, but I just don't see that as Emery's style. I see him as the type of guy who wants HIS guy...not someone elses. Just my .02 on that and take it FWIW.


With that being said, I don't feel there are ANY must interviews as long as Emery interviews a number of qualified guys and picks HIS choice.

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Greg Roman

Brian Kelly

Chip Kelly

Bill Obrien


McCoy and Shannahan would be my top 2 guys you have to interview. I'm all about having an offensive minded HC that is an innovator. I also want somebody that have had success at making his quarterback's better. McCoy had a hand in making Jake Delhomme and Kyle Orton look like pro bowlers for a couple years, and even changed his offense in the middle of the season for Tim Tebow. Some people are going to hold it against him that he's working with Peyton Manning, who's really the coordinator of the offense, but my counter argument to that would be that McCoy will be better for it, having had that experience of working with one of the best of all time. It is only going to help him.


What Kyle Shannahan is doing in Washington is pretty remarkable. Lot of people are going to knock him for having a uniquely talented quarterback to run his offense, but I would ask you this-- How many coordinators would have the smarts and the creativity to take a lot of the plays the man ran in college and integrate them into his own playbook? There's only about 4 other guys that have shown this ability. Greg Roman, Darrell Bevel, Rob Chudzinski, and Mike McCoy.


Some of the other guys I think are must interviews, which include Brian Kelly, Chip Kelly, and Bill Obrien. I've said that I think you'd have to completely change the roster to fit Chip Kelly's scheme, but you would certainly be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't allow him to interview and learn some things about him.

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Greg Roman

Brian Kelly

Chip Kelly

Bill Obrien


I really don't like any of those guys, nothing personal. Gruden hasn't coached in a while. The Kelly's haven't coached in the NFL before. O'Brien is a former Patriot assistant coach and they don't transition well. Shannahan probably wouldn't be mentioned if it wasn't for his dad. McCoy is just getting credit for what he did the year before last with Tebow. His own WR said they didn't learn to run routes or have to run them until Manning was there. Roman was a coach with the Panthers, Texans, and Ravens before and their offenses were not to impressive when he was at either. I think Harbaugh is more to the success there.


Who do I want? I'd like to see Arians or Clements, but I understand both are kind of old to be starting their head coaching career. I'd be more than happy with either of those guys. Sullivan is kind of interesting for a young guy.


Pete Carmichael is an interesting interview to me. Drew Brees took a major step up when he went to New Orleans and that was the same year that Carmichael became his QB coach. I'm not saying he was why Brees got better, but possibly helped. He definitely should have picked up something after being a coach in that offense this long and OC since 2009. He also has experience at coaching other positions, starting out as a TE coach in the NFL and coaching WRs before before joining the saints.

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I really don't like any of those guys, nothing personal. Gruden hasn't coached in a while. The Kelly's haven't coached in the NFL before. O'Brien is a former Patriot assistant coach and they don't transition well. Shannahan probably wouldn't be mentioned if it wasn't for his dad. McCoy is just getting credit for what he did the year before last with Tebow. His own WR said they didn't learn to run routes or have to run them until Manning was there. Roman was a coach with the Panthers, Texans, and Ravens before and their offenses were not to impressive when he was at either. I think Harbaugh is more to the success there.


Who do I want? I'd like to see Arians or Clements, but I understand both are kind of old to be starting their head coaching career. Sullivan is kind of interesting for a young guy. I'd be more than happy with either of those goes.


Pete Carmichael is an interesting interview to me. Drew Brees took a major step up when he went to New Orleans and that was the same year that Carmichael became his QB coach. I'm not saying he was why Brees got better, but possibly helped. He definitely should have picked up something after being a coach in that offense this long and OC since 2009. He also has experience at coaching other positions, starting out as a TE coach in the NFL and coaching WRs before before joining the saints.

I thought Brees and Carmichael worked together at San Diego as well. Regarding Arians, he clearly did a good job and changed the perception. I guess entering this year he was looked at as a career assistant and that his personality didn't fit a head coach. He clearly knows offenses though.


Regarding McCoy, he's worked under Fox (who is a really good coach) and really has understood quite a bit. He made Delhomme look good and did a lot with Orton. Very personable, willing to change and adapt, has been quoted about how it is important to understand what your players do well and to adjust to that. Seems like a good fit but I definitely can see your arguments. I really wonder though if Thomas was more talking about the fact that in the offense with Tebow he couldn't really figure out what the hell was going on so there weren't really routes.

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I think we should calm down on big names....I'd be surprised if we got one.


Not because we couldn't, but I just don't see that as Emery's style. I see him as the type of guy who wants HIS guy...not someone elses. Just my .02 on that and take it FWIW.


With that being said, I don't feel there are ANY must interviews as long as Emery interviews a number of qualified guys and picks HIS choice.


Completely agree with this. There is one name in the "big" names that I could see as a possibility, Gruden. Not sure why, just get that funny feeling. But other than that I have a sneaky suspicion that Emery already has a list of 2-3 people in his head and a lot of what he is doing are formalities.

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San Diego Chargers (2002–2003)

(Offensive assistant/Quality control coach)

San Diego Chargers (2004–2005)

(Assistant wide receivers/Quality control coach)


I'm sure he and Brees worked together a bit, but he wasn't his QB coach there. Maybe Brees recommended him when he went to NO? I don't know.


I think Orton was just that good, so I guess I'm biased lol. I'm not saying he was great, but their was a lot more talent in that offense that played to his favor. I'm not saying he is great, if that was true he wouldn't have signed a 2 year deal to be Romo's back up last year. McCoy just has red flags on him for me, but I can understand why people would want him.

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San Diego Chargers (2002–2003)

(Offensive assistant/Quality control coach)

San Diego Chargers (2004–2005)

(Assistant wide receivers/Quality control coach)


I'm sure he and Brees worked together a bit, but he wasn't his QB coach there. Maybe Brees recommended him when he went to NO? I don't know.


I think Orton was just that good, so I guess I'm biased lol. I'm not saying he was great, but their was a lot more talent in that offense that played to his favor. I'm not saying he is great, if that was true he wouldn't have signed a 2 year deal to be Romo's back up last year. McCoy just has red flags on him for me, but I can understand why people would want him.


Maybe the question should be asked who was the coach at Purdue? Didn't both Orton and Brees come from there?

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The Kelly's haven't coached in the NFL before.


That's really the only negative about either guy, but I still think you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't go out and interview either one. They are one of the top two coaches in college football, and Kelly took over for a program that was desperate just to get noticed again, and not only did he accomplish that, he's taken them to the BCS National Championship game. I like the way he commands himself with the media and his players. You want to talk about a man that exudes confidence, look at him.


If you are looking to get better offensively, why wouldn't you want to interview Chip? I understand the obvious concerns over him, but as I've been saying, it can't hurt to sit down and have a talk with a guy.


Shannahan probably wouldn't be mentioned if it wasn't for his dad.


I don't think so. Kyle has been calling the offensive plays in Washington since he got there, and has 9 years of coaching experience in Tampa and Houston before he started coaching with his dad. Obviously Cutler has familiarity with a Shannahan system, and the way they run the ball is extremely intriguing.


McCoy is just getting credit for what he did the year before last with Tebow. His own WR said they didn't learn to run routes or have to run them until Manning was there.


Keep in mind, Thomas came from an offense that also didn't teach the route tree at Georgia Tech. He came from a running team in college, and then essentially fell right into a Tim Tebow designed offense that almost never threw the ball. I can't even imagine the jump in going from that offense to an offense lead by Peyton Manning. Then, like I said, having had the experience to work with Peyton Manning will only help McCoy as a coach. It's like going to graduate school.


Who do I want? I'd like to see Arians or Clements, but I understand both are kind of old to be starting their head coaching career. I'd be more than happy with either of those guys. Sullivan is kind of interesting for a young guy.


Arians and Clements are both older candidates. I have a hard time envisioning either one having the kind of energy that Phil is asking for his HC to have. I also don't really like the fact that Clements has never called a single play in GB. His only opportunity to do that came in Buffalo where he was fired within a year. There's not a lot to go off of.

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Bruce Ariens is my top choice because if the idea is to when now then his age should not be a factor and technically he has HC experience this year filling in for Pagano for most of the season. This coordinator is a candidate for coach of the year and to me that says HC material.


Tom Clements is my second choice just for his help with QB development in GB because regardless of who is calling the plays when Rogers is out injured the next guy was ready to play. Someone deserves credit for that and I believe it is him. He has the experience in a prolific offensive scheme and the fact that he is the OC for one of Jay Cutler's few NFL friends Rogers(He and Jay formed a bond when his younger brother chose to attend Vandy)and would make him more receptive to his input. Again with the age of this roster and a win now attitude his age should not matter because if guys like Billick, and Holmgren are being considered,then so should he.With Greg Jennings being a UFA after this season maybe he could help lure him here to team with Marshall and Jeffrey forming a trio that would strike fear in opponents.


Perry Fewell former DB coach here has transformed Giants defense into a top notch pass rushing unit and I would love to see what he could do with the current talent on this roster.I would believe he would probably retain just about all of the defensive assistants except Babich who will probably follow Lovie wherever he lands.


Dave Toub the only current staff member who has earned the right to interview for the job with his units perennially ranking in the top of the league during his tenure here. The them that I continue to stress is that the current defensive assistants be retained especially Marinelli and Hoke.


Brian Kelly is the only college coach I would consider and Emery's recipe of "cinergy" would be fuffilled with this candidate and then he wouldn't have to worry about any of us caring about what kind of language he uses as long as the results lead to contending for championships. His track record on his previous stops prior to Notre Dame shows his ability to build a winner.

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